Ruby to Go Migration

What has changed in the MMv1 Go migration #

The Magic Modules code generator has been rewritten from Ruby to Go. For experienced contributors, this reference document lists what the expected changes are to the previous development workflow in Ruby.

YAML changes #

.yaml files within mmv1/products have had adjustments to the attribute typing. The initial Ruby lines !ruby/object:Api::Type::<TYPE> have been removed and replaced with a simpler type: <TYPE> line.

Old Ruby YAML

- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
  name: 'apiFieldName'
  description: |


- name: 'apiFieldName'
  type: String
  description: |

Template .erb file changes #

Template files have all been converted Embedded Ruby (ERB) templates to Go’s text/template format. All .erb files are replaced with equivalent .tmpl files. The MMv1 resource objects are passed to the Go templates for referencing, similar to the previous Ruby templates. For the list of available variables and functions within the templates, please reference:

Common templating snippets #

Version guards #

Old Ruby template

<% unless version == 'ga' -%>
// Go code here
<% end -%>

New Go template

{{- if ne $.TargetVersionName "ga" }}
// Go code here
{{- end }}

Example .tf.erb variables #

Old Ruby template

resource "google_pubsub_topic" "<%= ctx[:primary_resource_id] %>" {
  name = "<%= ctx[:vars]['topic_name'] %>"

  labels = {
    foo = "bar"

  message_retention_duration = "86600s"

New Go template

resource "google_pubsub_topic" "{{$.PrimaryResourceId}}" {
  name = "{{index $.Vars "topic_name"}}"

  labels = {
    foo = "bar"

  message_retention_duration = "86600s"

Advanced: MMv1-specific generator command #

Most contributors should use the make commands referenced in make-commands reference page to generate the downstream google and google-beta providers. The input for these commands have not changed, and have already been correctly switched over to use the new Go engine.

Some advanced contributors may be used to running the MMv1 generator commands. These commands have changed from Ruby’s bundle exec to go run.

These are not generally recommended to use

Old Ruby MMv1 generator command in mmv1/:

bundle exec compiler -e terraform -o <output directory> -v <version> -f <MMv1 provider> -p <products/productfolder>

New Go MMv1 generator command in mmv1/:

go run . --output <output directory> --version <version> --provider <MMv1 provider>

Advanced: MMv1 generator code locations #

Most previous Ruby compiler code has parallel Go code placed the same file locations. For example, the Go replacements for mmv1/compiler.rb and mmv1/provider/terraform.rb are mmv1/main.go and mmv1/provider/terraform.go respectively.