Callout Tools

Callout Tools

Library of commonly used methods within a callout server.

callouts.python.extproc.service.callout_tools.add_body_mutation(body: str | None = None, clear_body: bool = False, clear_route_cache: bool = False) envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.BodyResponse[source]

Generate a BodyResponse for incoming callouts.

body and clear_body are mutually exclusive, if body is set, clear_body will be ignored. If both body and clear_body are left as default, the incoming callout’s body will not be modified.

  • body – Body text to replace the current body of the incomming callout.

  • clear_body – If true, will clear the body of the incomming callout.

  • clear_route_cache – If true, will enable clear_route_cache on the generated BodyResponse.


A configured body mutation response with the specified modifications.

Return type:


callouts.python.extproc.service.callout_tools.add_command_line_args() ArgumentParser[source]

Adds command line args that can be passed to the CalloutServer constructor.


Configured argument parser with callout server options.

Return type:


callouts.python.extproc.service.callout_tools.add_header_mutation(add: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, remove: list[str] | None = None, clear_route_cache: bool = False, append_action: envoy.config.core.v3.base_pb2.HeaderValueOption.HeaderAppendAction | None = None) envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.HeadersResponse[source]

Generate a HeadersResponse mutation for incoming callouts.

  • add – A list of tuples representing headers to add or replace.

  • remove – List of header strings to remove from the callout.

  • clear_route_cache – If true, will enable clear_route_cache on the generated HeadersResponse.

  • append_action – Supported actions types for header append action.


A configured header mutation response with the specified modifications.

Return type:


callouts.python.extproc.service.callout_tools.body_contains(http_body: envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.HttpBody, body: str) bool[source]

Check the body for the presence of a substring.


body – Body substring to look for.


True if http_body contains expected_body, false otherwise.

callouts.python.extproc.service.callout_tools.deny_callout(context, msg: str | None = None) None[source]

Denies a gRPC callout, optionally logging a custom message.

  • context (grpc.ServicerContext) – The gRPC service context.

  • msg (str, optional) – Custom message to log before denying the callout. Also logged to warning. If no message is specified, defaults to “Callout DENIED.”.


grpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED – Always raised to deny the callout.

callouts.python.extproc.service.callout_tools.header_immediate_response(code: envoy.type.v3.http_status_pb2.StatusCode, headers: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, append_action: envoy.config.core.v3.base_pb2.HeaderValueOption.HeaderAppendAction | None = None) envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.ImmediateResponse[source]

Creates an immediate HTTP response with specific headers and status code.

  • code (StatusCode) – The HTTP status code to return.

  • headers – Optional list of tuples (header, value) to include in the response.

  • append_action – Optional action specifying how headers should be appended.


Configured immediate response with the specified headers and status code.

Return type:


callouts.python.extproc.service.callout_tools.headers_contain(http_headers: envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.HttpHeaders, key: str, value: str | None = None) bool[source]

Check the headers for a matching key value pair.

If no value is specified, only checks for the presence of the header key.

  • http_headers – Headers to check.

  • key – Header key to find.

  • value – Header value to compare.


True if http_headers contains a match, false otherwise.