Using the solution

Batch processing inference against a set of image files

The client application also supports batch processing, as a handy way to test trained ML models against a large set of images. In batch processing mode, the flow is as follows:

  • The user prepares a set of images to run inference against. These are typically images saved from the camera earlier, with known labels - i.e, known to be good and known to be defective examples
  • The user stores the images on the VIAI Edge server, in a directory that the camera client application can access
  • The user runs the camera client in batch mode against the root directory that contains the images
  • The application finds all image files inside the directory and its subdirectories
  • The application forwards each image in turn to the VIAI ML model and gets the inference results
  • Optionally, the inference results can be forwarded to an MQTT message queue, to be received by another host and/or for the results to be redirected to a text file for further analysis

The following steps will run batch mode inference against a set of images.

Run on Edge Server

  1. Log in to the VIAI Edge server as user viai-admin

  2. Check which physical volumes are mounted to the camera application

     kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods
     kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} describe pod viai-edge-camera-integration-<suffix>
     kukbectl describe pv <pv-id>

    You should see a mount point similar to: /mnt/localpv-share/pvs/3/ which is mounted as /var/lib/viai/camera-data inside the camera client container.

  3. Copy your testing image dataset to the VIAI Edge server, to the directory found above

  4. Login to the container

     kubectl exec -it viai-camera-integration -- /bin/bash
  5. Verify that the container can see the image files

     ls -l /var/lib/viai/camera-data/
  6. (Reccomended) On another host, start receiving ML inference results, by subscribing to an MQTT topic

    Run on Setup Workstation

     mosquitto_sub -h -t viai/results

    Where is the IP address of the mosquitto service running in Kubernetes on the same server.

    You can find the mosquitto service IP and ML model service name with:

     kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get services
  7. Start batch processing all images in the dataset, and forwarding the inference results to MQTT

    Run on Edge Server

     python3 --protocol file --address /var/lib/viai/camera-data/good/ --device_id good_batch --ml \
         --ml_host <ml-model-service-name> --ml_port 8602 --mode batch --mqtt --mqtt_host ${MQTT_HOST}

    You should see the camera application iterate through all the input files, and in the second host mosquitto_sub window, you should start receiving the ML model inference result JSON records.

    You can redirect the results to a text file on the second host, by modifying the mosquitto_sub command as follows:

     mosquitto_sub -h -t viai/results >> good_batch_model-version-xyz.txt