
Building Docker Images

The basic Docker image contains arguments for pointing to and running python modules.

Example to build extproc/example/

docker build \
    -f ./extproc/example/Dockerfile \
    -t service-callout-example-python \
    --build-arg copy_path=extproc/example/ \
    --build-arg run_module=basic_callout_server .

--build-arg specifies the following:

  • copy_path: Path of python files required on the docker image.

  • run_module: The module to run on startup.

The image copies extproc/example/ to the base directory and runs it as basic_callout_server.

Run the image:

docker run -P -it --network host service-callout-example-python:latest

In this example, using the -P flag tells docker to connect the exposed ports to the local machine’s ports. Setting --network host tells docker to connect the image to the or localhost ip address.


The docker image is set up to pass command line arguments to the module when specified. This also requires that the example is set up to use command line arguments like in

For example:

docker run -P -it --network host service-callout-example-python:latest \
    -- --combined_health_check

Will run the health check for basic_callout_server combined with the main grpc server.

Custom Docker Files

If the baseline docker file does not contain the required complexity for a given use case. A custom image can be created and branched from the provided Dockerfile. The file is internally split up into two steps, the base image and the example specific image.

For instance, the jwt_auth example requires an additional python library. The Dockerfile within that example directory installs that package as part of the image setup.

Build the base image:

docker build \
    -f ./extproc/example/Dockerfile \
    --target service-callout-common-python \
    -t service-callout-common-python .

Build the jwt_auth image:

docker build \
    -f ./extproc/example/jwt_auth/Dockerfile \
    -t service-callout-jwt-example-python .