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Source Control

Cloning official RAD Lab repository

  1. Download the content to your local machine. Alternatively, you can check it out directly into Google Cloud Shell by clicking the button below.


    You will need to follow these steps to set up a GitHub Personal Access Token with repo scope.

    Open in Cloud Shell


    If you are using Windows OS make sure to deploy from Command Prompt and Run as Administrator.

  2. Decompress the download:

  3. You will need CURL & BASH. These come pre-installed in most linux terminals.

Installing Terraform / Python / gcloud libraries

  1. Navigate to the radlab-launcher folder:

    cd ./rad-lab-main/radlab-launcher
  2. Run a script to install the prerequisites:


    NOTE: Currently the deployment is supported for Python 3.7.3 and above.

    This will install:

  3. Verify the Terraform installation by running:

    terraform -help

    This should produce instructions on running terraform. If you get a command not found message, there was an error in the installation.