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The radlab-ui/automation/terraform/infrastructure folder contains the needed Terraform scripts to set up Google Cloud necessary to run the RAD Lab UI. Make sure to run all the commands and steps listed here in that folder, unless indicated otherwise.


Ensure 01 - Source Control and 02 - Google Cloud steps are complete before proceeding


The following prerequisites have to be met in order to proceed with the Terraform installation.

IAM Permissions

The identity running the Terraform scripts requires the following permissions at Folder-level, on the Folder where you will create the RAD Lab UI project.

This will ensure that the RAD Lab UI project can be created and that the service accounts can be assigned the correct IAM permissions to create the projects (as configured by the RAD Lab modules).


By default, during the installation of the RAD Lab UI, Billing IAM permissions for service accounts have to be set manually. A Service Account will be created that will orchestrate the creation of Google Cloud projects as part of the RAD Lab modules. This services requires Billing User permissions to link newly created Google Cloud projects to the Billing Account ID.

If the identity running the RAD Lab UI installation has Billing Admin permission , you can set set_billing_permissions to true in your terraform.tfvars (more on that later).


When installing the RAD Lab UI, a number of tools are required to complete all the steps:


Variable Values

In the radlab-ui/automation/terraform/infrastructure folder, create a terraform.tfvars file with, at minimum, the following values (replace the dummy values with the actual values for your organization):

cd radlab-ui/automation/terraform/infrastructure

cat <<EOT > terraform.tfvars
billing_account_id = "ABCD12-ABCD12-ABCD12"
parent = "folders/123456789"
organization_name = "your-organization-domain"
git_repo_url = "your-repo-url"

As mentioned earlier, if you want to create the Billing IAM permissions for the RAD Lab modules service account automatically, set set_billing_permissions to true in the terraform.tfvars-file.

For an overview of which variables can be overridden, please refer to the module's file. By default, it will point to the standard public Git repository for the rad-lab modules. If you forked the repo and are hosting your own, make sure that the variable git_repo_url is set.

If you want to override other variables, simply add the variable name and the required value to the terraform.tfvars file.

Initial Run

Run the following commands in a terminal or command window. You can also run this via a CI/CD pipeline if necessary, as long as the Service Account has the required IAM permissions as described here.


If you receive an error while running terraform apply in the next section, run terraform init -migrate-state before running terraform apply -auto-approve.

# Setting up GCP Auth
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth login

# Initialise the Terraform modules and providers
terraform init -upgrade

# Run Terraform plan and validate the output
terraform plan -out radlab-ui.out

# Create the resources
terraform apply "radlab-ui.out"

# Init the directory again, as this is required to
# copy the local state to the newly created storage bucket.
# When prompted, type in 'yes' to copy the local state remotely
terraform init -migrate-state

# Remove the output of the `terraform plan` step
rm radlab-ui.out

# Export PROJECT_ID as environment variable
export PROJECT_ID=$(terraform output -json | jq -r .project_id.value)

# Update your local gcloud config to point to the new project
gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}

The reason why you need to run terraform init twice is that the Terraform code will create a file ( with a terraform {} resource, that points to a newly created bucket in the RAD Lab UI project. This will allow you to store the state remotely and collaborate on any future changes with other developers.

It's important to point out that terraform.tfvars contains sensitive information. It's up to you to decide whether you want to store this in Github. If that is not the case, simply don't add that file.

Github Personal Access Token

To establish a connection between Google App Engine and your Github private repository, you need to generate a Github Personal Access Token and pass it to Google Cloud's Secret Manager using a gcloud command. App Engine can then securely use the secret (Github Personal Access Token) to fetch the RAD Lab modules from your repo.

  1. To generate the access token, go to
  2. Click on your user profile in the top corner and open Settings
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on </> Developer Settings
  4. In the Personal accesss tokens-section, click on Generate new token, underneath Fine-grained tokens
  5. Enter the following details
    1. Token name: Give it a meaningful name (e.g. rad-lab-ui)
    2. Set the expiration date (No expiration is more convenient, but setting a fixed expiration will be more secure)
    3. Underneath Repository access, select Only select repositories and select the repository where you store the RAD Lab UI code
    4. For Contents (underneath Permissions), select Read-Only
  6. Click on Generate token
  7. Copy the value of the token.

You can add a secret directly on the command line using below command (replace ${GIT_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN} with the token copied from the Github UI), where ${PROJECT_ID} corresponds to the RAD Lab UI project ID.

gcloud secrets versions add $(terraform output -json | jq -r .git_personal_access_token_secret_id.value) --data-file=- --project ${PROJECT_ID}

Connect Repository


Make sure to manually connect your forked RAD Lab repo before start deploying the RAD Lab modules.

To be able to retrieve the list of available modules, variables and deployment files, Cloud Build requires access to your repository. This is a step that only has to be executed once.

  1. Open the Google Cloud console
  2. Navigate to Cloud Build in the newly created project.
  3. Go to the Cloud Build > Triggers
  4. click on Connect Repository.
  5. Follow the necessary steps to connect your repository to the Google Cloud project.

There is no need to create a trigger in this step, as this has already been done by Terraform.

Admin API

Super Admin privileges

The identity that executes this step requires Super Admin permissions. There is no way around this, as this is how the IAM permissions work for Cloud Identity.

For the web application to validate group membership, a manual step is required to add the service account to the correct group. To retrieve the correct service account name, go back to the command line and run the following command. Copy the output to the clipboard.

echo "$(terraform show -json | jq -r .values.outputs.webapp_identity_email.value)"
  1. Go to
  2. Go to the section to manage roles & permissions
  3. Click on the role Groups Reader, which is currently in BETA.
  4. Click on Assign Role
  5. Click on Assign service accounts and paste the value from the terminal, copied at the start of this section.


IAM Permissions

In order to complete this section, the user executing these steps should have the Billing Account Admin role on either the Billing Account or the Google Cloud organization that is linked to the Billing Account.

If you are manually creating the Billing IAM permissions, execute the following steps so the RAD Lab deployment service account can link projects to the billing account. Make note of the identity name by running the following command.

# Retrieve the RAD Lab deployment identity
terraform output -json | jq -r .service_account_module_creator.value


  1. Open the Google Cloud console
  2. Go to Billing > Manage Billing Accounts
  3. Select the Billing Account that you want to use for the RAD Lab deployments
  4. Select Account Management in the menu
  5. Click on Show Info Panel in the top right corner, if it's not already showing
  6. Click on Add Principal
  7. In the text field, add the service account ID that you copied from the terminal at the start of this section
  8. In Role, select Billing Account User.
  9. Click on + Add Another Role and select Billing Account Costs Manager
  10. Click Save

Organization Policies

Some modules may require changes to organization policies. This is why we recommend to install the RAD Lab UI in a different folder than the rest of the organization. You can either set those exceptions at Folder-level, or you can let the UI manage them for you. If that's the case, you have to grant the service account of the UI the IAM role roles/orgpolicy.policyAdmin at organization-level.

Retrieve the ID of the service account by running the following command:

# Retrieve the RAD Lab deployment identity
terraform output -json | jq -r .service_account_module_creator.value

Go back to the Google Cloud console and make sure that you select the organization at the top of the section.

  1. Open the menu and go to IAM & Admin > IAM
  2. Click on Grant Access
  3. In the section Add principals, paste the ID of the service account copied in the previous step. In Assign roles, select Organization Policy Administrator
  4. Click Save

Make sure to select the RAD Lab UI project after this step in the UI.