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Cloud Deployment Approvals with Pub/Sub

This project provides a Google Cloud Run Function to automate deployment approvals based on messages received via Google Cloud Pub/Sub. The function processes deployment requests, checks conditions for rollout approval, and publishes an approval command if the requirements are met.

Usage Note

This code is designed to integrate with the Terraform configuration for the cloud_deploy_flow demo. While you can deploy this component individually, it's primarily intended to be used as part of the full Terraform-managed workflow. Please note that this section of the README may be less actively maintained, as the preferred deployment method relies on the Terraform setup.


  • Listens to Pub/Sub messages for deployment approvals
  • Validates deployment conditions (manual approval, rollout ID, etc.)
  • Publishes approval commands to another Pub/Sub topic if conditions are met



  • POSIX compliant Bash Shell
  • Go 1.16 or later
  • Google Cloud SDK
  • Access to Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Environment variables to configure project details


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-folder>
  2. Enable APIs: Enable the Google Cloud Pub/Sub and Deploy APIs for your project:

    gcloud services enable
  3. Deploy the Function: Use Google Cloud SDK to deploy the function:

    gcloud functions deploy cloudDeployApprovals --runtime go116 \
    --trigger-event-type \
    --trigger-resource YOUR_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC

Environment Variables

The function relies on environment variables to specify project configuration. Ensure these are set before deploying the function:

Variable Name Description Required
PROJECTID Google Cloud project ID Yes
LOCATION The deployment location (region) Yes
SENDTOPICID Pub/Sub topic ID for sending commands Yes

Code Structure

  • config struct: Holds configuration for the environment variables.

  • PubsubMessage and ApprovalsData structs: Define the structure of messages received from Pub/Sub and attributes within them.

  • cloudDeployApprovals function: Entry point for handling messages. Validates the conditions and, if met, triggers the sendCommandPubSub function to send an approval command.

  • sendCommandPubSub function: Publishes a command message to the Pub/Sub topic to approve a deployment rollout.


The function cloudDeployApprovals is invoked whenever a message is published to the configured Pub/Sub topic. Upon receiving a message, the function will:

  1. Parse and validate the message.
  2. Check if the action is Required, if a rollout ID is provided, and if manual approval is marked as "true."
  3. If conditions are met, it will publish an approval command to the SENDTOPICID topic.

Sample Pub/Sub Message

A message sent to the function should resemble this JSON structure:

  "message": {
    "data": "<base64-encoded data>",
    "attributes": {
      "Action": "Required",
      "Rollout": "rollout-123",
      "ReleaseId": "release-456",
      "ManualApproval": "true"

Custom Manual Approval Field

In the ApprovalsData struct, there is a ManualApproval field. This field is a custom addition, not provided by Google Cloud Deploy, and serves as a placeholder for an external approval system.

To integrate the approval system, you can replace or adapt this field to suit your existing change process workflow. For instance, you could link this field to an external ticketing or project management system to track and verify approvals. Implementing an approval system allows greater control over deployment rollouts, ensuring they align with your organization’s policies.


The function logs each major step, from invocation to message processing and condition checking, to facilitate debugging and monitoring.