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Set up a Cloud SQL Proxy VM

Required roles

To follow the steps in this guide, you need the following roles:

To let IAP Desktop connect to Cloud SQL, you need an additional VM that runs the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy . This VM is necessary because IAP-TCP doesn't support creating tunnels to managed services such as Cloud SQL.

Connect to SQL Server

This guide describes how to do the following:

  1. Create a container VM that runs the cloud-sql-connectors/cloud-sql-proxy Docker image.
  2. Grant the VM permission to access Cloud SQL.
  3. Create a firewall rule that allows IAP-TCP to connect to the VM.

Deploy the Cloud SQL Proxy VM

To deploy a VM that automatically runs the Cloud SQL Auth Docker image , do the following:

  1. Set your default project ID :

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of your Cloud SQL project.

  2. Set your default zone:

    gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE

    Replace ZONE with the ID of the zone you want to deploy the VM in.

  3. Create a service account for the VM:

    SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts create cloudsql-proxy-vm --display-name "Cloud SQL Proxy VM" --format "value(email)")
  4. Allow the service accounr to connect to Cloud SQL by granting it the Cloud SQL Client role (roles/cloudsql.client):

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud config get project) \
      --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
      --role "roles/cloudsql.client"
  5. Set an environment variable that contains the connection name of your Cloud SQL instance:

    CONNECTION_NAME=$(gcloud sql instances describe --format "value(connectionName)" SQL_INSTANCE_NAME)

    Replace SQL_INSTANCE_NAME with the name of your Cloud SQL instance.

  6. Create a container VM that runs the cloud-sql-connectors/cloud-sql-proxy Docker image and attach the service account:

    gcloud compute instances create-with-container cloudsql-proxy \
      --machine-type e2-small \
      --service-account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
      --scopes "" \
      --no-address \
      --container-image \
      --container-restart-policy on-failure \
      --container-arg="--private-ip" \
      --container-arg="-a" \
      --container-arg="" \
      --container-arg="$CONNECTION_NAME" \
      --network VPC_NAME \
      --subnet SUBNET

    Replace the following:

    • VPC_NAME: the name of your VPC network
    • SUBNET: the name of the subnet to deploy the VM into.

    The command configures the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy to listen on (as opposed to This is necessary so that IAP-TCP can connect to the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy from over the network.

    The VM doesn't have an external IP, because it's only intended to be access from IAP-TCP.

  7. Create a firewall rule that allows IAP-TCP to connect to the VM:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-sql-ingress-from-iap \
        --direction INGRESS \
        --action allow \
        --target-service-accounts $SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
        --source-ranges \
        --network VPC_NAME \
        --rules tcp:PORT

    Replace the following:

    • VPC_NAME: the name of your VPC network
    • PORT: the port of the database, for example:

      • SQL Server: 1433
      • MySQL: 3306
      • PostgreSQL: 5432

You can now use IAP Desktop to connect to cloudsql-proxy, and the VM forwards connections to your Cloud SQL instance.