Add IAM support

Add IAM support #

This page covers how to add IAM resources in Terraform if they are supported by a particular API resource (indicated by setIamPolicy and getIamPolicy methods in the API documentation for the resource).

For more information about types of resources and the generation process overall, see How Magic Modules works.

Before you begin #

  1. Complete the steps in Set up your development environment to set up your environment and your Google Cloud project.
  2. Ensure that your magic-modules, terraform-provider-google, and terraform-provider-google-beta repositories are up to date.
    cd ~/magic-modules
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git checkout main && git clean -f . && git checkout -- . && git pull

Add IAM support #

IAM support for MMv1-generated resources is configured within the ResourceName.yaml file, and will create the google_product_resource_iam_policy, google_product_resource_iam_binding, google_product_resource_iam_member resource, website, and test files for that resource target when an iam_policy block is present.

  1. Add the following top-level block to ResourceName.yaml directly above parameters.
  # Name of the field on the terraform IAM resources which references
  # the parent resource. Update to match the parent resource's name.
  parent_resource_attribute: 'resource_name'
  # Character preceding setIamPolicy in the full URL for the API method.
  # Usually `:`
  method_name_separator: ':'
  # HTTP method for getIamPolicy. Usually 'POST'.
  fetch_iam_policy_verb: 'POST'
  # Overrides the HTTP method for setIamPolicy. Default: 'POST'
  # set_iam_policy_verb: 'POST'

  # Must match the parent resource's `import_format` (or `self_link` if
  # `import_format` is unset), but with the `parent_resource_attribute`
  # value substituted for the final field.
    - 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/resourcenames/{{resource_name}}'

  # If IAM conditions are supported, set this attribute to indicate how the
  # conditions should be passed to the API. Allowed values: 'QUERY_PARAM',
  # only be used if the query param field contains a `.`
  # iam_conditions_request_type: 'REQUEST_BODY'

  # Marks IAM support as beta-only
  # min_version: beta
  1. Modify the template as needed to match the API resource’s documented behavior. These are the most commonly-used fields. For a comprehensive reference, see MMv1 resource reference: iam_policy.
  2. Delete all remaining comments in the IAM configuration (including attribute descriptions) that were copied from the above template.

Warning: IAM support for handwritten resources should be implemented using MMv1. New handwritten IAM resources will only be accepted if they cannot be implemented using MMv1.

Add support in MMv1 #

  1. Follow the MMv1 directions in Add a resource to create a skeleton ResourceName.yaml file for the handwritten resource, but set only the following top-level fields:
    • name
    • description (required but unused)
    • base_url (set to URL of IAM parent resource)
    • self_link (set to same value as base_url)
    • id_format (set to same value as base_url)
    • import_format (including base_url value)
    • exclude_resource (set to true)
    • properties
  2. Follow the MMv1 directions in Add fields to add only the fields used by base_url.
  3. Follow the MMv1 directions in this section to add IAM support.

Convert to handwritten (not usually necessary) #

  1. Generate the beta provider
  2. From the beta provider, copy the files generated for the IAM resources to the following locations:
  3. Modify the Go code as needed.
    • Replace all occurrences of with
    • Remove the comments at the top of the file.
    • If any of the added Go code is beta-only:
      • Change the file suffix to .go.tmpl
      • Wrap each beta-only code block (including any imports) in a separate version guard: {{- if ne $.TargetVersionName "ga" -}}...{{- else }}...{{- end }}
  4. Register the binding, member, and policy resources handwrittenIAMResources in magic-modules/mmv1/third_party/terraform/provider/provider_mmv1_resources.go.tmpl
    • Add a version guard for any beta-only resources.

Add documentation #

Documentation is autogenerated based on the resource and field configurations. To preview the documentation:

  1. Generate the providers
  2. Copy and paste the generated documentation into the Hashicorp Registry’s Doc Preview Tool to see how it is rendered.

Add or modify documentation files #

  1. Open the resource documentation in magic-modules/third_party/terraform/website/docs/r/ using an editor of your choice.
    • The name of the file is the name of the resource without a google_ prefix. For example, for google_compute_instance, the file is called compute_instance.html.markdown
  2. Modify the documentation as needed according to Handwritten documentation style guide.
  3. Generate the providers
  4. Copy and paste the generated documentation into the Hashicorp Registry’s Doc Preview Tool to see how it is rendered.

What’s next? #