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Policy documents

Policy documents define the configuration for an environment and use YAML format. A minimal policy document looks as follows:

schemaVersion: 1
  name: "my-environment"
  description: "Example environment"
schemaVersion Required

Defines the version of the file format. Must be set to 1.

environment Required

Contains the configuration for the environment, see next section for details.


An environment represents a set of resources that have similar access requirements. An environment typically corresponds to a folder in a Google Cloud organization.

  name: "my-environment"              
  description: "Example environment"  
  access: []                          
    join: []
    approve: []
  systems: []
name Required

Name of the environment.

The environment name must match the name of the corresponding service account. For example, if your environment's service account is named, then you must set name to datamart.

The application uses the environment name as unique identifier and incorporates it into the name of Cloud Identity groups. Names must therefore comply with the following restrictions:

  • Names are case-insensitive. You can't have two environments whose names only differ in casing.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names must only use the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -.
description Optional

Text that describes the purpose of the environment. The text is shown in the user interface and is for informational purposes only.

access Optional

Access control list (ACL) for the environment. The environment ACL serves two purposes:

  1. It controls who is allowed to view the environment and browse its systems and groups in the user interface. To view the environment, users need at least VIEW access.

  2. It defines default access for the systems and JIT groups of this environment. Similar to how the bindings of Google Cloud IAM policies inherit down from folder to project to resource, access control entries inherit down from environment to system to JIT group.

If you don't specify an access control list, then the application uses the following default ACL which grants VIEW access to all users:

- principal: "class:iapUsers"
  allow: "VIEW"


Access to the application is guarded by Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP). The principal class:iapUsers therefore only includes users that have been authorized by IAP to access the application.

constraints Optional

Default join and approve constraints that apply to all JIT groups of this environment.

systems Optional

List of systems, see next section for details.


A system represents a set of resources that logically belong together. A system typically corresponds to a small set of projects in a Google Cloud organization.

    - name: "datamart"
      description: "Contains groups that manage access to the corporate data mart"
      access: []
        join: []
        approve: []
name Required

Name of the system.

The application uses the system name as unique identifier and incorporates it into the name of Cloud Identity groups. Names must therefore comply with the following restrictions:

  • Names are case-insensitive. You can't have two systems in the same environment whose names only differ in casing.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names must only use the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -.
description Optional

Text that describes the purpose of the system. The text is shown in the user interface and is for informational purposes only.

access Optional

Access control list (ACL) for the system. Similar to the environment ACL, the system ACL serves two purposes:

  1. It controls who is allowed to view the system and browse its groups in the user interface. To view the system, users need at least VIEW access.

  2. It defines default access for the JIT groups of this system. Similar to how the bindings of Google Cloud IAM policies inherit down from folder to project to resource, access control entries inherit down from environment to system to JIT group.


As a result of ACL inheritance, the effective ACL of a system includes all entries from the environment ACL plus all entries defined in access.

constraints Optional

Default join and approve constraints that apply to all JIT groups of this system.

groups Optional

List of JIT groups, see next section for details.

JIT Group

A JIT group represents a job function or role and bundles all access that's required for users to perform this job function or role.

  - name: "datamart"
    - name: "datamart-admins"
      description: "Admin-level access to data and stuff"
      access: []
        join: []
        approve: []
name Required

Name of the JIT group.

The application uses the system name as unique identifier and incorporates it into the name of Cloud Identity groups. Names must therefore comply with the following restrictions:

  • Names are case-insensitive. You can't have two groups whose names only differ in casing.
  • Names must be no longer than 24 characters.
  • Names must only use the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -.
description Optional

Text that describes the purpose of the JIT group. The text is shown in the user interface and is for informational purposes only.

access Optional

Access control list (ACL) for the JIT Group. The ACL controls who which users are allowed to view or join this group, and who is allowed to approve join requests. See Access control list for details on the individual permissions that you can grant.


As a result of ACL inheritance, the effective ACL of a JIT group includes all entries from the environment ACL plus all entries the parent system ACL plus all entries defined in access.

constraints Optional

join and approve constraints that apply to this JIT group.

Access Control List

An Access Control List (ACL) contains one or more access control entries (ACE).

- principal: "class:iapUsers"         # Everybody can view
  allow: "VIEW"
- principal: ""   # Devops staff can request to join
  allow: "JOIN"
- principal: ""    # Only Mike can approve
- principal: "" # Interns are exempt
  deny: "JOIN"

Each ACE can have the following attributes:

principal Required

The principal identifier that selects the user or group that this ACE applies to:

Principal Description Example
user:USER_EMAIL User with primary email address USER_EMAIL.
group:GROUP_EMAIL Includes all direct members of the Cloud Identity/Workspace group GROUP_EMAIL.
class:iapUsers Includes all users that have been authorized by IAP to access the application


  • The principal identifier group:GROUP_EMAIL does not apply to JIT groups, it only applies to regular Cloud Identity/Workspace security and discussion-forum groups.
  • You can grant access to users and groups from external Cloud Identity/Workspace accounts.
allow or deny Required

The permission that this ACE allows or denies.

Permission Description Applies to
VIEW View the environment, system, or group. Environment, system, group
JOIN Request to join a group. Group
APPROVE_SELF Join group without approval. Only effective when granted in combination with JOIN. Group
APPROVE_OTHERS Approve other's requests to join the group. Group
EXPORT View or export the policy in the user interface. Environment
RECONCILE Reconcile the policy. Environment
ALL Full access, includes all other permissions. Environment, system, group


  • APPROVE_OTHERS does not allow users to approve their own join requests. Only the APPROVE_SELF permission allows users to join without approval.
  • The VIEW permission is implied by all other permissions.


JIT groups can have join and approve constraints:

  • join constraints define conditions that users must meet before they can request to join the group.
  • approve constraints define conditions that users must meet before they can approve a join request.

Like Access Control Lists, constraints support inheritance:

  • Constraints defined at the environment-level apply to all systems and JIT groups.
  • Constraints defined at the system-level apply to all JIT groups of that system.
  • Constraints defined at the JIT group-level only apply to that group.

There are two types of constrains, expiry and expression constraints.

Expiry constraint

An expiry constraint defines for how long a user can request to join a JIT group:

    - type: "expiry"
      min: "PT1H"
      max: "P7D"

All JIT groups must have an expiry join-constraint. Expiry constraints defined at a lower level override inherited expiry constraints.

An expiry constraint can have the following attributes:

type Required

Type of constraint, must be expiry.

min, max Required

The minimum and maximum expiry.

  • If you choose different values for min and max, users can choose an expiry that suits their needs, but they can't go above or below the min and max values.
  • If you set min and max to the same value, then the expiry is fixed and users aren't offered a choice.

The expiry value uses the ISO 8601 duration format:



  • P is a fixed prefix.
  • (n)D defines the number of days.
  • (n)H defines number of hours.
  • (n)Mdefines the number of minutes.

For example:

Duration Description
PT1H One hour
P1D or PT24H One day
P1DT6H One day and 6 hours
P90D 90 days


  • Days are always counted as 24 hours, regardless of time zone and daylight saving times.
  • You can't specify durations in weeks or months, use days instead.

Expression constraint

An expression constraint defines a custom condition that users must meet:

  - type: "expression"
    name: "ticketnumber"
    displayName: "You must provide a ticket number as justification"
    expression: "input.ticketnumber.matches('^[0-9]+$')"
      - type: "string"
        name: "ticketnumber"
        displayName: "Ticket number"
        min: 1
        max: 10

Constraints defined at a lower level override inherited constraints if their name matches.

An expression constraint can have the following attributes:

type Required

Type of constraint, must be expression.

name Required

Name of the constraint. The name must only include letters, digits and hyphens.

displayName Required

Text that describes the constraint, typically phrased as You must ....

expression Required

A CEL expression that evaluates to true (in which case the constraint is satisfied) or false.

CEL expressions can access the following variables:

Variable Description Email address of the current user.
subject.principals List of principals of the current user, including its groups and JIT groups.
group.environment Name of the environment that this JIT group belongs to.
group.system Name of the system that this JIT group belongs to. Name of the JIT group.
input.NAME Custom input variable, see below.

CEL expressions can use the following macros and functions:

Expression variables

Variables let you prompt the user to provide input, and you can then check this input in the CEL expression:

  - type: "expression"
    name: "ticketnumber"
    displayName: "You must provide a ticket number as justification"
    expression: "input.ticketnumber.matches('^[0-9]+$')"
      - type: "string"
        name: "ticketnumber"
        displayName: "Ticket number"
        min: 1
        max: 10
type Required

Data type, must be one of string, int, or boolean.

name Required

Name of the variable. The name is case-sensitive and must only include letters, digits and hyphens.

displayName Required

Display name, shown as label for the input field in the user interface.

min, max Optional

Limit the allowed range:

  • For string-typed variables, min and max define the minimum and maximum input length, in characters.
  • For int-typed variables, min and max define the minimum and maximum value (inclusive).


Privileges define the projects that members of a JIT groups are granted access to:

  - project: "project-1"                # Allow view-access to project-1
    role: "roles/compute.viewer"

  - project: "project-3"                # Allow limited view-access to project-3
    role: "roles/compute.viewer"
    description: "View Compute Engine instances"
    condition: "resource.type == ''"

You can list any number of privileges under the iam key. Each privilege can have the following attributes:

project Required

Project ID of a Google Cloud project that you want to grant access to.

role Required

Name of an IAM role. This can be a predefined role or a custom role.

description Optional

Text that describes the scope or purpose of this privilege. The text is shown in the user interface and is for informational purposes only.

condition Optional

An IAM condition . The application adds this condition when creating the respective IAM bindings.