MMv1 resource reference

MMv1 resource reference #

This page documents commonly-used properties for resources. For a full list of available properties, see resource.go ↗.

Basic #

name #

API resource name.

description #

Resource description. Used in documentation.


description: |
  This is a multi-line description
  of a resource. All multi-line descriptions must follow
  this format of using a vertical bar followed by a line-break,
  with the remaining description being indented.  

references #

Links to reference documentation for a resource. Contains two attributes:

  • guides: Link to quickstart in the API’s Guides section
  • api: Link to the REST API reference for the resource


    'Create and connect to a database': ''
  api: ''

min_version: beta #

Marks the field (and any subfields) as beta-only. Ensure a beta version block is present in provider.yaml.

docs #

Inserts styled markdown into the header of the resource’s page in the provider documentation. Can contain two attributes:

  • warning: Warning text which will be displayed at the top of the resource docs on a yellow background.
  • note: Note text which will be displayed at the top of the resource docs on a blue background.


  warning: |
    This is a multi-line warning and will be
    displayed on a yellow background.    
  note: |
    This is a multi-line note and will be
    displayed on a blue background.    

API interactions #

base_url #

URL for the resource’s standard List method. Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with the field values from the resource at runtime.

base_url: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames'

URL for the resource’s standard Get method. Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with the field values from the resource at runtime.

self_link: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames/{{name}}'

immutable #

If true, the resource and all its fields are considered immutable - that is, only creatable, not updatable. Individual fields can override this if they have a custom update method in the API.

See Best practices: ForceNew for more information.

Default: false


immutable: true

timeouts #

Overrides one or more timeouts, in minutes. All timeouts default to 20.


  insert_minutes: 40
  update_minutes: 40
  delete_minutes: 40

create_url #

URL for the resource’s standard Create method, including query parameters. Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with the field values from the resource at runtime.


create_url: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames?resourceId={{name}}'

create_verb #

Overrides the HTTP verb used to create a new resource. Allowed values: 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'.

Default: 'POST'

create_verb: 'PATCH'

update_url #

Overrides the URL for the resource’s standard Update method. If unset, the self_link URL is used by default. Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with the field values from the resource at runtime.

update_url: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames/{{name}}'

update_verb #

The HTTP verb used to update a resource. Allowed values: 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'.

Default: 'PUT'.


update_verb: 'PATCH'

update_mask #

If true, the resource sets an updateMask query parameter listing modified fields when updating the resource. If false, it doesn’t.

Default: false


update_mask: true

delete_url #

Overrides the URL for the resource’s standard Delete method. If unset, the self_link URL is used by default. Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with the field values from the resource at runtime.


delete_url: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames/{{name}}'

delete_verb #

Overrides the HTTP verb used to delete a resource. Allowed values: 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'.

Default: 'DELETE'


delete_verb: 'POST'

autogen_async #

If true, code for handling long-running operations is generated along with the resource. If false, that code isn’t generated and must be handwritten.

Default: false

autogen_async: true

async #

Sets parameters for handling operations returned by the API. Can contain several attributes:

  • actions: Overrides which API calls return operations. Default: ['create', 'update', 'delete']
  • operation.base_url: This should always be set to '{{op_id}}' unless you know that’s wrong.
  • result.resource_inside_response: If true, the provider sets the resource’s Terraform ID after the resource is created, taking into account values that are set by the API at create time. This is only possible when the completed operation’s JSON includes the created resource in the “response” field. If false, the provider sets the resource’s Terraform ID before the resource is created, based only on the resource configuration. Default: false.


  actions: ['create', 'update', 'delete']
    base_url: '{{op_id}}'
    resource_inside_response: true

IAM resources #

iam_policy #

Allows configuration of generated IAM resources. Supports the following common attributes – for a full reference, see iam_policy.rb ↗:

  • parent_resource_attribute: Name of the field on the terraform IAM resources which references the parent resource.
  • method_name_separator: Character preceding setIamPolicy in the full URL for the API method. Usually :.
  • fetch_iam_policy_verb: HTTP method for getIamPolicy. Usually :POST. Allowed values: :GET, :POST. Default: :GET
  • set_iam_policy_verb: HTTP method for getIamPolicy. Usually :POST. Allowed values: :POST, :PUT. Default: :POST
  • import_format: Must match the parent resource’s import_format (or self_link if import_format is unset), but with the parent_resource_attribute value substituted for the final field.
  • allowed_iam_role: Valid IAM role that can be set by generated tests. Default: 'roles/viewer'
  • iam_conditions_request_type: If IAM conditions are supported, set this attribute to indicate how the conditions should be passed to the API. Allowed values: :QUERY_PARAM, :REQUEST_BODY, :QUERY_PARAM_NESTED. Note: :QUERY_PARAM_NESTED should only be used if the query param field contains a .
  • min_version: beta: Marks IAM support as beta-only.


  parent_resource_attribute: 'cloud_function'
  method_name_separator: ':'
  fetch_iam_policy_verb: :POST
    - 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames/{{cloud_function}}',
    - '{{cloud_function}}'
  allowed_iam_role: 'roles/viewer'
  iam_conditions_request_type: :REQUEST_BODY
  min_version: beta

Resource behavior #

custom_code #

Injects arbitrary logic into a generated resource. For more information, see Add custom resource code.

mutex #

All resources (of all kinds) that share a mutex value will block rather than executing concurrent API requests. Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with the field values from the resource at runtime.


mutex: 'alloydb/instance/{{name}}'

Fields #

virtual_fields #

Contains a list of virtual_fields. By convention, these should be fields that do not get sent to the API, and are instead used to modify the behavior of a Terraform resource such as deletion_protection.

parameters #

Contains a list of fields. By convention, these should be the fields that are part URL parameters such as location and name.

properties #

Contains a list of fields. By convention, these should be fields that aren’t part of the URL parameters.


  - name: 'fieldOne'
    type: String