Quick Start

The minimal operation of this Python-based ext_proc server requires the grpcio python package as well as the protobuf generator tool [buf].

The preferred method of installation is through a virtual environment, venv.


  1. Virtual Environment Setup:

    cd service-extensions/callouts/python
    python -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
  2. Install Packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install buf:

    Install buf from here.

  4. Generate Proto Files:

    The proto library files are generated with buf using:

    buf -v generate \
      https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy.git#subdir=api \
      --path envoy/service/ext_proc/v3/external_processor.proto \

    The default template file buf.gen.yaml will not generate pyright compatible proto stubs.

    If you plan to develop callouts with a similar type checker and not just build them, we suggest you run the command with the alternative development template using --template=buf_dev.gen.yaml:

    buf -v generate \
      https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy.git#subdir=api \
      --path envoy/service/ext_proc/v3/external_processor.proto \
      --include-imports --template=buf_dev.gen.yaml

    You may need to run python -m pip uninstall ./protodef after re-generating the proto files to get the linter to update.

    The proto files are then installed as a local package:

    python -m pip install ./protodef

    We install the proto files as a local package to allow for absolute imports within the generated python code.

Running the Server

Start example servers from the extproc/example/<...> submodules. For example, start the grpc service_callout_example server with:

python -m extproc.example.grpc.service_callout_example

The server will run until interrupted (e.g., with Ctrl-C).


Examples for various styles of callout servers are located under extproc/example/.