Add resource tests

Add resource tests #

This page describes how to add tests to a new resource in the google or google-beta Terraform provider.

The providers have two basic types of tests:

  • Unit tests: test specific functions thoroughly. Unit tests do not interact with GCP APIs.
  • Acceptance tests (aka VCR tests, or create and update tests): test that resources interact as expected with the APIs. Acceptance tests interact with GCP APIs, but should only test the provider’s behavior in constructing the API requests and parsing the responses.

Acceptance tests are also called “VCR tests” because they use go-vcr to record and play back HTTP requests. This allows tests to run more quickly on PRs because the resources don’t actually need to be created, updated, or destroyed by the live API.

For more information about testing, see the official Terraform documentation.

Before you begin #

  1. Determine whether your resources is using MMv1 generation or handwritten.
  2. If you are not adding tests to an in-progress PR, ensure that your magic-modules, terraform-provider-google, and terraform-provider-google-beta repositories are up to date.
    cd ~/magic-modules
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull

Add a create test #

A create test is a test that creates the target resource and immediately destroys it.

Note: All resources should have a “basic” create test, which uses the smallest possible number of fields. Additional create tests can be used to ensure all fields on the resource are used in at least one test.

  1. Add an entry to your RESOURCE_NAME.yaml file’s examples. The fields listed here are the most commonly-used. For a comprehensive reference, see MMv1 resource reference: examples.

      # name must correspond to a configuration file that you'll create in the next step.
      # The name should include the product name, resource name, and a basic description
      # of the test. This will be used to generate the test name and the documentation
      # header.
      - name: "PRODUCT_RESOURCE_basic"
        # primary_resource_id will be used for the Terraform resource id in the configuration file.
        primary_resource_id: "example"
        # vars contains key/value pairs of variables to inject into the configuration file.
        # These can be referenced in the configuration file as a key inside `{{$.Vars}}`.
        # All resource IDs (even for resources not under test) should be declared
        # with variables that contain a `-` or `_`; this will ensure that, in tests,
        # the resources are created with a `tf-test` prefix to allow automatic cleanup
        # of dangling resources and a random suffix to avoid name collisions.
          network_name: "example-network"
        # test_vars_overrides contains key/value pairs of literal overrides for
        # variables used in tests. This can be used to call functions to
        # generate or determine a variable's value – for example, bootstrapping
        # a shared network for your product to avoid test failures due to limits
        # on the default network.
          network_name: 'acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "PRODUCT-RESOURCE-network-config")'
        # Set min_version: beta if the resource is not beta-only and any beta-only fields are being tested.
        min_version: beta
  2. Create a .tf.tmpl file in mmv1/templates/terraform/examples/. The name of the file should match the name of the example created in the previous step. For example,

  3. In that file, write the Terraform configuration for your test. This should include all of the required dependencies. For example, google_compute_subnetwork has a dependency on google_compute_network:

    resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "{{$.PrimaryResourceId}}" {
      name          = "{{index $.Vars "subnetwork_name"}}"
      ip_cidr_range = ""
      region        = "us-central1"
      network       =
    resource "google_compute_network" "network" {
      name                    = "{{index $.Vars "network_name"}}"
      auto_create_subnetworks = false
  4. If the resource or the example is beta-only:

    • Add provider = google-beta to every resource in the file.

This section assumes you’ve used the Add a resource guide to create your handwritten resource, and you have a working MMv1 config.

Note: If not, you can create one now, or skip this guide and construct the test by hand. Writing tests by hand can sometimes be a better option if there is a similar test you can copy from.

  1. Add the test in MMv1. Repeat for all the create tests you will need.
  2. Generate the beta provider.
  3. From the beta provider, copy and paste the generated *_generated_test.go file into the appropriate service folder inside magic-modules/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services as a new file call *_test.go.
  4. Modify the tests as needed.
    • Replace all occurrences of with
    • Remove the comments at the top of the file.
    • Remove the Example suffix from all function names.
    • If beta-only fields are being tested, do the following:
      • Change the file suffix to .go.tmpl
      • Wrap each beta-only test in a separate version guard: {{- if ne $.TargetVersionName "ga" -}}...{{- else }}...{{- end }}

Add an update test #

An update test is a test that creates the target resource and then makes updates to fields that are updatable. Updatable fields are fields that can be updated without recreating the entire resource; that is, they are not marked immutable in MMv1 or ForceNew in handwritten code.

Note: All updatable fields must be covered by at least one update test. In most cases, only a single update test is needed to test all fields at once.

  1. Generate the beta provider.
  2. From the beta provider, copy and paste the generated *_generated_test.go file into the appropriate service folder inside magic-modules/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services as a new file call *_test.go.
  3. Using an editor of your choice, delete the *DestroyProducer function, and all but one test. The remaining test should be the “full” test, or if there is no “full” test, the “basic” test. This will be the starting point for your new update test.
  4. Modify the TestAcc* test function to support updates.
    • Change the suffix of the test function to _update.
    • Copy the 2 TestStep blocks and paste them immediately after, so that there are 4 total test steps.
    • Change the suffix of the first Config value to _full (or _basic).
    • Change the suffix of the second Config value to _update.
    • Add ConfigPlanChecks to the update step of the test to ensure the resource is updated in-place.
    • The resulting test function would look similar to this:
    func TestAccPubsubTopic_update(t *testing.T) {
       acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
          Steps: []resource.TestStep{
                Config: testAccPubsubTopic_full(...),
                Config: testAccPubsubTopic_update(...),
                ConfigPlanChecks: resource.ConfigPlanChecks{
                   PreApply: []plancheck.PlanCheck{
                      plancheck.ExpectResourceAction("", plancheck.ResourceActionUpdate),
  5. Modify the testAcc* Terraform template function to support updates.
    • Copy the template function and paste it immediately after so that there are 2 template functions.
    • Change the suffix of the first template function to _full (or _basic).
    • Change the suffix of the second template function to _update.
    • The resulting template functions would look similar to this:
    func testAccPubsubTopic_full(...) string {
    func testAccPubsubTopic_update(...) string {
  6. Modify the test as needed.
    • Replace all occurrences of with
    • Modify the template function ending in _update so that updatable fields are changed or removed. This may require additions to the context map in the test function.
    • Remove the comments at the top of the file.
    • If beta-only fields are being tested, do the following:
      • Change the file suffix to .go.tmpl
      • Wrap each beta-only test in a separate version guard: {{- if ne $.TargetVersionName "ga" -}}...{{- else }}...{{- end }}
      • In each beta-only test, ensure that the TestCase sets ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderBetaFactories(t)
      • In each beta-only test, ensure that all Terraform resources in all configs have provider = google-beta set
  1. Using an editor of your choice, open the existing *_test.go or *_test.go.tmpl file in the appropriate service folder inside magic-modules/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services which contains your create tests.
  2. Copy the TestAcc* test function for the existing “full” test. If there is no “full” test, use the “basic” test. This will be the starting point for your new update test.
  3. Modify the test function to support updates.
    • Change the suffix of the test function to _update.
    • Copy the 2 TestStep blocks and paste them immediately after, so that there are 4 total test steps.
    • Change the suffix of the second Config value to _update.
    • Add ConfigPlanChecks to the update step of the test to ensure the resource is updated in-place.
    • The resulting test function would look similar to this:
    func TestAccPubsubTopic_update(t *testing.T) {
       acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
          Steps: []resource.TestStep{
                Config: testAccPubsubTopic_full(...),
                Config: testAccPubsubTopic_update(...),
                ConfigPlanChecks: resource.ConfigPlanChecks{
                   PreApply: []plancheck.PlanCheck{
                      plancheck.ExpectResourceAction("", plancheck.ResourceActionUpdate),
  4. Add a Terraform template function to support updates.
    • Copy the full (or basic) testAcc* template function.
    • Change the suffix of the new template function to _update.
    • The new template function would look similar to this:
    func testAccPubsubTopic_update(...) string {
  5. Modify the test as needed.
    • Modify the new template function so that updatable fields are changed or removed. This may require additions to the context map in the test function.
    • Remove the comments at the top of the file.
    • If beta-only fields are being tested, do the following:
      • Change the file suffix to .go.tmpl
      • Wrap each beta-only test in a separate version guard: {{- if ne $.TargetVersionName "ga" -}}...{{- else }}...{{- end }}
      • In each beta-only test, ensure that the TestCase sets ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderBetaFactories(t)
      • In each beta-only test, ensure that all Terraform resources in all configs have provider = google-beta set

Add unit tests #

A unit test verifies functionality that is not related to interactions with the API, such as diff suppress functions, validation functions, CustomizeDiff functions, and so on.

Unit tests should be added to the appropriate folder in magic-modules/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services in the file called resource_PRODUCT_RESOURCE_test.go. (You may need to create this file if it does not already exist. Replace PRODUCT with the product name and RESOURCE with the resource name; it should match the name of the generated resource file.)

Unit tests should be named like TestFunctionName - for example, TestDiskImageDiffSuppress would contain tests for the DiskImageDiffSuppress function.


func TestSignatureAlgorithmDiffSuppress(t *testing.T) {
   cases := map[string]struct {
      Old, New           string
      ExpectDiffSuppress bool
      "ECDSA_P256 equivalent": {
         Old:                "ECDSA_P256_SHA256",
         New:                "EC_SIGN_P256_SHA256",
         ExpectDiffSuppress: true,
      // Additional cases excluded for brevity

   for tn, tc := range cases {
      if signatureAlgorithmDiffSuppress("signature_algorithm", tc.Old, tc.New, nil) != tc.ExpectDiffSuppress {
         t.Errorf("bad: %s, %q => %q expect DiffSuppress to return %t", tn, tc.Old, tc.New, tc.ExpectDiffSuppress)

Skip tests in VCR replaying mode #

Acceptance tests are run in VCR replaying mode on PRs (using pre-recorded HTTP requests and responses) to reduce the time it takes to present results to contributors. However, not all resources or tests are possible to run in replaying mode. Incompatible tests should be skipped during VCR replaying mode. They will still run in our nightly test suite.

Skipping acceptance tests that are generated from example files can be achieved by adding skip_vcr: true in the example’s YAML:

- name: 'bigtable_app_profile_anycluster'

   # bigtable instance does not use the shared HTTP client, this test creates an instance
   skip_vcr: true

If you skip a test in VCR mode, include a code comment explaining the reason for skipping (for example, a link to a GitHub issue.)

Skipping acceptance tests that are handwritten can be achieved by adding acctest.SkipIfVcr(t) at the start of the test:

func TestAccPubsubTopic_update(t *testing.T) {
      acctest.SkipIfVcr(t) // See:
      acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{ ... }

If you skip a test in VCR mode, include a code comment explaining the reason for skipping (for example, a link to a GitHub issue.)

Reasons that tests are skipped in VCR replaying mode #

ProblemHow to fix/Other infoSkip in VCR replaying?
Incorrect or insufficient data is present in VCR recordings to replay tests. Tests will fail with Requested interaction not found errors during REPLAYING modeMake sure that you’re not introducing randomness into the test, e.g. by unnecessarily using the random provider to set a resource’s name.If you cannot avoid this issue you should skip the test, but try to ensure that it cannot be fixed first.
Bigtable acceptance tests aren’t working in VCR mode. Requested interaction not found errors are seen during Bigtable tests run in REPLAYING modeCurrently the provider uses a separate client than the rest of the provider to interact with the Bigtable API. As HTTP traffic to the Bigtable API doesn’t go via the shared client it cannot be recorded in RECORDING mode.Skip the test in VCR for Bigtable.
Using multiple provider aliases doesn’t work in VCR. You may have two instances of the google provider in the test config but one of them doesn’t seem to be using its provider arguments - for example, using the wrong default project.See this GitHub issue: . The problem is that, due to how the VCR system works, one provider instance will be configured and the other will be forced to reuse the first instance’s configuration, despite them being given different provider arguments.Skip the test in VCR is using aliases is unavoidable.
Using multiple versions of the google/google-beta provider in a single test isn’t working in VCR. Unexpected test failures may occur during tests in REPLAYING mode where ExternalProviders is used to pull in past versions of the google/google-beta provider.When ExternalProviders is used to pulling in other versions of the provider, any HTTP traffic through the external provider will not be recorded. If the HTTP traffic produces an unexpected result or returns an API error then the test will fail in REPLAYING mode.Skip the test in VCR when testing the current provider behaviour versus previous released versions.

Some additional things to bear in mind are that VCR tests in REPLAYING mode will still interact with GCP APIs somewhat. For example:

  • When the provider is configured it will use credentials to obtain access tokens from GCP
  • Some acceptance tests use bootstrapping functions that ensure long-lived resources are present in a testing project before the provider is tested.

These tests can still run in VCR replaying mode; however, REPLAYING mode can’t be used as a way to completely avoid HTTP traffic generally or with GCP APIs.

What’s next? #

Run your tests

References #