Set up a Cloud SQL Proxy VM
Required roles
To follow the steps in this guide, you need the following roles:
- Compute Admin or Compute Security Admin on the project.
To let IAP Desktop connect to Cloud SQL, you need an additional VM that runs the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy . This VM is necessary because IAP-TCP doesn't support creating tunnels to managed services such as Cloud SQL.
This guide describes how to do the following:
- Create a container VM that runs
Docker image. - Grant the VM permission to access Cloud SQL.
- Create a firewall rule that allows IAP-TCP to connect to the VM.
Deploy the Cloud SQL Proxy VM
To deploy a VM that automatically runs the Cloud SQL Auth Docker image , do the following:
Set your default project ID :
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
with the ID of your Cloud SQL project. -
Set your default zone:
gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE
with the ID of the zone you want to deploy the VM in. -
Create a service account for the VM:
SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts create cloudsql-proxy-vm --display-name "Cloud SQL Proxy VM" --format "value(email)")
Allow the service accounr to connect to Cloud SQL by granting it the Cloud SQL Client role (
):gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud config get project) \ --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \ --role "roles/cloudsql.client"
Set an environment variable that contains the connection name of your Cloud SQL instance:
CONNECTION_NAME=$(gcloud sql instances describe --format "value(connectionName)" SQL_INSTANCE_NAME)
with the name of your Cloud SQL instance. -
Create a container VM that runs the
Docker image and attach the service account:gcloud compute instances create-with-container cloudsql-proxy \ --machine-type e2-small \ --service-account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT \ --scopes "" \ --no-address \ --container-image \ --container-restart-policy on-failure \ --container-arg="--private-ip" \ --container-arg="-a" \ --container-arg="" \ --container-arg="$CONNECTION_NAME" \ --network VPC_NAME \ --subnet SUBNET
Replace the following:
: the name of your VPC networkSUBNET
: the name of the subnet to deploy the VM into.
The command configures the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy to listen on
(as opposed to127.0.0.1
). This is necessary so that IAP-TCP can connect to the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy from over the network.The VM doesn't have an external IP, because it's only intended to be access from IAP-TCP.
Create a firewall rule that allows IAP-TCP to connect to the VM:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-sql-ingress-from-iap \ --direction INGRESS \ --action allow \ --target-service-accounts $SERVICE_ACCOUNT \ --source-ranges \ --network VPC_NAME \ --rules tcp:PORT
Replace the following:
: the name of your VPC network-
: the port of the database, for example:- SQL Server:
- MySQL:
- PostgreSQL:
- SQL Server:
You can now use IAP Desktop to connect to cloudsql-proxy
, and the VM forwards
connections to your Cloud SQL instance.