Using the solution

Automatic deployment options

There are two different automatic deployment options:

  • Using Config Sync
  • Using Eventarc, Cloud Workflow and Cloud Deploy

Updating Deployed Application Containers using Anthos Config Sync

Config Sync is an open source tool that lets cluster operators and platform administrators deploy consistent configurations and policies. This step is not mandatory, but setup Anthos Config Sync allows Anthos to monitor applications running on the edge server and apply required policies to the edge server.

This is also an automatic way to deploy new application images to edge services, Anthos will periodically check if the application is running and try to bring it up if it’s not.


  • You must already have a Kubernetes cluster attached to Anthos, or have an Anthos Bare Metal cluster configured.
  • Enable Anthos Config-Sync feature. If you provisioned the Cloud Resources via Terraform, this feature is enabled already.
  • Create a Service Account and a Source Repository, and grant the service account required access. If you provisioned the Cloud Resources via Terraform, this service account and Source Repository is created and configured already.

Configure Anthos Config Sync

Run on Setup Workstation

  1. Grant viai-acm-repo-reader service account the role iam.workloadIdentiyUSer

     export SOURCE_REPO_NAME=acm-repo
     export SVC_ACCOUNT=viai-acm-repo-reader@${DEFAULT_PROJECT}
     gcloud config set project $DEFAULT_PROJECT
     gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
         --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
         --member "serviceAccount:${DEFAULT_PROJECT}[config-management-system/root-reconciler]" \


    • DEFAULT_PROJECT is the GCP project ID
    • SOURCE_REPO_NAME is the Source Repository name, defaults to acm-repo
    • SVC_ACCOUNT is the service account, defaults to viai-acm-repo-reader@${PROJECT_ID}
  2. Push the Kubernetes manifest files to the Source Repository.

     export WORKING_DIR=$(pwd)
     cd ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}
     gcloud source repos clone acm-repo --project=kalschi-viai-20221207-005
     cp -r ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/kubernetes/* ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/acm-repo
     cd ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/acm-repo/
     git add .
     git commit -m "update"
     git push
     cd ${WORKING_DIR}


    • SOURCE_CODE_FOLDER_PATH contains the kubernetes manifest files generated by previous steps
    • GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL the user email of Anthos administrator. This user will be assigned required roles to configure the Anthos.
    • OUTPUT_FOLDER the folder which contains Visual Inspection AI Edge application yaml files.
  3. In the Google Cloud console, navigate to ‘Anthos’ -> ‘Config Management’

    Anthos Config Management

  4. Create a New Setup

    New Setup

  5. Select your cluster to set up Config Sync, then click Next

    Select Cluster

  6. Skip the policy controller setup page

    Policy Controller

  7. In the next screen, select Custom repository

    Custom Repository

  8. Expand the ‘Advanced’ section, type in the repository URL.

    It should be in this format:<PROJECT_ID>/r/acm-repo

    Enter repository URL

  9. Select Workload Identity in the ‘Authentication type’ dropdown and add the service account you previously created as ‘GCP Service Account Email’

    The service account should be similar to viai-acm-repo-reader@<PROJECT_ID>

    Authentication and SA

  10. Leave the rest of the fields with the default values and click ‘Complete’

  11. After a few minutes you should see Config Sync statys ‘Synced’

    Sync Status

Automatic deployment with Eventarc, Cloud Workflow and Cloud Deploy

This deployment pipeline provides default service templates for the most common use cases. You can update the template files to fit your needs.

Pipeline Schema

This deployment pipeline does the following:

  • Monitor if a new container image is pushed to the Artifacts Registry.
  • Eventarc Trigger triggers a workflow when new images are pushed.
  • The workflow triggers the Cloud Deploy delivery pipeline.
  • The delivery pipeline downloads Skaffold and Kubernetes manifest files from Storage Bucket, renders results and creates a Cloud Deploy Release.
    • The service name is set to the image name by default. You can change this by customizing the pipeline.

Customize the Kubernetes manifests

You can customize the deployment and service by modifying the Skaffold and Kubernetes YAML files.

  • Default template files
    • Kubernetes service template files are in kubernetes/viai-model/viai-model.tmpl
    • Skaffold template files are in kubernetes/viai-model/skaffold.tmpl
  • Update kubernetes/viai-model/viai-model.yaml, replace ${SERVICE_NAME} with the container image name.

For example, if the Visual Inspection AI trained model container image is stored at The SERVICE_NAME should be my-viai-model

Run on Setup Workstation

  • Update Skaffold and Kubernetes manifest files, compress as .tat.gz file and upload to Cloud Storage Bucket

    cd ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/kubernetes/viai-model
    tar -czf "${OUTPUT_FOLDER}"/"${SERVICE_NAME}".tar.gz \
      -C "${OUTPUT_FOLDER}" viai-model.yaml skaffold.yaml
    gsutil cp "${OUTPUT_FOLDER}"/"${SERVICE_NAME}".tar.gz gs://${DEFAULT_PROJECT}_cloudbuild/viai-models/${SERVICE_NAME}.tar.gz


    • OUTPUT_FOLDER The folder which contains skaffold.yaml and viai-model.yaml
    • SERVICE_NAME The name of the service which will be created in the target edge server, this value should equals to container image name, For example, if the Visual Inspection AI trained model container image is store at The SERVICE_NAME should be my-viai-model

Customize the Workflow

The deployment pipeline creates a Cloud Workflow to invoke and kick-off a Cloud Deploy delivery pipeline.

Run on Setup Workstation

The Cloud Workflow definition is in terraform/model-deployment-pipeline/

resource "google_workflows_workflow" "event-trigger-destination" {
    for_each    = toset(var.image_name)
    name    = "workflow-${each.key}-${var.anthos_target_cluster_membership}"
    project = var.google_viai_project_id
    region  = var.google_default_region
    source_contents = <<-EOF

The Cloud Deploy Deliver pipeline definition is defined in terraform/model-deployment-pipeline/

resource "google_clouddeploy_target" "dev" {
    for_each    = toset(var.image_name)
    location        = var.google_default_region
    name            = "${each.key}-${var.anthos_target_cluster_membership}"
    project         = var.google_viai_project_id
    anthos_cluster {
        membership = "projects/${var.google_viai_project_id}/locations/global/memberships/${var.anthos_target_cluster_membership}"
    require_approval    = false
    execution_configs {
        usages          = [ "RENDER", "DEPLOY" ]
        service_account  = "viai-abm-service@${var.google_viai_project_id}"

Update the deployment pipeline

Run on Setup Workstation

When you provision the Google Cloud resources, add -e ${ANTHOS-MEMBERSHIP-NAME} and execute the script.

A default deployment pipeline that deploys applications to the Anthos cluster specified is automatically created for you. You can update the pipeline to fit your business needs.

For example:


scripts/ \
  -a \
  -g \
  -r "${DEFAULT_REGION}" \
  -z "${DEFAULT_ZONE}" \
  -e "${MEMBERSHIP}" \

To update the deployment pipeline. Update the google_workflows_workflow resource defined in ${VIAI_PROVISION_FOLDER}/terraform/model-deployment-pipeline/ And re-run the provision script again.

Promote Model Release

When new models are trained and published to the Artifact Registry. The EventArc triggers Cloud Workflow and deploys the new model to the edge server.

Go to Cloud Deploy console, you should see a new release been created, to deploy the model to the edge server, you just need to promote the release.

Promote Model Release