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Upgrade the Token Service

To change the configuration of the Token Service or to upgrade to a newer version, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, switch to your project and then open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. In Cloud Shell, select the region and project that contains the existing Cloud Run deployment:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID 
    gcloud config set run/region REGION
  3. Clone the GitHub repository and switch to the latest branch:

    git clone
    cd iam-federation-tools/token-service
    git checkout latest
  4. Download the configuration file that you used previously to deploy the application and save it to a file app.yaml:

    gcloud run services describe token-service --format yaml > app.yaml
  5. If you want to make changes to your configuration, edit the app.yaml file. For a list of settings, see Configuration.

  6. Deploy the application:

    PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
    docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/token-broker:latest .
    docker push$PROJECT_ID/token-broker:latest
    IMAGE=$(docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}'$PROJECT_ID/token-broker)
    sed -i "s|image:.*|image: $IMAGE|g" app.yaml
    gcloud run services replace app.yaml

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