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Troubleshooting installation issues

"You need administrative privileges to install IAP Desktop on Windows Server"

On Windows Server, the DisableUserInstalls policy disables per-user installations by default. To install IAP Desktop on Windows Server, use one of the following options:

A. Install as elevated user

You can sidestep the DisableUserInstalls policy by launching the installer as an elevated user:

  1. Start an elevated command prompt
  2. Launch the installer: msiexec /i "IapDesktop.msi"

B. Change the DisableUserInstalls policy

You can permanently change the DisableUserInstalls policy by editing the local group policy on the server:

  1. In the Group Policy Editor navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Installer
  2. Open the Prohibit User Installs policy and configure the following settings:

    • Status: Enabled
    • User install behavior: Allow user installs

    Click OK. 3. Open the Turn off Windows Installer policy and configure the following settings:

    • Status: Enabled
    • Disable Windows Installer: Never

    Click OK. 5. Retry the installation.

C. Performing an administrative installation

If you don't have administrative privileges, you can perform an administrative install, which extracts the files of the MSI package to a local folder:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Run the installer

    msiexec /A "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\IapDesktop.msi" TARGETDIR="%APPDATA%" /QB!
    • /A instructs msiexec to perform an administrative install
    • TARGETDIR specifies the directory to extract files to
    • /QB! runs the installation silently

The administrative install won't create an entry in the Start menu. To launch IAP Desktop, run:

%APPDATA%\Google\IAP Desktop\IapDesktop.exe
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