Using the solution

Using multiple cameras, with dedicated ML models, triggered simultaneously

In some situations, you may need to inspect multiple angles or faces of the product.

In practice this means connecting multiple cameras to the solution, and running inspection on them simultaneously.

This section shows how to configure such a multi-cam scenario.

The example uses two cameras, but the same scaling principles should work for a larger number of cameras, as long as the server has enough resources (RAM, storage space, CPU or GPU model acceleration resources etc) to scale the number of camera client containers.

Objective: deploy an inspection station which uses two cameras. Each camera has its own, dedicated camera client application, and its own ML model, trained for that specific camera angle. Then trigger inspection on all cameras simultaneously, and collect all inference results.

In other words, you will have a 1:1:1 mapping running on the edge server:

  • Camera 1 is connected camera client 1 which uses ML model 1
  • Camera 2 is connected camera client 2 which uses ML model 2
  • and so on, if more simultaneous camera angles are needed.

Then youj will trigger all the cameras at the same time and collect all their inference results in a common message queue and/or in BigQuery.

Follow the steps below to deploy a multi-cam setup:

  1. Deploy the first camera, first camera client application and first ML model

    Follow all the previous sections from Connecting cameras until Triggering inspection remotely with an MQTT command as per normal. After completing all the steps, you now have 1 camera, with 1 client application, 1 ML model deployed for that camera, and you are able to trigger inspection with the first camera using MQTT. The first camera is now done.

  2. Deploy the second camera client pod

    Run on Setup Workstation

    • Find the first camera client’s YAML file viai-camera-integration.yaml. It should be located in the $OUTPUT folder, after you have originally executed the script ​​ The script creates the camera client pod’s YAML file with your system’s specific configurations. If you do not have that file or folder any more, you can re-run the script using the same values as before. Refer to chapter Generating Visual Inspection AI Edge application assets in that case.

    • Copy the first camera client YAML for the second client with:

     cp viai-camera-integration.yaml viai-camera-integration2.yaml
    • Edit the name, app and claimName values in the second client YAML files to be non-conflicting.

    For example, add ‘2’ to the values. Here’s an example diff between the first/original and second client YAML files:

     $ diff viai-camera-integration1.yaml viai-camera-integration2.yaml
     <   name: viai-camera-config
     >   name: viai-camera-2-config
     <   name: viai-camera-data
     >   name: viai-camera-2-data
     <   name: viai-camera-1-integration
     >   name: viai-camera-2-integration
     <       app: viai-camera-1-integration
     >       app: viai-camera-2-integration
     <         app: viai-camera-1-integration
     >         app: viai-camera-2-integration
     <           - name: viai-camera-config-volume
     >           - name: viai-camera-2-config-volume
     <               claimName: viai-camera-config
     <           - name: viai-camera-data-volume
     >               claimName: viai-camera-2-config
     >           - name: viai-camera-2-data-volume
     <               claimName: viai-camera-data
     >               claimName: viai-camera-2-data
     <             name: viai-camera-config-volume
     >             name: viai-camera-2-config-volume
     <             name: viai-camera-data-volume
     >             name: viai-camera-2-data-volume
    • Deploy the second camera client

    Run on Edge Server

     kubectl apply -f viai-camera-integration2.yaml
    • Monitor the deployment to make sure all the components are running correclty
     watch -n 2 kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods
    • Login to the second client container
     kubectl exec -it viai-camera-integration-2-xyz -n ${NAMESPACE} -- /bin/bash
    • Connect the second, new camera to the same LAN as the server, or to the server directly.

    • Follow the steps in the chapter Connecting cameras to discover, connect to, and test the new, second camera.

  3. Follow the steps in the chapters from: Collecting and uploading training images until Running the model locally with a live camera feed.

    Note: please export the second ML model with CPU acceleration. At the moment, the scaling works with either all models running on the CPU, or with one model using the GPU, and the other model(s) using the CPU.

    By following the chapters listed here, you will:

    • Collect training images from the new camera 2
    • Train a new ML model for camera 2
    • Deploy the camera 2 model to the server
    • Test the new ML model 2 with camera 2 using client 2

    At this stage, you should have now 2 camera client pods running, as well as 2 ML model deployments and services running

  4. Run both camera clients and trigger all cameras’ inspection simultaneously

    Run on Edge Server

    • Check that you have 2 camera clients and 2 ML models running
     kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods

    The output should be similar to this:

     NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
     model-mvp2-cpu-1-deployment-785b6f7c5f-jsjlt   1/1     Running   0              110m
     model-mvp2-cpu-2-deployment-554497cb7f-hnfmq   1/1     Running   0              110m
     mosquitto-6cd7759497-hcgp9                     1/1     Running   3 (154m ago)   7d18h
     viai-camera-1-integration-856b878856-8f7js     1/1     Running   0              102m
     viai-camera-2-integration-6fcc7b4b5c-6hzv6     1/1     Running   0              107m

    Take note of the names of the pods for camera integration.

    In the example above, viai-camera-1-integration-856b878856-8f7js and viai-camera-2-integration-6fcc7b4b5c-6hzv6

    • Check that both deployments are running
     kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods

    The output should be similar to this:

     NAME                          READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
     model-mvp2-cpu-1-deployment   1/1     1            1           111m
     model-mvp2-cpu-2-deployment   1/1     1            1           111m
     mosquitto                     1/1     1            1           7d18h
     viai-camera-1-integration     1/1     1            1           102m
     viai-camera-2-integration     1/1     1            1           107m
    • Cehck that you have both services runnint
     kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get services

    The output should be similar to this:

     NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)             AGE
     model-mvp2-cpu-1   ClusterIP   <none>         8602/TCP,8603/TCP   111m
     model-mvp2-cpu-2   ClusterIP   <none>         8602/TCP,8603/TCP   111m
     mosquitto          LoadBalancer   1883:30522/TCP      7d18h

    Take note also of the names of each service (model-mvp2-cpu-1 and model-mvp2-cpu-2)

    • Login to each camera client.

    Following the same names as in the example above:

     kubectl exec -it viai-camera-1-integration-856b878856-8f7js -n ${NAMESPACE} -- /bin/bash
     kubectl exec -it viai-camera-2-integration-6fcc7b4b5c-6hzv6  -n ${NAMESPACE} -- /bin/bash
    • In the shell of camera 1, start the app in daemon mode

    In this example, the app is using camera 1 (USB in this example), calling ML model 1, listens for MQTT triggers for starting inspection, and posts the inference results to MQTT.

     python3 --protocol usb --address /dev/video0 --device_id logitech --ml \
         --ml_host model-mvp2-cpu-1 --ml_port 8602 --mode mqtt_sub --mqtt --mqtt_host ${MQTT_HOST}
    • In the shell of camera 2, start the app in daemon mode

    In this example, the app is using camera 2 (RTSP in this example), calling ML model 2, listens for the same MQTT trigger message as client 1, and also posts its inference results to the same MQTT topic as client 1

     python3 --protocol rtsp --address rtsp:// --device_id nexcom --ml \
         --ml_host model-mvp2-cpu-2 --ml_port 8602 --mode mqtt_sub --mqtt --mqtt_host ${MQTT_HOST}
    • In a new console window, on another host such as your laptop, start monitoring the MQTT inference results topic

    (The IP address is the external IP of the mosquitto service)

     mosquitto_sub -h -t viai/results
    • In another window, send the inspection trigger MQTT message to both camera clients simultaneously
     mosquitto_pub -h -t viai/commands -m get_frame

    If everything is configured correctly, both camera client windows should display something similar to

     MQTT command received: get_frame
     {'predictionResult': {'annotationsGroups'..'predictionLatency': '0.024179821s'}
     Transmitting ML inference results to local MQTT
     Local MQTT transmit complete

    And the mosquitto_sub window should display two inspection result payloads:

     {"predictionResult":.."annotationSpecDisplayName": "defect"}]}]}, "predictionLatency": "0.024179821s"}
     {"predictionResult":.."annotationSpecDisplayName": "defect"}]}]}, "predictionLatency": "0.027308149s"}