make commands

make commands reference #

magic-modules #

make / make provider #

Generates the code for the downstream google and google-beta providers.

Note: Generation works best if the downstream provider has a commit checked out corresponding to the latest main branch commit that is present in your magic-modules working branch. This can generally be identified based on matching commit messages.


make provider VERSION=ga OUTPUT_PATH="$GOPATH/src/"
make provider VERSION=beta OUTPUT_PATH="$GOPATH/src/"

# Only generate a specific product (plus all common files)
make provider VERSION=ga OUTPUT_PATH="$GOPATH/src/" PRODUCT=pubsub

# Only generate only a specific resources for a product
make provider VERSION=ga OUTPUT_PATH="$GOPATH/src/" PRODUCT=pubsub RESOURCE=Topic

# Only generate common files, including all third_party code
make provider VERSION=ga OUTPUT_PATH="$GOPATH/src/" PRODUCT=doesnotexist

Arguments #

  • OUTPUT_PATH: Required. The location you are generating provider code into.
  • VERSION: Required. The version of the provider you are building into. Valid values are ga and beta.
  • PRODUCT: Limits generations to the specified folder within mmv1/products or tpgtools/api. Handwritten files from mmv1/third_party/terraform are always generated into the downstream regardless of this setting, so you can provide a non-existent product name to generate only handwritten code. Required if RESOURCE is specified.
  • RESOURCE: Limits generation to the specified resource within a particular product. For mmv1 resources, matches the resource’s name field (set in its configuration file).For tpgtools resources, matches the terraform resource name.
  • ENGINE: Modifies make provider to only generate code using the specified engine. Valid values are mmv1 or tpgtools. (Providing tpgtools will still generate any prerequisite mmv1 files required for tpgtools.)

Cleaning up old files #

Magic Modules will only generate on top of whatever is in the downstream repository. This means that, from time to time, you may end up with stale files or changes in your downstream that cause compilation or tests to fail.

You can clean up by running the following command in your downstream repositories:

git checkout -- . && git clean -f google/ google-beta/ website/

Container-based environment #

This approach is in beta and still collecting feedback. Please file an issue if you encounter challenges.

./scripts/ runs make with the provided arguments inside a container with all necessary dependencies preinstalled. It uses Docker if available and Podman otherwise. Like make, this script must be run in the root of a magic-modules repository clone.

If you run into any problems, please file an issue.

Before you begin #

  1. Ensure that GOPATH is set on your host machine.

    printenv | grep GOPATH

    If not, add export GOPATH=$HOME/go to your terminal’s startup script and restart your terminal.

  2. Clone the google and google-beta provider repositories with the following commands:

    git clone $GOPATH/src/
    git clone $GOPATH/src/

Example #

To build the google provider, run the following command in the root of a magic-modules repository clone:

./scripts/ \
  terraform VERSION=ga \