
Recipes and code samples for Google Cloud Service Extensions.

Service Extensions offers two types of extensions:

  • Plugin extensions: extensions that let you insert custom code inline in the networking data path. You build these plugins by using WebAssembly (Wasm) and Proxy-Wasm ABI. Plugin extensions run as Wasm modules on a Google-managed sandbox infrastructure similar to a serverless infrastructure.

    Media CDN supports plugin extensions.

    Example recipes are found in the plugins subdirectory.

  • Callout extensions: extensions that let you use Cloud Load Balancing to make gRPC calls to user-managed services during data processing. You write callout extensions against Envoy’s external processing gRPC API. Callout extensions run as general-purpose gRPC servers on user-managed compute VMs and Google Kubernetes Engine Pods on Google Cloud, multicloud, or on-premises environments.

    Cloud Load Balancing Application Load Balancers support callout extensions.

All Service Extensions allow you to insert custom code inline in the networking data path.