Add Body

This module provides an example of Add Body.

class callouts.python.extproc.example.add_body.service_callout_example.CalloutServerExample(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: CalloutServer

Example callout server showing how to add text to a callout body.

For request body callouts we return a mutation to append ‘-added-body’ to the body. For response body callouts we send a mutation to replace the body with ‘new-body’.

on_request_body(body: envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.HttpBody, context: ServicerContext) envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.BodyResponse[source]

Custom processor on the request body.

  • body (service_pb2.BodyResponse) – The HTTP body received in the request.

  • context (ServicerContext) – The context object for the gRPC service.


The response containing the mutations to be applied to the request body.

Return type:


on_response_body(body: envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.HttpBody, context: ServicerContext) envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2.BodyResponse[source]

Custom processor on the response body.

  • body (service_pb2.BodyResponse) – The HTTP body received in the response.

  • context (ServicerContext) – The context object for the gRPC service.


The response containing the mutations to be applied to the response body.

Return type:
