
Creating VIAI Assets

This procedure performs the following steps:

  1. Clones the latest version of Visual Inspection AI Camera Application from a source repository.
  2. Uses Kaniko to build Visual Inspection AI Camera Application container images and push the image to the remote private container registry.
  3. Pushes the required container images to a private repository.
  4. Creates image pull secrets and Pub/Sub credential secrets.
  5. Updates Kubernetes manifest files.

Note: The script pulls Visual Inspection AI Edge Application source code from the default source repository If you have another source repository, you must first authenticate to that source repository before running the following scripts.

Follow the steps below to create the application assets:

Build the application and push the image to your container registry.

Run on Setup Workstation

In the setup workstation (your Linux or macOS), review the env variables and update as needed:

Note: you should use the same shell session in the setup workstation that you used to create the Cloud assets in the previous step. If for any reason you have closed the terminal, make sure that you export again the env variables from the previous step before continuing.

export ANTHOS_SVC_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH=$(pwd)/tmp/service-account-key.json
export K8S_RUNTIME="anthos"
export MEMBERSHIP=${K8S_RUNTIME}-server
export REPO_TYPE="ArtifactRegistry"
export VIAI_SVC_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH=$(pwd)/tmp/viai-camera-integration-client_service_account_key-service-account-key.json

Launch the script to generate the VIAI assets:

./scripts/ \
    -m "${MEMBERSHIP}" \
    -i "${K8S_RUNTIME}" \
    -Y "${REPO_TYPE}" \
    -p "${DEFAULT_PROJECT}" \


  • ANTHOS_SVC_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH is the service account key file path for Anthos. It was generated in the previous step and a key file was downloaded to $(pwd)/tmp/service-account-key.json
  • REPO_TYPE Can be one of the following:
    • Private for a Private container registry
    • GCR for Google Cloud Container Registry
    • ArtifactRegistry for Google Cloud Artifact Registry.
  • CONTAINER_REPO_HOST Required if REPO_TYPE is Private. If you use Container Registry, use the below table to specify a valid hostname:
Visual Inspection AI Region Hostname
  • CONTAINER_REPO_USER Required if REPO_TYPE is Private, the username of private container registry.
  • CONTAINER_REPO_PASSWORD Required if REPO_TYPE is Private, the password of private container registry.
    • If REPO_TYPE is Private, the registry name of the Container Registry.
    • If REPO_TYPE is GCR, this value should equal to ${DEFAULT_PROJECT}.
  • CONTAINER_BUILD_METHOD Must be GCP, instruct the script to submit Visual Inspection AI Edge solution codes to Cloud Build to build the container image.
  • DEFAULT_PROJECT the ID of the Google Cloud project to provision the resources to complete this installation.
  • DEFAULT_REGION Default Google Cloud Region.
  • GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL User’s email. This user will be granted gateway RBAC and required roles to access Anthos Cluster. Will be ignored if ${GENERATE_ATTACH_CLUSTER_SCRIPT} is false.
  • K8S_RUNTIME Must be anthos.
  • MEMBERSHIP Anthos membership name. This is the name that will be used in Anthos console to represent the edge server.
  • VIAI_SVC_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH VIAI service account key, The Terraform script in the previous step downloaded the service account key to ./tmp/viai-camera-integration-client_service_account_key-service-account-key.json folder.

After the script completes, you shoud see an output similar to this.

Important: Take note of the output folder where the assets have been generated. You will need this later.

  1.6.15: digest: sha256:abc6b06c4b65adca0d1330e6ef58f795c77c22a0229ba8e465014acfaab451b3 size: 946
  Push eclipse-mosquitto:1.6.15 to
  [OK]: optional name of the membership register to Anthos value is defined: anthos-server
  Cleaning the authentication information...
  [Generating Assets] Completed.

  VIAI application assets have been generated at: /tmp/tmp.39xMkl1xDm

In the example above, output folder would be /tmp/tmp.39xMkl1xDm.

The output folder has the following structure:

  ├── kubernetes
  │   ├── mosquitto.yaml
  │   ├── namespace.yaml
  │   ├── secret_image_pull.yaml
  │   ├── secret_pubsub.yaml
  │   └── viai-camera-integration.yaml
  ├── scripts
  │   ├──
  │   ├──
  │   ├──
  │   ├──
  │   └──
  └── service-account-key.json


  • kubernetes folder containes the required kubernetes manifest files to deploy the VIAI application.
  • scripts folder contains the required scripts to set up the edge server.

Verify if the Kubernetes manifest files and scripts are correctly generated. These scripts will be copied to the target server in later steps and executed there to provision the server.

If your environment will have multiple cameras, please use this guide to create assets for this particular case.

Creating Kubernetes setup assets

By default, the Anthos installation requires you to allocate IP addresses for Control Plane and Load Balancer. It is out of the scope of this document to show how to design and manage IP addresses allocation. Please refer to the Anthos Network Requirements and the Set up Load Balancer guides for details.

This is an example table for IP addresses allocation:

Variable name Use Sample IP address
CP_VIP Control Plane VIP.
You must use the server’s host OS primary NIC IP.
Must be configured over DHCP manual allocation with the
correct MAC address of the primary NIC.
(must be the same IP as the server host OS primary IP)
LB_CP_VIP The destination IP address to be used for traffic sent
to the Kubernetes control plane.
These IPs must NOT be reachable during Anthos setup.
Must be in the same subnet as CP_VIP.
INGRESS_VIP The IP address to be used for Services behind the
load balancer for ingress traffic.
This IP must NOT be reachable during Anthos setup.
Must be the first IP address of LB_ADDRESS_RANGE.
Must be in the same subnet as CP_VIP.
LB_ADDRESS_RANGE One IP range of contiguous IP addresses (minimum 2 IPs but 4 IPs is recommended)
These IPs must NOT be reachable during Anthos setup.

Note: If you used the -x flag in the previous step to create a sandbox machine, the Terraform script will create a GCE VM with the IP address The suggested IPs in this particular case would be:

Variable IP

Once you have allocated the required IP addresses, run the scripts below to generate the Kubernetes set up assets.

Note: you should use the same shell session in your setup workstation that you used to create the Cloud assets in the previous step and the VIAI application assets above. If for any reason you have closed the terminal, make sure that you export again the env variables from the previous step and from above before continuing.

Review and modify the environment variables for your particular deployment:

export OUTPUT_FOLDER=<OUTPUT FOLDER noted on previous step>
export CP_VIP=
export LB_CP_VIP=

Then, run:

Run on Setup Workstation

./scripts/ \
    -G $(pwd)/tmp/service-account-key.json \
    -A $(pwd)/tmp/service-account-key.json \
    -S $(pwd)/tmp/service-account-key.json \
    -C $(pwd)/tmp/service-account-key.json \
    -k  $(pwd)/tmp/service-account-key.json \
    -r ${DEFAULT_REGION} \
    -m ${MEMBERSHIP} \
    -o ${OUTPUT_FOLDER} \
    -i ${K8S_RUNTIME} \
    -x \
    -V ${CP_VIP} \
    -I ${INGRESS_VIP} \
    -L ${LB_CP_VIP} \
    -u ${GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL} 2>&1 | tee log-1.log


  • -x Uses physical IP addresses for the configuration.
  • DEFAULT_PROJECT Google Cloud Project name.
  • DEFAULT_REGION Default Google Cloud region.
  • GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL User’s email. This user will be granted gateway RBAC and required roles to access Anthos Cluster. Will be ignored if ${GENERATE_ATTACH_CLUSTER_SCRIPT} is false.
  • K8S_RUNTIME Kubernetes runtime, must be anthos.
  • MEMBERSHIP Anthos Membership name. This is the name that will be registered to Anthos to identify your edge server.
  • OUTPUT_FOLDER VIAI Application assets folder path, usually is the output of the previous step.

You can also use the -h flag to display all the possible options available.

This script:

  • Checks if the specified runtime folder exists. The path to the specific Kubernetes runtime should be “${VIAI_PROVISIONING_FOLDER}"/edge-server/<RUNTIME> (runtime is anthos).
  • Passes input arguments to the script in the runtime folder to generate additional required scripts to set up the edge server. This includes:
    • Generate scripts to install required packages, such as the NVIDIA GPU driver, gcloud command-line tool, docker, etc.
    • Update template files with the specified environment variables.

After the script runs, the console will show details about the asset creation. All assets created are stored in the $OUTPUT_PATH folder.

  Copying Anthos Bare Metal template file...
  Copy dependecies installation scripts...
  Node setup scripts have been generated at /tmp/tmp.39xMkl1xDm/edge-server

The $OUTPUT_PATH will have a structure similar to this:

  ├── anthos-service-account-key.json
  ├── bmctl-physical-template.yaml
  ├── cloud-ops-account-key.json
  ├── config-section.toml
  ├── gcr-service-account-key.json
  ├── gke-connect-angent-account-key.json
  ├── gke-connect-register-account-key.json

All the VIAI Edge assets are ready. You can continue to the next step, deploy the VIAI Edge solution in the edge server.