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Instructions for deploying Kubeflow on Google Cloud

1 - Overview

Full fledged Kubeflow deployment on Google Cloud

This guide describes how to deploy Kubeflow and a series of Kubeflow components on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).


Kubeflow deployed on Google Cloud includes the following:

  1. Full-fledged multi-user Kubeflow running on Google Kubernetes Engine.
  2. Cluster Autoscaler with automatic resizing of the node pool.
  3. Cloud Endpoint integrated with Identity-aware Proxy (IAP).
  4. GPU and Cloud TPU accelerated nodes available for your Machine Learning (ML) workloads.
  5. Cloud Logging for easy debugging and troubleshooting.
  6. Other managed services offered by Google Cloud, such as Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Anthos Service Mesh, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Config Controller, and so on.

Kubeflow on Google Cloud: central dashboard

Figure 1. User interface of full-fledged Kubeflow deployment on Google Cloud.

Management cluster

Kubeflow on Google Cloud employs a management cluster, which lets you manage Google Cloud resources via Config Controller. The management cluster is independent from the Kubeflow cluster and manages Kubeflow clusters. You can also use a management cluster from a different Google Cloud project, by assigning owner permissions to the associated service account.

Kubeflow on Google Cloud: clusters hierarchy

Figure 2. Example of Kubeflow on Google Cloud deployment.

Deployment process

To set up a Kubeflow environment on Google Cloud, complete these steps:

  1. Set up Google Cloud project.
  2. Set up OAuth client.
  3. Deploy Management cluster.
  4. Deploy Kubeflow cluster.

For debugging approaches to common issues encountered during these deployment steps, see troubleshooting deployments to find common issues and debugging approaches. If the issue isn’t included in the list of commonly encountered issues, report a bug at googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution.

Next steps

2 - Setting up GCP Project

Creating a Google Cloud project for your Kubeflow deployment

In order to deploy Kubeflow on Google Cloud, you need to set up a Google Cloud project and enable necessary APIs for the deployment.

Setting up a project

Follow these steps to set up your Google Cloud project:

  • Select or create a project on the Google Cloud Console. If you plan to use different Google Cloud projects for Management Cluster and Kubeflow Clusters: create one Management project for Management Cluster, and create one or more Kubeflow projects for Kubeflow Clusters.

  • Make sure that you have the Owner role for the project in Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management). The deployment process creates various service accounts with appropriate roles in order to enable seamless integration with Google Cloud services. This process requires that you have the owner role for the project in order to deploy Kubeflow.

  • Make sure that billing is enabled for your project. Refer to Enable billing for a project.

  • Enable the following APIs by running the following command in a Cloud Shell or local terminal (needs to be authenticated via gcloud auth login):

    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

Alternatively, you can these APIs can be enabled via Google Cloud Console:

* [Service Usage API](
* [Compute Engine API](
* [Kubernetes Engine API](
* [Identity and Access Management (IAM) API](
* [Service Management API](
* [Cloud Resource Manager API](
* [AI Platform Training & Prediction API](
* [Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API](
* [Cloud Build API](
* [Cloud SQL Admin API](
* [Config Controller (KRM API Hosting API)](
* [Service Control API](
* [Google Cloud Endpoints](
  • If you are using the Google Cloud Free Program or the 12-month trial period with $300 credit, note that the free tier does not offer enough resources for default full Kubeflow installation. You need to upgrade to a paid account.

    For more information, see the following issues:

    Read the Google Cloud Resource quotas to understand quotas on resource usage that Compute Engine enforces, and to learn how to check and increase your quotas.

  • Initialize your project to prepare it for Anthos Service Mesh installation:

    curl --request POST \
      --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
      --data '' \${PROJECT_ID}:initialize

    Refer to Anthos Service Mesh documentation for details.

    If you encounter a Workload Identity Pool does not exist error, refer to the following issue:

    • kubeflow/website #2121 describes that creating and then removing a temporary Kubernetes cluster may be needed for projects that haven’t had a cluster set up beforehand.

You do not need a running Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. The deployment process creates a cluster for you.

Next steps

3 - Setting up OAuth client

Creating an OAuth client for Cloud IAP on Google Cloud

If you want to use Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (Cloud IAP) when deploying Kubeflow on Google Cloud, then you must follow these instructions to create an OAuth client for use with Kubeflow.

Cloud IAP is recommended for production deployments or deployments with access to sensitive data.

Follow the steps below to create an OAuth client ID that identifies Cloud IAP when requesting access to a user’s email account. Kubeflow uses the email address to verify the user’s identity.

  1. Set up your OAuth consent screen:

    • In the Application name box, enter the name of your application. The example below uses the name “Kubeflow”.

    • Under Support email, select the email address that you want to display as a public contact. You must use either your email address or a Google Group that you own.

    • If you see Authorized domains, enter

      • where <project> is your Google Cloud project ID.
      • If you are using your own domain, such as, you should add that as well
      • The Authorized domains option appears only for certain project configurations. If you don’t see the option, then there’s nothing you need to set.
    • Click Save.

    • Here’s an example of the completed form:
      OAuth consent screen

  2. On the credentials screen:

    • Click Create credentials, and then click OAuth client ID.
    • Under Application type, select Web application.
    • In the Name box enter any name for your OAuth client ID. This is not the name of your application nor the name of your Kubeflow deployment. It’s just a way to help you identify the OAuth client ID.
  3. Click Create. A dialog box appears, like the one below:

    OAuth consent screen

  4. Copy the client ID shown in the dialog box, because you need the client ID in the next step.

  5. On the Create credentials screen, find your newly created OAuth credential and click the pencil icon to edit it:

    OAuth consent screen

  6. In the Authorized redirect URIs box, enter the following (if it’s not already present in the list of authorized redirect URIs):<CLIENT_ID>:handleRedirect
    • <CLIENT_ID> is the OAuth client ID that you copied from the dialog box in step four. It looks like
    • Note that the URI is not dependent on the Kubeflow deployment or endpoint. Multiple Kubeflow deployments can share the same OAuth client without the need to modify the redirect URIs.
  7. Press Enter/Return to add the URI. Check that the URI now appears as a confirmed item under Authorized redirect URIs. (The URI should no longer be editable.)

    Here’s an example of the completed form:

    OAuth credentials

  8. Click Save.

  9. Make note that you can find your OAuth client credentials in the credentials section of the Google Cloud Console. You need to retrieve the client ID and client secret later when you’re ready to enable Cloud IAP.

Next steps

4 - Deploying Management cluster

Setting up a management cluster on Google Cloud

This guide describes how to setup a management cluster which you will use to deploy one or more instances of Kubeflow.

The management cluster is used to run Cloud Config Connector. Cloud Config Connector is a Kubernetes addon that allows you to manage Google Cloud resources through Kubernetes.

While the management cluster can be deployed in the same project as your Kubeflow cluster, typically you will want to deploy it in a separate project used for administering one or more Kubeflow instances, because it will run with escalated permissions to create Google Cloud resources in the managed projects.

Optionally, the cluster can be configured with Anthos Config Management to manage Google Cloud infrastructure using GitOps.

Deployment steps

Install the required tools

  1. gcloud components

    gcloud components install kubectl kustomize kpt anthoscli beta
    gcloud components update
    # If the output said the Cloud SDK component manager is disabled for installation, copy the command from output and run it.

    You can install specific version of kubectl by following instruction (Example: Install kubectl on Linux). Latest patch version of kubectl from v1.17 to v1.19 works well too.

    Note: Starting from Kubeflow 1.4, it requires kpt v1.0.0-beta.6 or above to operate in googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution repository. gcloud hasn’t caught up with this kpt version yet, install kpt separately from for now. Note that kpt requires docker to be installed.

Fetch googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution package

The management cluster manifests live in GitHub repository googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution, use the following commands to pull Kubeflow manifests:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository and check out the v1.6.1 tag:

    git clone 
    cd kubeflow-distribution
    git checkout tags/v1.6.1 -b v1.6.1

    Alternatively, you can get the package by using kpt:

    # Check out Kubeflow v1.6.1 blueprints
    kpt pkg get kubeflow-distribution
    cd kubeflow-distribution
  2. Go to kubeflow-distribution/management directory for Management cluster configurations.

    cd management

Configure Environment Variables

Fill in environment variables in kubeflow-distribution/management/ as followed:

MGMT_PROJECT=<the project where you deploy your management cluster>
MGMT_NAME=<name of your management cluster>
LOCATION=<location of your management cluster, use either us-central1 or us-east1>

And run:


This guide assumes the following convention:

  • The ${MGMT_PROJECT} environment variable contains the Google Cloud project ID where management cluster is deployed to.

  • ${MGMT_NAME} is the cluster name of your management cluster and the prefix for other Google Cloud resources created in the deployment process. Management cluster should be a different cluster from your Kubeflow cluster.

    Note, ${MGMT_NAME} should

    • start with a lowercase letter
    • only contain lowercase letters, numbers and -
    • end with a number or a letter
    • contain no more than 18 characters
  • The ${LOCATION} environment variable contains the location of your management cluster. you can choose between regional or zonal, see Available regions and zones.

Configure kpt setter values

Use kpt to set values for the name, project, and location of your management cluster. Run the following command:


Note, you can find out which setters exist in a package and what their current values are by running the following command:

kpt fn eval -i list-setters:v0.1 ./manifests

Prerequisite for Config Controller

In order to deploy Google Cloud Services like Kubernetes resources, we need to create a management cluster with Config Controller installed. Follow Before you begin to create default network if not existed. Make sure to use ${MGMT_PROJECT} for PROJECT_ID.

Deploy Management Cluster

  1. Deploy the management cluster by applying cluster resources:

    make create-cluster
  2. Create a kubectl context for the management cluster, it will be named ${MGMT_NAME}:

    make create-context
  3. Grant permission to Config Controller service account:

    make grant-owner-permission

    Config Controller has created a default service account, this step grants owner permission to this service account in order to allow Config Controller to manage Google Cloud resources. Refer to Config Controller setup.

Understanding the deployment process

This section gives you more details about the configuration and deployment process, so that you can customize your management cluster if necessary.

Config Controller

Management cluster is a tool for managing Google Cloud services like KRM, for example: Google Kubernetes Engine container cluster, MySQL database, etc. And you can use one Management cluster for multiple Kubeflow clusters, across multiple Google Cloud projects. This capability is offered by Config Connector.

Starting with Kubeflow 1.5, we leveraged the managed version of Config Connector, which is called Config Controller. Therefore, The Management cluster is the Config Controller cluster deployed using Config Controller setup process. Note that you can create only one Management cluster within a Google Cloud project, and you usually need just one Management cluster.

Management cluster layout

Inside the Config Controller, we manage Google Cloud resources in namespace mode. That means one namespace is responsible to manage Google Cloud resources deployed to the Google Cloud project with the same name. Your management cluster contains following namespaces:

  1. config-control
  2. namespace with the same name as your Kubeflow clusters’ Google Cloud project name

config-control is the default namespace which is installed while creating Management cluster, you have granted the default service account (like service-<management-project-id> within this project to manage Config Connector. It is the prerequisite for managing resources in other Google Cloud projects.

namespace with the same name as your Kubeflow clusters' Google Cloud project name is the resource pool for Kubeflow cluster’s Google Cloud project. For each Kubeflow Google Cloud project, you will have service account with pattern kcc-<kf-project-name>@<management-project-name> in config-control namespace, and it needs to have owner permission to ${KF_PROJECT}, you will perform this step during Deploy Kubeflow cluster. After setup, your Google Cloud resources in Kubeflow cluster project will be deployed to the namespace with name ${KF_PROJECT} in the management cluster.

Your management cluster directory contains the following file:

  • Makefile is a file that defines rules to automate deployment process. You can refer to GNU make documentation for more introduction. The Makefile we provide is designed to be user maintainable. You are encouraged to read, edit and maintain it to suit your own deployment customization needs.


If you encounter issue creating Google Cloud resources using Config Controller. You can list resources in the ${KF_PROJECT} namespace of management cluster to learn about the detail. Learn more with Monitoring your resources

kubectl --context=${MGMT_NAME} get all -n ${KF_PROJECT}

# If you want to check the service account creation status
kubectl --context=${MGMT_NAME} get IAMServiceAccount -n ${KF_PROJECT}
kubectl --context=${MGMT_NAME} get IAMServiceAccount <service-account-name> -n ${KF_PROJECT} -oyaml


  • Where is kfctl?

    kfctl is no longer being used to apply resources for Google Cloud, because required functionalities are now supported by generic tools including Make, Kustomize, kpt, and Cloud Config Connector.

  • Why do we use an extra management cluster to manage Google Cloud resources?

    The management cluster is very lightweight cluster that runs Cloud Config Connector. Cloud Config Connector makes it easier to configure Google Cloud resources using YAML and Kustomize.

For a more detailed explanation of the drastic changes happened in Kubeflow v1.1 on Google Cloud, read googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution #123.

Next steps

5 - Deploying Kubeflow cluster

Instructions for using kubectl and kpt to deploy Kubeflow on Google Cloud

This guide describes how to use kubectl and kpt to deploy Kubeflow on Google Cloud.

Deployment steps


Before installing Kubeflow on the command line:

  1. You must have created a management cluster and installed Config Connector.

    • If you don’t have a management cluster follow the instructions

    • Your management cluster will need a namespace setup to administer the Google Cloud project where Kubeflow will be deployed. This step will be included in later step of current page.

  2. You need to use Linux or Cloud Shell for ASM installation. Currently ASM installation doesn’t work on macOS because it comes with an old version of bash.

  3. Make sure that your Google Cloud project meets the minimum requirements described in the project setup guide.

  4. Follow the guide setting up OAuth credentials to create OAuth credentials for Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (Cloud IAP).

Install the required tools

  1. Install gcloud.

  2. Install gcloud components

    gcloud components install kubectl kustomize kpt anthoscli beta
    gcloud components update

    You can install specific version of kubectl by following instruction (Example: Install kubectl on Linux). Latest patch version of kubectl from v1.17 to v1.19 works well too.

    Note: Starting from Kubeflow 1.4, it requires kpt v1.0.0-beta.6 or above to operate in googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution repository. gcloud hasn’t caught up with this kpt version yet, install kpt separately from for now. Note that kpt requires docker to be installed.

    Note: You also need to install required tools for ASM installation tool install_asm.

Fetch googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution and upstream packages

  1. If you have already installed Management cluster, you have googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution locally. You just need to run cd kubeflow to access Kubeflow cluster manifests. Otherwise, you can run the following commands:

    # Check out Kubeflow v1.6.1 blueprints
    git clone 
    cd kubeflow-distribution
    git checkout tags/v1.6.1 -b v1.6.1

    Alternatively, you can get the package by using kpt:

    # Check out Kubeflow v1.6.1 blueprints
    kpt pkg get kubeflow-distribution
    cd kubeflow-distribution
  2. Run the following command to pull upstream manifests from kubeflow/manifests repository.

    # Visit Kubeflow cluster related manifests
    cd kubeflow
    bash ./

Environment Variables

Log in to gcloud. You only need to run this command once:

gcloud auth login
  1. Review and fill all the environment variables in kubeflow-distribution/kubeflow/, they will be used by kpt later on, and some of them will be used in this deployment guide. Review the comment in for the explanation for each environment variable. After defining these environment variables, run:

  2. Set environment variables with OAuth Client ID and Secret for IAP:

    export CLIENT_ID=<Your CLIENT_ID>

kpt setter config

Run the following commands to configure kpt setter for your Kubeflow cluster:

bash ./

Everytime you change environment variables, make sure you run the command above to apply kpt setter change to all packages. Otherwise, kustomize build will not be able to pick up new changes.

Note, you can find out which setters exist in a package and their current values by running the following commands:

kpt fn eval -i list-setters:v0.1 ./apps
kpt fn eval -i list-setters:v0.1 ./common

You can learn more about list-setters in kpt documentation.

Authorize Cloud Config Connector for each Kubeflow project

In the Management cluster deployment we created the Google Cloud service account serviceAccount:kcc-${KF_PROJECT}@${MGMT_PROJECT} this is the service account that Config Connector will use to create any Google Cloud resources in ${KF_PROJECT}. You need to grant this Google Cloud service account sufficient privileges to create the desired resources in Kubeflow project. You only need to perform steps below once for each Kubeflow project, but make sure to do it even when KF_PROJECT and MGMT_PROJECT are the same project.

The easiest way to do this is to grant the Google Cloud service account owner permissions on one or more projects.

  1. Set the Management environment variable if you haven’t:

    MGMT_PROJECT=<the project where you deploy your management cluster>
    MGMT_NAME=<the kubectl context name for management cluster>
  2. Apply ConfigConnectorContext for ${KF_PROJECT} in management cluster:

    make apply-kcc

Configure Kubeflow

Make sure you are using KF_PROJECT in the gcloud CLI tool:

gcloud config set project ${KF_PROJECT}

Deploy Kubeflow

To deploy Kubeflow, run the following command:

make apply
  • If deployment returns an error due to missing resources in API group, rerun make apply. This is due to a race condition between CRD and runtime resources in KServe.

  • If resources can’t be created because is unavailable wait and then rerun make apply

  • If resources can’t be created with an error message like:

    error: unable to recognize ".build/application/app.k8s.io_v1beta1_application_application-controller-kubeflow.yaml": no matches for kind "Application" in version "”

    This issue occurs when the CRD endpoint isn’t established in the Kubernetes API server when the CRD’s custom object is applied. This issue is expected and can happen multiple times for different kinds of resource. To resolve this issue, try running make apply again.

Check your deployment

Follow these steps to verify the deployment:

  1. When the deployment finishes, check the resources installed in the namespace kubeflow in your new cluster. To do this from the command line, first set your kubectl credentials to point to the new cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${KF_NAME}" --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${KF_PROJECT}"

    Then, check what’s installed in the kubeflow namespace of your Google Kubernetes Engine cluster:

    kubectl -n kubeflow get all

Access the Kubeflow user interface (UI)

To access the Kubeflow central dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Use the following command to grant yourself the IAP-secured Web App User role:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${KF_PROJECT}" --member=user:<EMAIL> --role=roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor

    Note, you need the IAP-secured Web App User role even if you are already an owner or editor of the project. IAP-secured Web App User role is not implied by the Project Owner or Project Editor roles.

  2. Enter the following URI into your browser address bar. It can take 20 minutes for the URI to become available: https://${KF_NAME}.endpoints.${KF_PROJECT}

    You can run the following command to get the URI for your deployment:

    kubectl -n istio-system get ingress
    NAME            HOSTS                                                      ADDRESS         PORTS   AGE
    envoy-ingress   80      5d13h

    The following command sets an environment variable named HOST to the URI:

    export HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get ingress envoy-ingress -o=jsonpath={.spec.rules[0].host})


  • It can take 20 minutes for the URI to become available. Kubeflow needs to provision a signed SSL certificate and register a DNS name.
  • If you own or manage the domain or a subdomain with Cloud DNS then you can configure this process to be much faster. Check kubeflow/kubeflow#731.

Understanding the deployment process

This section gives you more details about the kubectl, kustomize, config connector configuration and deployment process, so that you can customize your Kubeflow deployment if necessary.

Application layout

Your Kubeflow application directory kubeflow-distribution/kubeflow contains the following files and directories:

  • Makefile is a file that defines rules to automate deployment process. You can refer to GNU make documentation for more introduction. The Makefile we provide is designed to be user maintainable. You are encouraged to read, edit and maintain it to suit your own deployment customization needs.

  • apps, common, contrib are a series of independent components directory containing kustomize packages for deploying Kubeflow components. The structure is to align with upstream kubeflow/manifests.

  • build is a directory that will contain the hydrated manifests outputted by the make rules, each component will have its own build directory. You can customize the build path when calling make command.

Source Control

It is recommended that you check in your entire local repository into source control.

Checking in build is recommended so you can easily see differences by git diff in manifests before applying them.

Google Cloud service accounts

The kfctl deployment process creates three service accounts in your Google Cloud project. These service accounts follow the principle of least privilege. The service accounts are:

  • ${KF_NAME}-admin is used for some admin tasks like configuring the load balancers. The principle is that this account is needed to deploy Kubeflow but not needed to actually run jobs.
  • ${KF_NAME}-user is intended to be used by training jobs and models to access Google Cloud resources (Cloud Storage, BigQuery, etc.). This account has a much smaller set of privileges compared to admin.
  • ${KF_NAME}-vm is used only for the virtual machine (VM) service account. This account has the minimal permissions needed to send metrics and logs to Stackdriver.

Upgrade Kubeflow

Refer to Upgrading Kubeflow cluster.

Next steps

6 - Upgrade Kubeflow

Upgrading your Kubeflow installation on Google Cloud

Before you start

To better understand upgrade process, you should read the following sections first:

This guide assumes the following settings:

  • The ${MGMT_DIR} and ${MGMT_NAME} environment variables are the same as in Management cluster setup.
  • The ${KF_NAME}, ${CLIENT_ID} and ${CLIENT_SECRET} environment variables are the same as in Deploy using kubectl and kpt.
  • The ${KF_DIR} environment variable contains the path to your Kubeflow application directory, which holds your Kubeflow configuration files. For example, /opt/kubeflow-distribution/kubeflow/.

General upgrade instructions

Starting from Kubeflow v1.5, we have integrated with Config Controller. You don’t need to manually upgrade Management cluster any more, since it managed by Upgrade Config Controller.

Starting from Kubeflow v1.3, we have reworked on the structure of googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution repository. All resources are located in kubeflow-distribution/management directory. Upgrade to Management cluster v1.3 is not supported.

Before Kubeflow v1.3, both management cluster and Kubeflow cluster follow the same instance and upstream folder convention. To upgrade, you’ll typically need to update packages in upstream to the new version and repeat the make apply-<subcommand> commands in their respective deployment process.

However, specific upgrades might need manual actions below.

Upgrading management cluster

Upgrading management cluster before 1.5

It is strongly recommended to use source control to keep a copy of your working repository for recording changes at each step.

Due to the refactoring of kubeflow/manifests repository, the way we depend on googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution has changed drastically. This section suits for upgrading from Kubeflow 1.3 to higher.

  1. The instructions below assume that your current working directory is

    cd "${MGMT_DIR}"
  2. Use your management cluster’s kubectl context:

    # Look at all your contexts
    kubectl config get-contexts
    # Select your management cluster's context
    kubectl config use-context "${MGMT_NAME}"
    # Verify the context connects to the cluster properly
    kubectl get namespace

    If you are using a different environment, you can always reconfigure the context by:

    make create-context
  3. Check your existing config connector version:

    # For Kubeflow v1.3, it should be 1.46.0
    $ kubectl get namespace cnrm-system -ojsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.cnrm\.cloud\.google\.com\/version}'
  4. Merge the content from new Kubeflow version of googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution

    git checkout -b "${WORKING_BRANCH}"
    git remote add upstream # This is one time only.
    git fetch upstream 
    git merge "${VERSION_TAG}"
  5. Make sure your build directory (./build by default) is checked in to source control (git).

  6. Run the following command to hydrate Config Connector resources:

    make hydrate-kcc
  7. Compare the difference on your source control tracking after making hydration change. If they are addition or modification only, proceed to next step. If it includes deletion, you need to use kubectl delete to manually clean up the deleted resource for cleanup.

  8. After confirmation, run the following command to apply new changes:

    make apply-kcc
  9. Check version has been upgraded after applying new Config Connector resource:

    $ kubectl get namespace cnrm-system -ojsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.cnrm\.cloud\.google\.com\/version}'

Upgrade management cluster from v1.1 to v1.2

  1. The instructions below assume that your current working directory is

    cd "${MGMT_DIR}"
  2. Use your management cluster’s kubectl context:

    # Look at all your contexts
    kubectl config get-contexts
    # Select your management cluster's context
    kubectl config use-context "${MGMT_NAME}"
    # Verify the context connects to the cluster properly
    kubectl get namespace

    If you are using a different environment, you can always reconfigure the context by:

    make create-context
  3. Check your existing config connector version:

    # For Kubeflow v1.1, it should be 1.15.1
    $ kubectl get namespace cnrm-system -ojsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.cnrm\.cloud\.google\.com\/version}'
  4. Uninstall the old config connector in the management cluster:

    kubectl delete sts,deploy,po,svc,roles,clusterroles,clusterrolebindings --all-namespaces -l --wait=true
    kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration --ignore-not-found --wait=true
    kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration --ignore-not-found --wait=true
    kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration --ignore-not-found --wait=true

    These commands uninstall the config connector without removing your resources.

  5. Replace your ./Makefile with the version in Kubeflow v1.2.0:

    If you made any customizations in ./Makefile, you should merge your changes with the upstream version. We’ve refactored the Makefile to move substantial commands into the upstream package, so hopefully future upgrades won’t require a manual merge of the Makefile.

  6. Update ./upstream/management package:

    make update
  7. Use kpt to set user values:

    kpt cfg set -R . name ${MGMT_NAME}
    kpt cfg set -R . gcloud.core.project ${MGMT_PROJECT}
    kpt cfg set -R . location ${LOCATION}

    Note, you can find out which setters exist in a package and what there current values are by:

    kpt cfg list-setters .
  8. Apply upgraded config connector:

    make apply-kcc

    Note, you can optionally also run make apply-cluster, but it should be the same as your existing management cluster.

  9. Check that your config connector upgrade is successful:

    # For Kubeflow v1.2, it should be 1.29.0
    $ kubectl get namespace cnrm-system -ojsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.cnrm\.cloud\.google\.com\/version}'

Upgrading Kubeflow cluster

To upgrade from specific versions of Kubeflow, you may need to take certain manual actions — refer to specific sections in the guidelines below.

General instructions for upgrading Kubeflow cluster

  1. The instructions below assume that:

    • Your current working directory is:

      cd ${KF_DIR}
    • Your kubectl uses a context that connects to your Kubeflow cluster

      # List your existing contexts
      kubectl config get-contexts
      # Use the context that connects to your Kubeflow cluster
      kubectl config use-context ${KF_NAME}
  2. Merge the new version of googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution (example: v1.3.1), you don’t need to do it again if you have already done so during management cluster upgrade.

    git checkout -b "${WORKING_BRANCH}"
    git remote add upstream # This is one time only.
    git fetch upstream 
    git merge "${VERSION_TAG}"
  3. Change the KUBEFLOW_MANIFESTS_VERSION in ./ with the targeted kubeflow version same as $VERSION_TAG. Run the following commands to pull new changes from upstream kubeflow/manifests.

    bash ./
  4. (Optional) If you only want to upgrade some of Kubeflow components, you can comment non-upgrade components in kubeflow/config.yaml file. Commands below will only apply the remaining components.

  5. Make sure you have checked in build folders for each component. The following command will change them so you can compare for difference.

    make hydrate
  6. Once you confirm the changes are ready to apply, run the following command to upgrade Kubeflow cluster:

    make apply

Upgrade Kubeflow cluster to v1.6

Starting from Kubeflow v1.6.0:

  • Component with deprecated API versions were upgraded to support Google Kubernetes Engine v1.22. If you would like to upgrade your Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, follow GCP instructions.
  • ASM was upgraded to v1.14. Follow the instructions on how to upgrade ASM (Anthos Service Mesh). If you want to use ASM version prior to 1.11, refer to the legacy instructions.
  • Knative was upgraded to v1.2. Follow Knative instructions to check current version and see if the update includes any breaking changes.
  • Cert-manager was upgraded to v1.5. To check your current version and see if the update includes any breaking changes, follow the cert-manager instructions.
  • Deprecated kfserving component was removed. To upgrade to KServe, follow the KServe Migration guide.

Upgrade Kubeflow cluster to v1.5

In Kubeflow v1.5.1 we use ASM v1.13. See how to upgrade ASM. To use ASM versions prior to 1.11, follow the legacy instructions.

Starting from Kubeflow v1.5, Kubeflow manifests have included KServe as an independent component from kfserving, Google Cloud distribution has switched over from kfserving to KServe for default installed components. If you want to upgrade Kubeflow while keeping kfsering, you can comment KServe and uncomment kfserving in kubeflow-distribution/kubeflow/config.yaml file. If you want to upgrade to KServe, follow the KServe Migration guide.

Upgrade Kubeflow cluster to v1.3

Due to the refactoring of kubeflow/manifests repository, the way we depend on googlecloudplatform/kubeflow-distribution has changed drastically. Upgrade to Kubeflow cluster v1.3 is not supported. And individual component upgrade has been deferred to its corresponding repository for support.

Upgrade Kubeflow cluster from v1.1 to v1.2

  1. The instructions below assume

    • Your current working directory is:

      cd ${KF_DIR}
    • Your kubectl uses a context that connects to your Kubeflow cluster:

      # List your existing contexts
      kubectl config get-contexts
      # Use the context that connects to your Kubeflow cluster
      kubectl config use-context ${KF_NAME}
  2. (Recommended) Replace your ./Makefile with the version in Kubeflow v1.2.0:

    If you made any customizations in ./Makefile, you should merge your changes with the upstream version.

    This step is recommended, because we introduced usability improvements and fixed compatibility for newer Kustomize versions (while still being compatible with Kustomize v3.2.1) to the Makefile. However, the deployment process is backward-compatible, so this is recommended, but not required.

  3. Update ./upstream/manifests package:

    make update
  4. Before applying new resources, you need to delete some immutable resources that were updated in this release:

    kubectl delete statefulset kfserving-controller-manager -n kubeflow --wait
    kubectl delete crds experiments.kubeflow suggestions.kubeflow trials.kubeflow

    WARNING: This step deletes all Katib running resources.

    Refer to a github comment in the v1.2 release issue for more details.

  5. Redeploy:

    make apply

    To evaluate the changes before deploying them you can:

    1. Run make hydrate.
    2. Compare the contents of .build with a historic version with tools like git diff.

Upgrade ASM (Anthos Service Mesh)

If you want to upgrade ASM instead of the Kubeflow components, refer to [kubeflow/common/asm/]( for the latest instructions on upgrading ASM. Detailed explanation is listed below. Note: if you are going to upgrade major or minor version of ASM, it is recommended to read the official ASM upgrade documentation before proceeding with the steps below.

Install a new ASM workload

In order to use the new ASM version, we need to download the corresponding ASM configuration package and asmcli script. Get a list of available ASM packages and the corresponding asmcli scripts by running the following command:


It should return a list of ASM versions that can be installed with asmcli script. To install older versions, refer to the legacy instructions. The returned list will have a format of ${ASM_PACKAGE_VERSION}:${ASMCLI_SCRIPT_VERSION}. For example, in the following output:


record 1.13.2-asm.5+config2:asmcli_1.13.2-asm.5-config2 corresponds to:


You need to set these two values in kubeflow/asm/Makefile. Then, run the following command in kubeflow/asm directory to install the new ASM. Note, the old ASM will not be uninstalled.

make apply

Once installed successfully, you can see istiod Deployment in your cluster with name in pattern istiod-asm-VERSION-REVISION. For example, istiod-asm-1132-5 would correspond to ASM version 1.13.2-asm.5.

Upgrade other Kubeflow components to use new ASM

There are multiple Kubeflow components with ASM namespace label, including user created namespaces. To upgrade them at once, change the following line in kubeflow/ with the new ASM version asm-VERSION-REVISION, like asm-1132-5.

export ASM_LABEL=asm-1132-5

Then run the following commands in kubeflow/ directory to configure the environmental variables:


Run the following command to configure kpt setter:


Examine the change using source control after running the following command:

make hydrate

Refer to Deploying and redeploying workloads for the complete steps to adopt the new ASM version. As part of the instructions, you can run the following command to update namespaces’ labels across the cluster:

make apply

(Optional) Uninstall the old ASM workload

Once you validated that new ASM installation and sidecar-injection for Kubeflow components are working as expected. You can Complete the transition to the new ASM or Rollback to the old ASM as instructed in Deploy and Redeploy workloads.

7 - Monitoring Cloud IAP Setup

Instructions for monitoring and troubleshooting Cloud IAP

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (Cloud IAP) is the recommended solution for accessing your Kubeflow deployment from outside the cluster, when running Kubeflow on Google Cloud.

This document is a step-by-step guide to ensuring that your IAP-secured endpoint is available, and to debugging problems that may cause the endpoint to be unavailable.


When deploying Kubeflow using the command-line interface, you choose the authentication method you want to use. One of the options is Cloud IAP. This document assumes that you have already deployed Kubeflow.

Kubeflow uses the Google-managed certificate to provide an SSL certificate for the Kubeflow Ingress.

Cloud IAP gives you the following benefits:

  • Users can log in in using their Google Cloud accounts.
  • You benefit from Google’s security expertise to protect your sensitive workloads.

Monitoring your Cloud IAP setup

Follow these instructions to monitor your Cloud IAP setup and troubleshoot any problems:

  1. Examine the Ingress and Google Cloud Build (GCB) load balancer to make sure it is available:

    kubectl -n istio-system describe ingress
    Name:             envoy-ingress
    Namespace:        kubeflow
    Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (
       Type     Reason     Age                 From                     Message
       ----     ------     ----                ----                     -------
       Normal   ADD        12m                 loadbalancer-controller  kubeflow/envoy-ingress
       Warning  Translate  12m (x10 over 12m)  loadbalancer-controller  error while evaluating the ingress spec: could not find service "kubeflow/envoy"
       Warning  Translate  12m (x2 over 12m)   loadbalancer-controller  error while evaluating the ingress spec: error getting BackendConfig for port "8080" on service "kubeflow/envoy", err: no BackendConfig for service port exists.
       Warning  Sync       12m                 loadbalancer-controller  Error during sync: Error running backend syncing routine: received errors when updating backend service: googleapi: Error 400: The resource 'projects/code-search-demo/global/backendServices/k8s-be-32230--bee2fc38fcd6383f' is not ready, resourceNotReady
     googleapi: Error 400: The resource 'projects/code-search-demo/global/backendServices/k8s-be-32230--bee2fc38fcd6383f' is not ready, resourceNotReady
       Normal  CREATE  11m  loadbalancer-controller  ip:

    There should be an annotation indicating that we are using managed certificate:

    annotation: gke-certificate

    Any problems with creating the load balancer are reported as Kubernetes events in the results of the above describe command.

    • If the address isn’t set then there was a problem creating the load balancer.

    • The CREATE event indicates the load balancer was successfully created on the specified IP address.

    • The most common error is running out of Google Cloud resource quota. To fix this problem, you must either increase the quota for the relevant resource on your Google Cloud project or delete some existing resources.

  2. Verify that a managed certificate resource is generated:

    kubectl describe -n istio-system managedcertificate gke-certificate

    The status field should have information about the current status of the Certificate. Eventually, certificate status should be Active.

  3. Wait for the load balancer to report the back ends as healthy:

    kubectl describe -n istio-system ingress envoy-ingress
    Annotations:  kubeflow-ip                       true                    letsencrypt-prod               {"k8s-be-31380--5e1566252944dfdb":"HEALTHY","k8s-be-32133--5e1566252944dfdb":"HEALTHY"}

    Both backends should be reported as healthy. It can take several minutes for the load balancer to consider the back ends healthy.

    The service with port 31380 is the one that handles Kubeflow traffic. (31380 is the default port of the service istio-ingressgateway.)

    If the backend is unhealthy, check the pods in istio-system:

    • kubectl get pods -n istio-system
    • The istio-ingressgateway-XX pods should be running
    • Check the logs of pod backend-updater-0, iap-enabler-XX to see if there is any error
    • Follow the steps here to check the load balancer and backend service on Google Cloud.
  4. Try accessing Cloud IAP at the fully qualified domain name in your web browser:


    If you get SSL errors when you log in, this typically means that your SSL certificate is still propagating. Wait a few minutes and try again. SSL propagation can take up to 10 minutes.

    If you do not see a login prompt and you get a 404 error, the configuration of Cloud IAP is not yet complete. Keep retrying for up to 10 minutes.

  5. If you get an error Error: redirect_uri_mismatch after logging in, this means the list of OAuth authorized redirect URIs does not include your domain.

    The full error message looks like the following example and includes the relevant links:

    The redirect URI in the request, https://<my_kubeflow>.endpoints.<my_project>, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. 	
    To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit:	

    Follow the link in the error message to find the OAuth credential being used and add the redirect URI listed in the error message to the list of authorized URIs. For more information, read the guide to setting up OAuth for Cloud IAP.

Next steps

8 - Deleting Kubeflow

Deleting Kubeflow from Google Cloud using the command line interface (CLI)

This page explains how to delete your Kubeflow cluster or management cluster on Google Cloud.

Before you start

This guide assumes the following settings:

  • For Management cluster: The ${MGMT_PROJECT}, ${MGMT_DIR} and ${MGMT_NAME} environment variables are the same as in Deploy Management cluster.

  • For Kubeflow cluster: The ${KF_PROJECT}, ${KF_NAME} and ${MGMTCTXT} environment variables are the same as in Deploy Kubeflow cluster.

  • The ${KF_DIR} environment variable contains the path to your Kubeflow application directory, which holds your Kubeflow configuration files. For example, /opt/kubeflow-distribution/kubeflow/.

Deleting your Kubeflow cluster

  1. To delete the applications running in the Kubeflow namespace, remove that namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace kubeflow
  2. To delete the cluster and all Google Cloud resources, run the following commands:

    cd "${KF_DIR}"
    make delete

    Warning: this will delete the persistent disks storing metadata. If you want to preserve the disks, don’t run this command; instead selectively delete only those resources you want to delete.

Clean up your management cluster

The following instructions introduce how to clean up all resources created when installing management cluster in management project, and when using management cluster to manage Google Cloud resources in managed Kubeflow projects.

Delete or keep managed Google Cloud resources

There are Google Cloud resources managed by Config Connector in the management cluster after you deploy Kubeflow clusters with this management cluster.

To delete all the managed Google Cloud resources, delete the managed project namespace:

kubectl config use-context "${MGMTCTXT}"
kubectl delete namespace --wait "${KF_PROJECT}"

To keep all the managed Google Cloud resources, you can delete the management cluster directly.

If you need fine-grained control, refer to Config Connector: Keeping resources after deletion for more details.

After deleting Config Connector resources for a managed project, you can revoke IAM permission that let the management cluster manage the project:

gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding "${KF_PROJECT}" \
    "--member=serviceAccount:${MGMT_NAME}-cnrm-system@${MGMT_PROJECT}" \

Delete management cluster

To delete the Google service account and the management cluster:

cd "${MGMT_DIR}"
make delete-cluster

Starting from Kubeflow v1.5, Google Cloud distribution has switched to Config Controller for Google-managed Management cluster. You can learn more detail by reading Delete your Config Controller.

Note, after deleting the management cluster, all the managed Google Cloud resources will be kept. You will be responsible for managing them by yourself. If you want to delete the managed Google Cloud resources, make sure to delete resources in the ${KF_PROJECT} namespace in the management cluster first. You can learn more about the ${KF_PROJECT} namespace in kubeflow-distribution/kubeflow/kcc folder.

You can create a management cluster to manage them again if you apply the same Config Connector resources. Refer to Managing and deleting resources - Acquiring an existing resource.