Add a resource

Add a resource #

This page describes how to add a new resource to the google or google-beta Terraform provider using MMv1 and/or handwritten code.

For more information about types of resources and the generation process overall, see How Magic Modules works.

Before you begin #

  1. Complete the steps in Set up your development environment to set up your environment and your Google Cloud project.
  2. Ensure that your magic-modules, terraform-provider-google, and terraform-provider-google-beta repositories are up to date.
    cd ~/magic-modules
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull

Add a resource #

  1. Using an editor of your choice, in the appropriate product folder, create a file called RESOURCE_NAME.yaml. Replace RESOURCE_NAME with the name of the API resource you are adding support for. For example, a configuration file for NatAddress would be called NatAddress.yaml.

  2. Copy the following template into the new file:

    # Copyright 2024 Google Inc.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    # API resource name
    name: 'ResourceName'
    # Resource description for the provider documentation.
    description: |
       # Link to quickstart in the API's Guides section. For example:
       # 'Create and connect to a database': ''
      # Link to the REST API reference for the resource. For example,
      api: 'API_REFERENCE_URL'
    # Marks the resource as beta-only. Ensure a beta version block is present in
    # provider.yaml.
    # min_version: beta
    # URL for the resource's standard List method.
    # Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with
    # the field values from the resource at runtime.
    base_url: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames'
    # URL for the resource's standard Get method.
    # Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with
    # the field values from the resource at runtime.
    self_link: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames/{{name}}'
    # If true, the resource and all its fields are considered immutable - that is,
    # only creatable, not updatable. Individual fields can override this if they
    # have a custom update method in the API.
    immutable: true
    # URL for the resource's standard Create method, including query parameters.
    # Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with
    # the field values from the resource at runtime.
    create_url: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames?resourceId={{name}}'
    # Overrides the URL for the resource's standard Update method. (If unset, the
    # self_link URL is used by default.)
    # Terraform field names enclosed in double curly braces are replaced with
    # the field values from the resource at runtime.
    # update_url: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames/{{name}}'
    # The HTTP verb used to update a resource. Allowed values: :POST, :PUT, :PATCH. Default: :PUT.
    update_verb: 'PATCH'
    # If true, the resource sets an `updateMask` query parameter listing modified
    # fields when updating the resource. If false, it does not.
    update_mask: true
    # If true, code for handling long-running operations is generated along with
    # the resource. If false, that code is not generated.
    autogen_async: true
    # Sets parameters for handling operations returned by the API.
      # Overrides which API calls return operations. Default: ['create',
      # 'update', 'delete']
      # actions: ['create', 'update', 'delete']
        base_url: '{{op_id}}'
      - name: 'location'
        type: String
        required: true
        immutable: true
        url_param_only: true
        description: |
      - name: 'name'
        type: String
        required: true
        immutable: true
        url_param_only: true
        description: |
      # Fields go here
  3. Modify the template as needed to match the API resource’s documented behavior.

  4. Delete all remaining comments in the resource configuration (including attribute descriptions) that were copied from the above template.

Note: The template includes the most commonly-used fields. For a comprehensive reference, see MMv1 resource reference ↗.

Warning: Handwritten resources are more difficult to develop and maintain. New handwritten resources will only be accepted if implementing the resource in MMv1 would require entirely overriding two or more CRUD methods.

  1. Add the resource in MMv1.
  2. Generate the beta provider
  3. From the beta provider, copy the files generated for the resource to the following locations:
  4. Modify the Go code as needed.
    • Replace all occurrences of with
    • Remove the Example suffix from all test function names.
    • Remove the comments at the top of the file.
    • If beta-only fields are being tested, do the following:
      • Change the file suffix to .go.tmpl
      • Wrap each beta-only test in a separate version guard: {{- if ne $.TargetVersionName "ga" -}}...{{- else }}...{{- end }}
  5. Register the resource handwrittenResources in magic-modules/mmv1/third_party/terraform/provider/provider_mmv1_resources.go.tmpl
    • Add a version guard for any beta-only resources.
  6. Optional: Complete other handwritten tasks that require the MMv1 configuration file.
  7. Delete the MMv1 configuration file.

What’s next? #