Exporting the model to the edge server

After you export the model container, the next step is to deploy the model container to the edge server.

If this is the first time you use the solution, we suggest you to manually deploy the model container to get familiar with what technologies and components are behind the scenes.

Once you are familiar with the manual deployment, you can theck the other automatic deployment options available: Anthos Config Sync or Cloud Deploy.

Manual Deploy

Run on Setup Workstation

  1. In the setup workstation (your Linux or macOS), run the following commands to deploy the container with the model and an associated service.

    You might have to declare again the VIAI_PROVISION_FOLDER enviroment variable, pointing at where the VIAI Edge repository was cloned.

    Choose a name for your model, which will be used in the Kubernetes deployment and export it as SERVICE NAME.

     cd ${VIAI_PROVISION_FOLDER}/kubernetes/viai-model
     export SERVICE_NAME=<your model name>
  2. Update kubernetes/viai-model/viai-model.yaml.tmpl with the model container URI from the previous section

     apiVersion: apps/v1
     kind: Deployment
         name: ${SERVICE_NAME}-deployment
         namespace: viai-edge
             gcp-managed-by: ${SERVICE_NAME}
             mledge-deployment: ${SERVICE_NAME}
             app: ${SERVICE_NAME}
                 app: ${SERVICE_NAME}
                 - name: regcred
             - image: viai-inference-module
                 imagePullPolicy: Always
                 name: viai-inference-module
                 - containerPort: 8602


    • viai-inference-module should be replaced with the model container URI
    • SERVICE_NAME is the name of your VIAI ML model
  3. Connect to the Anthos Bare Metal cluster

     gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials ${MEMBERSHIP}


    • MEMBERSHIP was defined in the previous sections and contains the name of the ABM cluster where you want to deploy the model container. The default value is anthos-server.

    The output should be similar to this:

     A new kubeconfig entry "connectgateway_project_id_global_anthos-server-xyz" has been generated and set as the current context.
  4. Deploy the model

     envsubst < ./viai-model.yaml.tmpl | kubectl apply -f -
  5. Check that the deployment pods are being started in the edge server

    If haven’t done before, export the NAMESPACE variable (default value is viai-edge).

     export NAMESPACE=<your namespace>
     kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE

    It might take a few minutes for the container to be pulled from the registry. When the deployment pod is ready, it will appear in the output like this:

     mledge-deployment-7bf7889c8f-bqxld                    1/1     Running     1 (1m ago)   2m
  6. Check that all the deployments are ready

     kubectl get deployments -n $NAMESPACE

    The output should be similar to (the name of the deployment will be your SERVICE_NAME):

     NAME                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
     mosquitto               1/1     1            1           45h
     viai-model-deployment   1/1     1            1           40m
  7. Check that the inference service is present

     kubectl get service ${SERVICE_NAME} -n $NAMESPACE

    The output should be similar to:

     NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
     viai-model   ClusterIP   <none>        8602/TCP         38m


    • CLUSTER-IP is the IP address at which the Pod is listening to.
    • PORT(S) is the main inference serving port

    Take note of these values, since you’ll need them later. This is the address where the ML model service is available.


You have successfuly deployed your ML model and the VIAI Edge solution is ready to use.

At this point the ML model has been deployed successfuly to the edge server. You can continue to the next section to check different ways to use the VIAI Edge solution

Table of contents