Spring Data Cloud Datastore

This integration is fully compatible with Firestore in Datastore Mode, but not with Firestore in Native Mode.

Spring Data is an abstraction for storing and retrieving POJOs in numerous storage technologies. Spring Framework on Google Cloud adds Spring Data support for Google Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.

Maven coordinates for this module only, using Spring Framework on Google Cloud BOM:


Gradle coordinates:

dependencies {

We provide a Spring Boot Starter for Spring Data Datastore, with which you can use our recommended auto-configuration setup. To use the starter, see the coordinates below.




dependencies {

This setup takes care of bringing in the latest compatible version of Cloud Java Cloud Datastore libraries as well.


To setup Spring Data Cloud Datastore, you have to configure the following:

  • Setup the connection details to Google Cloud Datastore.

Cloud Datastore settings

You can use the Spring Boot Starter for Spring Data Datastore to autoconfigure Google Cloud Datastore in your Spring application. It contains all the necessary setup that makes it easy to authenticate with your Google Cloud project. The following configuration options are available:




Default value


Enables the Cloud Datastore client




Google Cloud project ID where the Google Cloud Datastore API is hosted, if different from the one in the Spring Framework on Google Cloud Core Module



Google Cloud project can host multiple databases. You can specify which database will be used. If not specified, the database id will be "(default)".



OAuth2 credentials for authenticating with the Google Cloud Datastore API, if different from the ones in the Spring Framework on Google Cloud Core Module



Base64-encoded OAuth2 credentials for authenticating with the Google Cloud Datastore API, if different from the ones in the Spring Framework on Google Cloud Core Module



OAuth2 scope for Spring Framework on Google CloudDatastore credentials




The Cloud Datastore namespace to use


the Default namespace of Cloud Datastore in your Google Cloud project


The hostname:port of the datastore service or emulator to connect to. Can be used to connect to a manually started Datastore Emulator. If the autoconfigured emulator is enabled, this property will be ignored and localhost:<emulator_port> will be used.



To enable the auto configuration to start a local instance of the Datastore Emulator.




The local port to use for the Datastore Emulator




The consistency to use for the Datastore Emulator instance




Configures whether or not the emulator should persist any data to disk.




The directory to be used to store/retrieve data/config for an emulator run.


The default value is <USER_CONFIG_DIR>/emulators/datastore. See the gcloud documentation for finding your USER_CONFIG_DIR.


Configures whether the emulator runs in "Cloud Firestore in Datastore Mode"




Whether skip inserting null values.


The default value is false. If configured to true, null value will not be inserted into the datastore.

Repository settings

Spring Data Repositories can be configured via the @EnableDatastoreRepositories annotation on your main @Configuration class. With our Spring Boot Starter for Spring Data Cloud Datastore, @EnableDatastoreRepositories is automatically added. It is not required to add it to any other class, unless there is a need to override finer grain configuration parameters provided by @EnableDatastoreRepositories.


Our Spring Boot autoconfiguration creates the following beans available in the Spring application context:

  • an instance of DatastoreTemplate

  • an instance of all user defined repositories extending CrudRepository, PagingAndSortingRepository, and DatastoreRepository (an extension of PagingAndSortingRepository with additional Cloud Datastore features) when repositories are enabled

  • an instance of Datastore from the Google Cloud Java Client for Datastore, for convenience and lower level API access

Datastore Emulator Autoconfiguration

This Spring Boot autoconfiguration can also configure and start a local Datastore Emulator server if enabled by property.

It is useful for integration testing, but not for production.

When enabled, the spring.cloud.gcp.datastore.host property will be ignored and the Datastore autoconfiguration itself will be forced to connect to the autoconfigured local emulator instance.

It will create an instance of LocalDatastoreHelper as a bean that stores the DatastoreOptions to get the Datastore client connection to the emulator for convenience and lower level API for local access. The emulator will be properly stopped after the Spring application context shutdown.

Object Mapping

Spring Data Cloud Datastore allows you to map domain POJOs to Cloud Datastore kinds and entities via annotations:

@Entity(name = "traders")
public class Trader {

	@Field(name = "trader_id")
	String traderId;

	String firstName;

	String lastName;

	Double temporaryNumber;

Spring Data Cloud Datastore will ignore any property annotated with @Transient. These properties will not be written to or read from Cloud Datastore.


Simple constructors are supported on POJOs. The constructor arguments can be a subset of the persistent properties. Every constructor argument needs to have the same name and type as a persistent property on the entity and the constructor should set the property from the given argument. Arguments that are not directly set to properties are not supported.

@Entity(name = "traders")
public class Trader {

	@Field(name = "trader_id")
	String traderId;

	String firstName;

	String lastName;

	Double temporaryNumber;

	public Trader(String traderId, String firstName) {
	    this.traderId = traderId;
	    this.firstName = firstName;


The @Entity annotation can provide the name of the Cloud Datastore kind that stores instances of the annotated class, one per row.


@Id identifies the property corresponding to the ID value.

You must annotate one of your POJO’s fields as the ID value, because every entity in Cloud Datastore requires a single ID value:

@Entity(name = "trades")
public class Trade {
	@Field(name = "trade_id")
	String tradeId;

	@Field(name = "trader_id")
	String traderId;

	String action;

	Double price;

	Double shares;

	String symbol;

Datastore can automatically allocate integer ID values. If a POJO instance with a Long ID property is written to Cloud Datastore with null as the ID value, then Spring Data Cloud Datastore will obtain a newly allocated ID value from Cloud Datastore and set that in the POJO for saving. Because primitive long ID properties cannot be null and default to 0, keys will not be allocated.


All accessible properties on POJOs are automatically recognized as a Cloud Datastore field. Field naming is generated by the PropertyNameFieldNamingStrategy by default defined on the DatastoreMappingContext bean. The @Field annotation optionally provides a different field name than that of the property.

Supported Types

Spring Data Cloud Datastore supports the following types for regular fields and elements of collections:

Type Stored as







java.lang.Boolean, boolean


java.lang.Double, double


java.lang.Long, long


java.lang.Integer, int










Java enum values


In addition, all types that can be converted to the ones listed in the table by org.springframework.core.convert.support.DefaultConversionService are supported.

Custom types

Custom converters can be used extending the type support for user defined types.

  1. Converters need to implement the org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter interface in both directions.

  2. The user defined type needs to be mapped to one of the basic types supported by Cloud Datastore.

  3. An instance of both Converters (read and write) needs to be passed to the DatastoreCustomConversions constructor, which then has to be made available as a @Bean for DatastoreCustomConversions.

For example:

We would like to have a field of type Album on our Singer POJO and want it to be stored as a string property:

public class Singer {

	String singerId;

	String name;

	Album album;

Where Album is a simple class:

public class Album {
	String albumName;

	LocalDate date;

We have to define the two converters:

	// Converter to write custom Album type
	static final Converter<Album, String> ALBUM_STRING_CONVERTER =
			new Converter<Album, String>() {
				public String convert(Album album) {
					return album.getAlbumName() + " " + album.getDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE);

	// Converters to read custom Album type
	static final Converter<String, Album> STRING_ALBUM_CONVERTER =
			new Converter<String, Album>() {
				public Album convert(String s) {
					String[] parts = s.split(" ");
					return new Album(parts[0], LocalDate.parse(parts[parts.length - 1], DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE));

That will be configured in our @Configuration file:

public class ConverterConfiguration {
	public DatastoreCustomConversions datastoreCustomConversions() {
		return new DatastoreCustomConversions(

Collections and arrays

Arrays and collections (types that implement java.util.Collection) of supported types are supported. They are stored as com.google.cloud.datastore.ListValue. Elements are converted to Cloud Datastore supported types individually. byte[] is an exception, it is converted to com.google.cloud.datastore.Blob.

Custom Converter for collections

Users can provide converters from List<?> to the custom collection type. Only read converter is necessary, the Collection API is used on the write side to convert a collection to the internal list type.

Collection converters need to implement the org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter interface.


Let’s improve the Singer class from the previous example. Instead of a field of type Album, we would like to have a field of type Set<Album>:

public class Singer {

	String singerId;

	String name;

	Set<Album> albums;

We have to define a read converter only:

static final Converter<List<?>, Set<?>> LIST_SET_CONVERTER =
			new Converter<List<?>, Set<?>>() {
				public Set<?> convert(List<?> source) {
					return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(source));

And add it to the list of custom converters:

public class ConverterConfiguration {
	public DatastoreCustomConversions datastoreCustomConversions() {
		return new DatastoreCustomConversions(

Inheritance Hierarchies

Java entity types related by inheritance can be stored in the same Kind. When reading and querying entities using DatastoreRepository or DatastoreTemplate with a superclass as the type parameter, you can receive instances of subclasses if you annotate the superclass and its subclasses with DiscriminatorField and DiscriminatorValue:

@Entity(name = "pets")
@DiscriminatorField(field = "pet_type")
abstract class Pet {
	Long id;

	abstract String speak();

class Cat extends Pet {
	String speak() {
		return "meow";

class Dog extends Pet {
	String speak() {
		return "woof";

class Pug extends Dog {
	String speak() {
		return "woof woof";

Instances of all 3 types are stored in the pets Kind. Because a single Kind is used, all classes in the hierarchy must share the same ID property and no two instances of any type in the hierarchy can share the same ID value.

Entity rows in Cloud Datastore store their respective types' DiscriminatorValue in a field specified by the root superclass’s DiscriminatorField (pet_type in this case). Reads and queries using a given type parameter will match each entity with its specific type. For example, reading a List<Pet> will produce a list containing instances of all 3 types. However, reading a List<Dog> will produce a list containing only Dog and Pug instances. You can include the pet_type discrimination field in your Java entities, but its type must be convertible to a collection or array of String. Any value set in the discrimination field will be overwritten upon write to Cloud Datastore.


There are three ways to represent relationships between entities that are described in this section:

  • Embedded entities stored directly in the field of the containing entity

  • @Descendant annotated properties for one-to-many relationships

  • @Reference annotated properties for general relationships without hierarchy

  • @LazyReference similar to @Reference, but the entities are lazy-loaded when the property is accessed. (Note that the keys of the children are retrieved when the parent entity is loaded.)

Embedded Entities

Fields whose types are also annotated with @Entity are converted to EntityValue and stored inside the parent entity.

Here is an example of Cloud Datastore entity containing an embedded entity in JSON:

  "name" : "Alexander",
  "age" : 47,
  "child" : {"name" : "Philip"  }

This corresponds to a simple pair of Java entities:

import com.google.cloud.spring.data.datastore.core.mapping.Entity;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;

public class Parent {
  String name;

  Child child;

public class Child {
  String name;

Child entities are not stored in their own kind. They are stored in their entirety in the child field of the parents kind.

Multiple levels of embedded entities are supported.

Embedded entities don’t need to have @Id field, it is only required for top level entities.


Entities can hold embedded entities that are their own type. We can store trees in Cloud Datastore using this feature:

import com.google.cloud.spring.data.datastore.core.mapping.Embedded;
import com.google.cloud.spring.data.datastore.core.mapping.Entity;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;

public class EmbeddableTreeNode {
  long value;

  EmbeddableTreeNode left;

  EmbeddableTreeNode right;

  Map<String, Long> longValues;

  Map<String, List<Timestamp>> listTimestamps;

  public EmbeddableTreeNode(long value, EmbeddableTreeNode left, EmbeddableTreeNode right) {
    this.value = value;
    this.left = left;
    this.right = right;

Maps will be stored as embedded entities where the key values become the field names in the embedded entity. The value types in these maps can be any regularly supported property type, and the key values will be converted to String using the configured converters.

Also, a collection of entities can be embedded; it will be converted to ListValue on write.


Instead of a binary tree from the previous example, we would like to store a general tree (each node can have an arbitrary number of children) in Cloud Datastore. To do that, we need to create a field of type List<EmbeddableTreeNode>:

import com.google.cloud.spring.data.datastore.core.mapping.Embedded;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;

public class EmbeddableTreeNode {
  long value;

  List<EmbeddableTreeNode> children;

  Map<String, EmbeddableTreeNode> siblingNodes;

  Map<String, Set<EmbeddableTreeNode>> subNodeGroups;

  public EmbeddableTreeNode(List<EmbeddableTreeNode> children) {
    this.children = children;

Because Maps are stored as entities, they can further hold embedded entities:

  • Singular embedded objects in the value can be stored in the values of embedded Maps.

  • Collections of embedded objects in the value can also be stored as the values of embedded Maps.

  • Maps in the value are further stored as embedded entities with the same rules applied recursively for their values.

Ancestor-Descendant Relationships

Parent-child relationships are supported via the @Descendants annotation.

Unlike embedded children, descendants are fully-formed entities residing in their own kinds. The parent entity does not have an extra field to hold the descendant entities. Instead, the relationship is captured in the descendants' keys, which refer to their parent entities:

import com.google.cloud.spring.data.datastore.core.mapping.Descendants;
import com.google.cloud.spring.data.datastore.core.mapping.Entity;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;

public class ShoppingOrder {
  long id;

  List<Item> items;

public class Item {
  Key purchasedItemKey;

  String name;

  Timestamp timeAddedToOrder;

For example, an instance of a GQL key-literal representation for Item would also contain the parent ShoppingOrder ID value:

Key(orders, '12345', purchased_item, 'eggs')

The GQL key-literal representation for the parent ShoppingOrder would be:

Key(orders, '12345')

The Cloud Datastore entities exist separately in their own kinds.

The ShoppingOrder:

  "id" : 12345

The two items inside that order:

  "purchasedItemKey" : Key(orders, '12345', purchased_item, 'eggs'),
  "name" : "eggs",
  "timeAddedToOrder" : "2014-09-27 12:30:00.45-8:00"

  "purchasedItemKey" : Key(orders, '12345', purchased_item, 'sausage'),
  "name" : "sausage",
  "timeAddedToOrder" : "2014-09-28 11:30:00.45-9:00"

The parent-child relationship structure of objects is stored in Cloud Datastore using Datastore’s ancestor relationships. Because the relationships are defined by the Ancestor mechanism, there is no extra column needed in either the parent or child entity to store this relationship. The relationship link is part of the descendant entity’s key value. These relationships can be many levels deep.

Properties holding child entities must be collection-like, but they can be any of the supported inter-convertible collection-like types that are supported for regular properties such as List, arrays, Set, etc…​ Child items must have Key as their ID type because Cloud Datastore stores the ancestor relationship link inside the keys of the children.

Reading or saving an entity automatically causes all subsequent levels of children under that entity to be read or saved, respectively. If a new child is created and added to a property annotated @Descendants and the key property is left null, then a new key will be allocated for that child. The ordering of the retrieved children may not be the same as the ordering in the original property that was saved.

Child entities cannot be moved from the property of one parent to that of another unless the child’s key property is set to null or a value that contains the new parent as an ancestor. Since Cloud Datastore entity keys can have multiple parents, it is possible that a child entity appears in the property of multiple parent entities. Because entity keys are immutable in Cloud Datastore, to change the key of a child you must delete the existing one and re-save it with the new key.

Key Reference Relationships

General relationships can be stored using the @Reference annotation.

import org.springframework.data.annotation.Reference;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;

public class ShoppingOrder {
  long id;

  List<Item> items;

  Item specialSingleItem;

public class Item {
  Key purchasedItemKey;

  String name;

  Timestamp timeAddedToOrder;

@Reference relationships are between fully-formed entities residing in their own kinds. The relationship between ShoppingOrder and Item entities are stored as a Key field inside ShoppingOrder, which are resolved to the underlying Java entity type by Spring Data Cloud Datastore:

  "id" : 12345,
  "specialSingleItem" : Key(item, "milk"),
  "items" : [ Key(item, "eggs"), Key(item, "sausage") ]

Reference properties can either be singular or collection-like. These properties correspond to actual columns in the entity and Cloud Datastore Kind that hold the key values of the referenced entities. The referenced entities are full-fledged entities of other Kinds.

Similar to the @Descendants relationships, reading or writing an entity will recursively read or write all of the referenced entities at all levels. If referenced entities have null ID values, then they will be saved as new entities and will have ID values allocated by Cloud Datastore. There are no requirements for relationships between the key of an entity and the keys that entity holds as references. The order of collection-like reference properties is not preserved when reading back from Cloud Datastore.

Datastore Operations & Template

DatastoreOperations and its implementation, DatastoreTemplate, provides the Template pattern familiar to Spring developers.

Using the auto-configuration provided by Spring Boot Starter for Datastore, your Spring application context will contain a fully configured DatastoreTemplate object that you can autowire in your application:

public class DatastoreTemplateExample {

	DatastoreTemplate datastoreTemplate;

	public void doSomething() {
		Trader t = new Trader();
		List<Trader> traders = datastoreTemplate.findAll(Trader.class);

The Template API provides convenience methods for:

  • Write operations (saving and deleting)

  • Read-write transactions

GQL Query

In addition to retrieving entities by their IDs, you can also submit queries.

  <T> Iterable<T> query(Query<? extends BaseEntity> query, Class<T> entityClass);

  <A, T> Iterable<T> query(Query<A> query, Function<A, T> entityFunc);

  Iterable<Key> queryKeys(Query<Key> query);

These methods, respectively, allow querying for:

  • entities mapped by a given entity class using all the same mapping and converting features

  • arbitrary types produced by a given mapping function

  • only the Cloud Datastore keys of the entities found by the query

Find by ID(s)

Using DatastoreTemplate you can find entities by id. For example:

Trader trader = this.datastoreTemplate.findById("trader1", Trader.class);

List<Trader> traders = this.datastoreTemplate.findAllById(Arrays.asList("trader1", "trader2"), Trader.class);

List<Trader> allTraders = this.datastoreTemplate.findAll(Trader.class);

Cloud Datastore uses key-based reads with strong consistency, but queries with eventual consistency. In the example above the first two reads utilize keys, while the third is run by using a query based on the corresponding Kind of Trader.


By default, all fields are indexed. To disable indexing on a particular field, @Unindexed annotation can be used.


import com.google.cloud.spring.data.datastore.core.mapping.Unindexed;

public class ExampleItem {
	long indexedField;

	long unindexedField;

	List<String> unindexedListField;

When using queries directly or via Query Methods, Cloud Datastore requires composite custom indexes if the select statement is not SELECT * or if there is more than one filtering condition in the WHERE clause.

Read with offsets, limits, and sorting

DatastoreRepository and custom-defined entity repositories implement the Spring Data PagingAndSortingRepository, which supports offsets and limits using page numbers and page sizes. Paging and sorting options are also supported in DatastoreTemplate by supplying a DatastoreQueryOptions to findAll.

Partial read

This feature is not supported yet.

Write / Update

The write methods of DatastoreOperations accept a POJO and writes all of its properties to Datastore. The required Datastore kind and entity metadata is obtained from the given object’s actual type.

If a POJO was retrieved from Datastore and its ID value was changed and then written or updated, the operation will occur as if against a row with the new ID value. The entity with the original ID value will not be affected.

Trader t = new Trader();

The save method behaves as update-or-insert. In contrast, the insert method will fail if an entity already exists.

Partial Update

This feature is not supported yet.


Read and write transactions are provided by DatastoreOperations via the performTransaction method:

DatastoreOperations myDatastoreOperations;

public String doWorkInsideTransaction() {
  return myDatastoreOperations.performTransaction(
    transactionDatastoreOperations -> {
      // Work with transactionDatastoreOperations here.
      // It is also a DatastoreOperations object.

      return "transaction completed";

The performTransaction method accepts a Function that is provided an instance of a DatastoreOperations object. The final returned value and type of the function is determined by the user. You can use this object just as you would a regular DatastoreOperations with an exception:

  • It cannot perform sub-transactions.

Because of Cloud Datastore’s consistency guarantees, there are limitations to the operations and relationships among entities used inside transactions.

Declarative Transactions with @Transactional Annotation

This feature requires a bean of DatastoreTransactionManager, which is provided when using spring-cloud-gcp-starter-data-datastore.

DatastoreTemplate and DatastoreRepository support running methods with the @Transactional annotation as transactions. If a method annotated with @Transactional calls another method also annotated, then both methods will work within the same transaction. performTransaction cannot be used in @Transactional annotated methods because Cloud Datastore does not support transactions within transactions.

Other Google Cloud database-related integrations like Spanner and Firestore can introduce PlatformTransactionManager beans, and can interfere with Datastore Transaction Manager. To disambiguate, explicitly specify the name of the transaction manager bean for such @Transactional methods. Example:

@Transactional(transactionManager = "datastoreTransactionManager")

Read-Write Support for Maps

You can work with Maps of type Map<String, ?> instead of with entity objects by directly reading and writing them to and from Cloud Datastore.

This is a different situation than using entity objects that contain Map properties.

The map keys are used as field names for a Datastore entity and map values are converted to Datastore supported types. Only simple types are supported (i.e. collections are not supported). Converters for custom value types can be added (see Custom types section).


Map<String, Long> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("field1", 1L);
map.put("field2", 2L);
map.put("field3", 3L);

keyForMap = datastoreTemplate.createKey("kindName", "id");

// write a map
datastoreTemplate.writeMap(keyForMap, map);

// read a map
Map<String, Long> loadedMap = datastoreTemplate.findByIdAsMap(keyForMap, Long.class);


Spring Data Repositories are an abstraction that can reduce boilerplate code.

For example:

public interface TraderRepository extends DatastoreRepository<Trader, String> {

Spring Data generates a working implementation of the specified interface, which can be autowired into an application.

The Trader type parameter to DatastoreRepository refers to the underlying domain type. The second type parameter, String in this case, refers to the type of the key of the domain type.

public class MyApplication {

	TraderRepository traderRepository;

	public void demo() {

		String traderId = "demo_trader";
		Trader t = new Trader();
		t.traderId = traderId;

		Iterable<Trader> allTraders = this.traderRepository.findAll();

		int count = this.traderRepository.count();

Repositories allow you to define custom Query Methods (detailed in the following sections) for retrieving, counting, and deleting based on filtering and paging parameters. Filtering parameters can be of types supported by your configured custom converters.

Query methods by convention

public interface TradeRepository extends DatastoreRepository<Trade, String[]> {
  List<Trader> findByAction(String action);

  // throws an exception if no results
  Trader findOneByAction(String action);

  // because of the annotation, returns null if no results
  Trader getByAction(String action);

  Optional<Trader> getOneByAction(String action);

  int countByAction(String action);

  boolean existsByAction(String action);

  List<Trade> findTop3ByActionAndSymbolAndPriceGreaterThanAndPriceLessThanOrEqualOrderBySymbolDesc(
  			String action, String symbol, double priceFloor, double priceCeiling);

  Page<TestEntity> findByAction(String action, Pageable pageable);

  Slice<TestEntity> findBySymbol(String symbol, Pageable pageable);

  List<TestEntity> findBySymbol(String symbol, Sort sort);

  Stream<TestEntity> findBySymbol(String symbol);

  Stream<TestEntity> findBySymbolIsNot(String symbol);

In the example above the query methods in TradeRepository are generated based on the name of the methods using the Spring Data Query creation naming convention.

You can refer to nested fields using Spring Data JPA Property Expressions

Cloud Datastore only supports filter components joined by AND, and the following operations:

  • equals

  • not equals

  • greater than or equals

  • greater than

  • less than or equals

  • less than

  • is null

After writing a custom repository interface specifying just the signatures of these methods, implementations are generated for you and can be used with an auto-wired instance of the repository. Because of Cloud Datastore’s requirement that explicitly selected fields must all appear in a composite index together, find name-based query methods are run as SELECT *.

Delete queries are also supported. For example, query methods such as deleteByAction or removeByAction delete entities found by findByAction. Delete queries are run as separate read and delete operations instead of as a single transaction because Cloud Datastore cannot query in transactions unless ancestors for queries are specified. As a result, removeBy and deleteBy name-convention query methods cannot be used inside transactions via either performInTransaction or @Transactional annotation.

Delete queries can have the following return types:

  • An integer type that is the number of entities deleted

  • A collection of entities that were deleted

  • 'void'

Methods can have org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable parameter to control pagination and sorting, or org.springframework.data.domain.Sort parameter to control sorting only. See Spring Data documentation for details.

For returning multiple items in a repository method, we support Java collections as well as org.springframework.data.domain.Page and org.springframework.data.domain.Slice. If a method’s return type is org.springframework.data.domain.Page, the returned object will include current page, total number of results and total number of pages.

Methods that return Page run an additional query to compute total number of pages. Methods that return Slice, on the other hand, do not run any additional queries and, therefore, are much more efficient.

Empty result handling in repository methods

Java java.util.Optional can be used to indicate the potential absence of a return value.

Alternatively, query methods can return the result without a wrapper. In that case the absence of a query result is indicated by returning null. Repository methods returning collections are guaranteed never to return null but rather the corresponding empty collection.

You can enable nullability checks. For more details please see Spring Framework’s nullability docs.

Query by example

Query by Example is an alternative querying technique. It enables dynamic query generation based on a user-provided object. See Spring Data Documentation for details.

Unsupported features:
  1. Currently, only equality queries are supported (no ignore-case matching, regexp matching, etc.).

  2. Per-field matchers are not supported.

  3. Embedded entities matching is not supported.

  4. Projection is not supported.

For example, if you want to find all users with the last name "Smith", you would use the following code:

    Example.of(new User(null, null, "Smith"))

null fields are not used in the filter by default. If you want to include them, you would use the following code:

    Example.of(new User(null, null, "Smith"), ExampleMatcher.matching().withIncludeNullValues())

You can also extend query specification initially defined by an example in FluentQuery’s chaining style:

    Example.of(new User(null, null, "Smith")), q -> q.sortBy(Sort.by("firstName")).firstValue());

    Example.of(new User(null, null, "Smith")), FetchableFluentQuery::stream);

Custom GQL query methods

Custom GQL queries can be mapped to repository methods in one of two ways:

  • namedQueries properties file

  • using the @Query annotation

Query methods with annotation

Using the @Query annotation:

The names of the tags of the GQL correspond to the @Param annotated names of the method parameters.

public interface TraderRepository extends DatastoreRepository<Trader, String> {

  @Query("SELECT * FROM traders WHERE name = @trader_name")
  List<Trader> tradersByName(@Param("trader_name") String traderName);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM traders WHERE name = @trader_name")
  Stream<Trader> tradersStreamByName(@Param("trader_name") String traderName);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM  test_entities_ci WHERE name = @trader_name")
  TestEntity getOneTestEntity(@Param("trader_name") String traderName);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM traders WHERE name = @trader_name")
  List<Trader> tradersByNameSort(@Param("trader_name") String traderName, Sort sort);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM traders WHERE name = @trader_name")
  Slice<Trader> tradersByNameSlice(@Param("trader_name") String traderName, Pageable pageable);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM traders WHERE name = @trader_name")
  Page<Trader> tradersByNamePage(@Param("trader_name") String traderName, Pageable pageable);

When the return type is Slice or Pageable, the result set cursor that points to the position just after the page is preserved in the returned Slice or Page object. To take advantage of the cursor to query for the next page or slice, use result.getPageable().next().

Page requires the total count of entities produced by the query. Therefore, the first query will have to retrieve all of the records just to count them. Instead, we recommend using the Slice return type, because it does not require an additional count query.
 Slice<Trader> slice1 = tradersByNamePage("Dave", PageRequest.of(0, 5));
 Slice<Trader> slice2 = tradersByNamePage("Dave", slice1.getPageable().next());
You cannot use these Query Methods in repositories where the type parameter is a subclass of another class annotated with DiscriminatorField.

The following parameter types are supported:

  • com.google.cloud.Timestamp

  • com.google.cloud.datastore.Blob

  • com.google.cloud.datastore.Key

  • com.google.cloud.datastore.Cursor

  • java.lang.Boolean

  • java.lang.Double

  • java.lang.Long

  • java.lang.String

  • enum values. These are queried as String values.

With the exception of Cursor, array forms of each of the types are also supported.

If you would like to obtain the count of items of a query or if there are any items returned by the query, set the count = true or exists = true properties of the @Query annotation, respectively. The return type of the query method in these cases should be an integer type or a boolean type.

Cloud Datastore provides provides the SELECT __key__ FROM …​ special column for all kinds that retrieves the Key of each row. Selecting this special __key__ column is especially useful and efficient for count and exists queries.

You can also query for non-entity types:

@Query(value = "SELECT __key__ from test_entities_ci")
List<Key> getKeys();

@Query(value = "SELECT __key__ from test_entities_ci limit 1")
Key getKey();

In order to use @Id annotated fields in custom queries, use __key__ keyword for the field name. The parameter type should be of Key, as in the following example.

Repository method:

@Query("select * from  test_entities_ci where size = @size and __key__ = @id")
LinkedList<TestEntity> findEntities(@Param("size") long size, @Param("id") Key id);

Generate a key from id value using DatastoreTemplate.createKey method and use it as a parameter for the repository method:

this.testEntityRepository.findEntities(1L, datastoreTemplate.createKey(TestEntity.class, 1L))

SpEL can be used to provide GQL parameters:

@Query("SELECT * FROM |com.example.Trade| WHERE trades.action = @act
  AND price > :#{#priceRadius * -1} AND price < :#{#priceRadius * 2}")
List<Trade> fetchByActionNamedQuery(@Param("act") String action, @Param("priceRadius") Double r);

Kind names can be directly written in the GQL annotations. Kind names can also be resolved from the @Entity annotation on domain classes.

In this case, the query should refer to table names with fully qualified class names surrounded by | characters: |fully.qualified.ClassName|. This is useful when SpEL expressions appear in the kind name provided to the @Entity annotation. For example:

@Query("SELECT * FROM |com.example.Trade| WHERE trades.action = @act")
List<Trade> fetchByActionNamedQuery(@Param("act") String action);
Query methods with named queries properties

You can also specify queries with Cloud Datastore parameter tags and SpEL expressions in properties files.

By default, the namedQueriesLocation attribute on @EnableDatastoreRepositories points to the META-INF/datastore-named-queries.properties file. You can specify the query for a method in the properties file by providing the GQL as the value for the "interface.method" property:

You cannot use these Query Methods in repositories where the type parameter is a subclass of another class annotated with DiscriminatorField.
Trader.fetchByName=SELECT * FROM traders WHERE name = @tag0
public interface TraderRepository extends DatastoreRepository<Trader, String> {

	// This method uses the query from the properties file instead of one generated based on name.
	List<Trader> fetchByName(@Param("tag0") String traderName);



These transactions work very similarly to those of DatastoreOperations, but is specific to the repository’s domain type and provides repository functions instead of template functions.

For example, this is a read-write transaction:

DatastoreRepository myRepo;

public String doWorkInsideTransaction() {
  return myRepo.performTransaction(
    transactionDatastoreRepo -> {
      // Work with the single-transaction transactionDatastoreRepo here.
      // This is a DatastoreRepository object.

      return "transaction completed";


Spring Data Cloud Datastore supports projections. You can define projection interfaces based on domain types and add query methods that return them in your repository:

public interface TradeProjection {

	String getAction();

	@Value("#{target.symbol + ' ' + target.action}")
	String getSymbolAndAction();

public interface TradeRepository extends DatastoreRepository<Trade, Key> {

	List<Trade> findByTraderId(String traderId);

	List<TradeProjection> findByAction(String action);

	@Query("SELECT action, symbol FROM trades WHERE action = @action")
	List<TradeProjection> findByQuery(String action);

Projections can be provided by name-convention-based query methods as well as by custom GQL queries. If using custom GQL queries, you can further restrict the fields retrieved from Cloud Datastore to just those required by the projection. However, custom select statements (those not using SELECT *) require composite indexes containing the selected fields.

Properties of projection types defined using SpEL use the fixed name target for the underlying domain object. As a result, accessing underlying properties take the form target.<property-name>.

REST Repositories

When running with Spring Boot, repositories can be exposed as REST services by simply adding this dependency to your pom file:


If you prefer to configure parameters (such as path), you can use @RepositoryRestResource annotation:

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "trades", path = "trades")
public interface TradeRepository extends DatastoreRepository<Trade, String[]> {

For example, you can retrieve all Trade objects in the repository by using curl http://<server>:<port>/trades, or any specific trade via curl http://<server>:<port>/trades/<trader_id>.

You can also write trades using curl -XPOST -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d@test.json http://<server>:<port>/trades/ where the file test.json holds the JSON representation of a Trade object.

To delete trades, you can use curl -XDELETE http://<server>:<port>/trades/<trader_id>


Spring Data Cloud Datastore publishes events extending the Spring Framework’s ApplicationEvent to the context that can be received by ApplicationListener beans you register.

Type Description Contents


Published immediately after read by-key operations are run by DatastoreTemplate

The entities read from Cloud Datastore and the original keys in the request.


Published immediately after read byquery operations are run by DatastoreTemplate

The entities read from Cloud Datastore and the original query in the request.


Published immediately before save operations are run by DatastoreTemplate

The entities to be sent to Cloud Datastore and the original Java objects being saved.


Published immediately after save operations are run by DatastoreTemplate

The entities sent to Cloud Datastore and the original Java objects being saved.


Published immediately before delete operations are run by DatastoreTemplate

The keys to be sent to Cloud Datastore. The target entities, ID values, or entity type originally specified for the delete operation.


Published immediately after delete operations are run by DatastoreTemplate

The keys sent to Cloud Datastore. The target entities, ID values, or entity type originally specified for the delete operation.


Spring Data Cloud Datastore supports the @LastModifiedDate and @LastModifiedBy auditing annotations for properties:

public class SimpleEntity {
    String id;

    String lastUser;

    DateTime lastTouched;

Upon insert, update, or save, these properties will be set automatically by the framework before Datastore entities are generated and saved to Cloud Datastore.

To take advantage of these features, add the @EnableDatastoreAuditing annotation to your configuration class and provide a bean for an AuditorAware<A> implementation where the type A is the desired property type annotated by @LastModifiedBy:

public class Config {

    public AuditorAware<String> auditorProvider() {
        return () -> Optional.of("YOUR_USERNAME_HERE");

The AuditorAware interface contains a single method that supplies the value for fields annotated by @LastModifiedBy and can be of any type. One alternative is to use Spring Security’s User type:

class SpringSecurityAuditorAware implements AuditorAware<User> {

  public Optional<User> getCurrentAuditor() {

    return Optional.ofNullable(SecurityContextHolder.getContext())

You can also set a custom provider for properties annotated @LastModifiedDate by providing a bean for DateTimeProvider and providing the bean name to @EnableDatastoreAuditing(dateTimeProviderRef = "customDateTimeProviderBean").

Partitioning Data by Namespace

You can partition your data by using more than one namespace. This is the recommended method for multi-tenancy in Cloud Datastore.

    public DatastoreNamespaceProvider namespaceProvider() {
        // return custom Supplier of a namespace string.

The DatastoreNamespaceProvider is a synonym for Supplier<String>. By providing a custom implementation of this bean (for example, supplying a thread-local namespace name), you can direct your application to use multiple namespaces. Every read, write, query, and transaction you perform will utilize the namespace provided by this supplier.

Note that your provided namespace in application.properties will be ignored if you define a namespace provider bean.

Spring Boot Actuator Support

Cloud Datastore Health Indicator

If you are using Spring Boot Actuator, you can take advantage of the Cloud Datastore health indicator called datastore. The health indicator will verify whether Cloud Datastore is up and accessible by your application. To enable it, all you need to do is add the Spring Boot Actuator to your project.



A Simple Spring Boot Application and more advanced Sample Spring Boot Application are provided to show how to use the Spring Data Cloud Datastore starter and template.


Testcontainers provides a gcloud module which offers DatastoreEmulatorContainer. See more at the docs