
Provisioning the Google Cloud backend

Creating a Google Cloud project

  1. Create a Google Cloud project to provision the necessary resources into.
  2. Enable billing for the Google Cloud project.
  3. Request access to the Visual Inspection AI service through your Google Cloud sales channels

Provisioning resources in the Google Cloud project

Before you provision cloud resources, you must take into account the Google Cloud resources locations. At the time of writing this document, Visual Inspection AI is only available in us-central1 and europe-west4 regions.

Note: If you are planning to deploy the VIAI Edge solution in sandbox, add the -x flag at the end of the following command. The script will provision a GCE instance with a T4 GPU to be used as a sandbox. See instructions below.

Run on Setup Worksation

In the setup workstation (your Linux or macOS), execute the following tasks:

  1. Clone the VIAI Edge cloud project and switch to the source folder:

     git clone
     cd solutions-viai-edge-provisioning-configuration
     mkdir tmp
  2. Initialize the environment variables

     export DEFAULT_PROJECT=<your-project-id>
     export DEFAULT_REGION=us-central1
     export DEFAULT_ZONE=us-central1-a
     export GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL=<Your GCP Anthos Administrator email>


    • DEFAULT_PROJECT is the ID of the Google Cloud project to provision the resources to deploy the solution.
    • DEFAULT_REGION is the default region where to provision resources. Please see the Supported Cloud Regions section for recommendations.
    • DEFAULT_ZONE is the default zone where to provision the optional sandbox VM. A value for the zone has to be provided but the zone will only be used for the optional sandbox VM.
    • VIAI_STORAGE_BUCKET_LOCATION is the location where to create the Cloud Storage buckets.
    • GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL is the user email of Anthos administrator. This user will be assigned required roles to configure Anthos Bare Metal.
  3. Ensure that you have the Docker daemon running

     docker run hello-world

    If the command finishes successfully, you can proceed with the next step. Otherwise, make sure you troubleshoot Docker before continuing.

  4. Provision Google Cloud resources in your project.

     scripts/ \
     -a \
     -g \
     -p "${DEFAULT_PROJECT}" \
     -r "${DEFAULT_REGION}" \
     -z "${DEFAULT_ZONE}" \

    When prompted by Terraform, review the proposed changes and confirm by answering yes.

    Note: If you are demoing/testing the solution and you don’t have physical servers where you will deploy the edge components, you can launch the script with the -x flag. The scrpit will create a sandbox VM on GCE with a T4 GPU attached that you will be able to use to demo/test the solution:

     scripts/ \
     -a \
     -g \
     -p "${DEFAULT_PROJECT}" \
     -r "${DEFAULT_REGION}" \
     -z "${DEFAULT_ZONE}" \

    You can check the different flags used in the script by running

     scripts/ -h

    The -g flag instructs the script to generate the terraform.tfvars file. You can optionally choose not to use the -g flag and create the file manually instead of letting the script generate it for you. The file should be in the following format:

     google_default_region = "${DEFAULT_REGION}"
     google_default_zone = "${DEFAULT_ZONE}"
     google_viai_project_id = "${DEFAILT_PROJECT}"
     viai_storage_buckets_location = "EU | US | ASIA"
     google_cloud_console_user_email = ""
     cloud_function_source_path = "<CLOUD FUNCTION SOURCE ZIP PATH>"
     anthos_target_cluster_membership = [“ANTHOS MEMBERSHIP NAME 1", “ANTHOS MEMBERSHIP NAME 2"]
     create_sandbox = "true | false"


    • google_default_region is the default region to provision resources.
    • google_default_zone is the default zone to provision resources.
    • google_viai_project_id is the ID of the Google Cloud project to provision the resources.
    • viai_storage_buckets_location is the location where to create the Cloud Storage buckets.
    • google_cloud_console_user_email is the user email of Anthos administrator. This user will be assigned required roles to configure the Anthos
    • cloud_function_source_path is the path to the zipped file with the Cloud Function source code. The source code can be found at ssh://<your-email-address> branch: main by default. Cloud Function codes are in the cf folder. Access to this private repository will be granted upon request. Contact your Google Cloud sales representative.
    • anthos_target_cluster_membership:
      • Anthos membership names, an array of strings. For example: [“member1", “member2"]. The membership names are names that will be registered to Anthos to identify your edge servers.
      • This variable can be set to [] if this is your first time running and you only want to provision cloud resources and do not want to configure any edge servers related services at the moment.
    • create_sandbox set to true if you want to provision sandbox GCE VMs, otherwise set to false.

    The Terraform script performs the following:

    • Provisions cloud resources in the specified Google Cloud project, including:
      • Google Cloud resources listed earlier.
      • A GCE instance attached to a T4 GPU and VPC network if you choose to create a sandbox with the -x flag.
      • Create and download two service account key files into the ${VIAI_PROVISIONING_FOLDER}/tmp folder. They will be used in following configuration steps.

At this point the required Google Cloud services are provisioned and ready to use.

There are some optional customizations that you can do in your environment. You should be able to continue the instalation without any changes, but they are documented here for your reference.