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IAM federation tools

The iam-federation-tools repository contains open-source tools for letting workloads that run outside of Google Cloud use workload identity federation to authenticate to Google Cloud.

Token Service

Token Service The Token Service is an example implementation of a token broker that lets IoT devices and on-premises workloads authenticate to Google Cloud using credentials that workload identity federation doesn't support natively.

Workload Authenticator for Windows

Workload Authenticator for Windows (WWAuth) lets Windows applications authenticate to Google Cloud using their Active Directory Kerberos credentials.

Workload Authenticator

The tool works by chaining two token exchanges:

  1. First, WWAuth uses an application's Kerberos credentials to authenticate to Active Directory Federation Services and obtain a SAML assertion or OAuth access token.
  2. Second, it uses the AD FS-issued SAML assertion or OAuth access token and exchanges it against short-lived Google credentials by using workload identity federation.

Using WWAuth is an alternative to using service account keys and doesn't require you to manage and store any secrets or keys.