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Setup RAD Lab Management GCP Project

The RAD Lab Admin project will used as the the host project to deploy RAD Lab modules for your users. It will host the gcloud project config and the storage (via GCS) for Terraform state and the APIs.


Ensure 01 - Source Control and 02 - Google Cloud steps are complete before proceeding

GCS Bucket for Terraform State

Create a Cloud Storage Bucket within RAD Lab Management Project with read/write access to save the Terraform state for the entity (user or service account) spinning up the modules. This bucket is used to save state for all active deployments.

Terrafrom State

We recommend to use a GCS bucket to store Terraform state instead of storing it locally, so that multiple Cloud admins can work through deploying the modules.

IAM Permissions Prerequisites

In addition to the module specific minimum IAM permissions (listed in Each module's, entities deploying RAD Lab modules via RAD Lab Launcher will also need to have below permissions:

  • Parent: roles/iam.organizationRoleViewer [OPTIONAL: This permission is not required if no parent (organization/folder) exists]
  • RAD Lab Management Project: roles/storage.admin
  • RAD Lab Management Project: roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer

You can use the Google Cloud Console to view or change IAM permissions.