Write release notes

Write release notes #

This guide explains best practices for composing accurate, end-user focused release notes for Magic Modules pull requests.

Every pull request must have at least one release note block in the opening comment. Release note blocks have the following format:


Replace TYPE with the correct release note type, and CONTENT with a release note written according to the guidelines in the following sections.

General guidelines #

Only have one CONTENT line per release note block. Use multiple blocks if there are multiple related changes in a single PR.Don’t add multiple lines to a single release note block. Avoid combining multiple distinct types of changes into one release block.
If a change only affects the google-beta provider add (beta) to the end of the release note. If a change only affects the google provider add (ga) to the end of the release note.Don’t add either suffix if the change affects both providers.
Set an appropriate release note type.Don’t leave the type as REPLACEME.

Type-specific guidelines and examples #

Write your release note in the following format:

PRODUCT: added `FIELD_1`, `FIELD_2`, and `FIELD_N` fields to `RESOURCE_NAME` resource

Replace PRODUCT, FIELD_*, and RESOURCE_NAME according to the pull request content. For example:

compute: added `foo_bar` field to `google_compute_foo` resource

Write your release note in the following format:


Replace RESOURCE_NAME according to the pull request content. For example:


Write your release note in the following format:


Replace DATASOURCE_NAME according to the pull request content. For example:


Choose a release note type #

For each release note block, choose an appropriate type from the following list:

  • enhancement : New features on existing resources
  • bug : Bug fix
  • deprecation : A field/resource is being marked as deprecated (not being removed)
  • breaking-change : Changes that require users to change their configuration
  • note : General type for other notes that might be relevant to users but don’t fit into another category
  • none : Changes where there is no user impact, like test fixes, website updates and CI changes. Release notes of this type should be empty.

Guidelines #

Use past tense to describe the end state after the change is released. Start with a verb. For example, “added…”, “fixed…”, or “resolved…”. You can use future tense to describe future changes, such as saying that a deprecated field will be removed in a future version.Don’t use present or future tense to describe changes that are included in the pull request.
Write user-focused release notes. For example, reference specific impacted terraform resource and field names, and discuss changes in behavior users will experience.Avoid API field/resource/feature names. Avoid implementation details. Avoid language that requires understanding of provider internals. However, in case of substantial refactorings like API version changes or engine changes (tpgtools/DCL -> MMv1, handwritten <> MMv1) do cover the change so users can quickly identify the release if they are affected by the change.
Surround resource or field names with backticks.Don’t use resource or field names without punctuation or with other punctuation like quotation marks.
Use impersonal third person.Don’t use “I”, “you”, etc.
If the pull request impacts a specific product, begin your release note with that product name followed by a colon. Use lower case for the first letter after the colon. For example, cloudrun: added... For MMv1 resources, use the folder name that contains the yaml files as the product name; for handwritten or tpgtools resources, use the API subdomain; for broad cross-product changes, use provider.Don’t begin your release note with the full resource name. Don’t add backticks around the product name. Don’t capitalize the first letter after the colon.

Examples #

cloudrun: fixed perma-diff in `google_cloud_run_service`
container: deprecated `region` and `zone` on `google_container_unicorn`. Use `location` instead.