
Creating VIAI Assets for multiple camera applications

If your edge server will connect to multiple cameras, you’ll need multiple camera application PODs. You can use optional arguments to generate Kubernetes deployment for multiple cameras.

Run on Setup Workstation

./scripts/ \
    -m "${MEMBERSHIP}" \
    -i "${K8S_RUNTIME}" \
    -Y "${REPO_TYPE}" \
    -p "${DEFAULT_PROJECT}" \
    -r "1-3" \ # Camera Id: camera-1, camera-2, camera-3
    -x \       # DO not rebuild container image
    -t "" # Container image location


  • -r Numeric IDs separated by “-”. For example, -r “1-3” tells the script to generate camera applications with ID of viai-camera-integration-1, viai-camera-integration-2 and viai-camera-integration-3.
  • -x If this flag is set, the script will only generate Camera application deployment yaml files. It will NOT recreate ImagePullSecrets and other application assets.
  • -t Tell the script to use the image URL instead of recreating the camera application container image. -x MUST be set for -t to work.