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Backstage on Google Cloud Quickstart

This quick-start deployment guide can be used to set up an environment to
familiarize yourself with the architecture and get an understanding of the
concepts related to hosting Backstage on Google Cloud.

NOTE: This environment is not intended to be a long lived environment. It is
intended for temporary demonstration and learning purposes. You will need to
modify the configurations provided to align with your orginazations needs.


For more information about the architecture, see the Backstage on Google



In this guide you can choose to bring your project (BYOP) or have Terraform
create a new project for you. The requirements are different based on the
option that you choose.

Option 1: Bring your own project (BYOP)

  • Project ID of a Google Cloud Project
  • roles/owner IAM permissions on the project
  • GitHub Personal Access Token, steps to create the token are provided below

Option 2: Terraform managed project

  • Billing account ID
  • Organization or folder ID
  • roles/billing.user IAM permissions on the billing account specified
  • roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator IAM permissions on the organization
    or folder specified
  • GitHub Personal Access Token, steps to create the token are provided below

Pull the source code

NOTE: This tutorial is designed to be run from Cloud Shell in the Google
Cloud Console.

  • Clone the repository and change directory to the guide directory
git clone && \
cd platform-engineering/reference-architectures/backstage/backstage-quickstart
  • Set environment variables
export BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR=$(pwd) && \
sed -n -i -e '/^export BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR=/!p' -i -e '$aexport  

Project Configuration

You only need to complete the section for the option that you have selected
(either option 1 or 2).

Option 1: Bring your own project config (BYOP)

  • Set the project environment variables in Cloud Shell

Replace the following values

  • <PROJECT_ID> is the ID of your existing Google Cloud project
  • Set the default gcloud project
gcloud config set project ${BACKSTAGE_QS_PROJECT_ID}
  • Authorize gcloud
gcloud auth login --activate --no-launch-browser --quiet --update-adc
  • Create a Cloud Storage bucket to store the Terraform state
gcloud storage buckets create gs://${BACKSTAGE_QS_STATE_BUCKET} --project ${BACKSTAGE_QS_PROJECT_ID}
  • Set the configuration variables

You can now the Create the resources.

Option 2: Terraform managed project config

  • Set the configuration variables
nano ${BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR}/initialize/
environment_name  = "qs"
iapUserDomain = ""
iapSupportEmail = ""
project = {
  billing_account_id = "XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX"
  folder_id          = "############"
  name               = "backstage"
  org_id             = "############"
  • environment_name: the name of the environment (defaults to qs for quickstart)
  • iapUserDomain: the root domain of the GCP Org that the Backstage users
    will be in
  • iapSupportEmail: support contact for the IAP brand
  • project.billing_account_id: the billing account ID
  • the prefix for the display name of the project, the full
    name will be <>-<environment_name>

Enter either project.folder_id OR project.org_id

  • project.folder_id: the Google Cloud folder ID
  • project.org_id: the Google Cloud organization ID

  • Authorize gcloud

gcloud auth login --activate --no-launch-browser --quiet --update-adc
  • Create a new project
cd ${BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR}/initialize
terraform init && \
terraform plan -input=false -out=tfplan && \
terraform apply -input=false tfplan && \
rm tfplan && \
terraform init -force-copy -migrate-state && \
rm -rf state
  • Set the project environment variables in Cloud Shell
BACKSTAGE_QS_PROJECT_ID=$(grep environment_project_id \
${BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)

You can now the Create the resources.

Create the resources

  • In situations where you have run this quickstart before and then
    cleaned-up the resources but are re-using the project, it might be
    neccasary to restore the endpoints from a deleted state first.
BACKSTAGE_QS_PREFIX=$(grep environment_name  
${BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)
BACKSTAGE_QS_PROJECT_ID=$(grep environment_project_id  
${BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)
gcloud endpoints services undelete  
--quiet 2>/dev/null
  • Create the resources
terraform init && \
terraform plan -input=false -out=tfplan && \
terraform apply -input=false tfplan && \
rm tfplan

This will take a while to create all of the required resources, figure
somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes.



  • Destroy the resources
terraform init && \
terraform destroy -auto-approve && \
rm -rf .terraform .terraform.lock.hcl

Project Deletion

You only need to complete the section for the option that you have selected.

Option 1: Bring your own project deletion (BYOP)

  • Delete the project
gcloud projects delete ${BACKSTAGE_QS_PROJECT_ID}

Option 2: Terraform managed project deletion

  • Destroy the project
cd ${BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR}/initialize && \
TERRAFORM_BUCKET_NAME=$(grep bucket | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' |  
xargs) && \
cp && \
terraform init -force-copy -lock=false -migrate-state && \
gsutil -m rm -rf gs://${TERRAFORM_BUCKET_NAME}/* && \
terraform init && \
terraform destroy -auto-approve  && \
rm -rf .terraform .terraform.lock.hcl state/

Environment configuration

  • Remove Terraform files and temporary files
rm -rf \
.terraform \
.terraform.lock.hcl \
initialize/.terraform \
initialize/.terraform.lock.hcl \
initialize/ \
  • Reset the TF variables file

bash cd ${BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR} && \ cp backstage-qs-auto.tfvars.local

  • Remove the environment variables
sed \
-i -e '/^export BACKSTAGE_QS_BASE_DIR=/d' \