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Resource conditions

JIT Access manages access by modifying the IAM policy of projects. When a user activates a role using JIT Access, then, by default, that role applies to all resources in the project.

Resource conditions let you constrain the set of resources within a project that a role should apply to. For example, you can use a resource condition to restrict a user's access to certain types of Compute Engine resources, or to resources within a certain zone.

To use a resource condition, you add an extra clause to the IAM condition of an eligible role binding:

  • has({}.jitAccessConstraint) && resource-condition

  • has({}.multiPartyApprovalConstraint) && resource-condition

Where resource-condition is a valid IAM condition .


You can change the order of clauses. For example has({}.jitAccessConstraint) && [resource condition] and [resource condition] && has({}.jitAccessConstraint) are equivalent.

To use resource conditions, you must the AssetInventory catalog.


The following are examples for role bindings that use a resource condition to constrain access to certain resources.

  • Grant Secret Accessor access for a specific Secret Manager secret, subject to self-approval:

    Role: roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor


    // Require self-approval
    has({}.jitAccessConstraint) &&
    // Secret == "projects/sample-project/secrets/sample-secret"
  • Grant Compute Instance Admin access for Compute Engine VMs in asia-southeast1-a, subject to multi-party approval:

    Role: roles/compute.instanceAdmin.v1


    // Require multi-party approval
    has({}.multiPartyApprovalConstraint) &&
    // asia-southeast1-a only"projects/sample-project/zones/asia-southeast1-a/instances/")
  • Grant Compute Admin access for Compute Engine disks and images, subject to multi-party approval:

    Role: roles/compute.admin


    // Require multi-party approval
    has({}.multiPartyApprovalConstraint) &&
    // Disks and images
    (resource.type == "" || resource.type == "")


Lines starting with // are comments and are ignored by JIT Access.