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API Reference


Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the ServicePolicy v1 API group.

Resource Types


CommonHTTPHealthCheck holds all the fields that are common across all HTTP health checks.

Appears in: - HTTP2HealthCheck - HTTPHealthCheck - HTTPSHealthCheck

Field Description Default Validation
host string Host is the value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. This
matches the RFC 1123 definition of a hostname with 1 notable exception that
numeric IP addresses are not allowed.
If not specified or left empty, the IP on behalf of which this health check is
performed will be used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$
requestPath string The request path of the HTTP health check request.
If not specified or left empty, a default value of "/" is used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: \/[A-Za-z0-9\/\-._~%!?$&'()*+,;=:]*$
proxyHeader ProxyHeaderType Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend,
either NONE or PROXY_V1. If not specified, this defaults to NONE.
response string The string to match anywhere in the first 1024 bytes of the response body.
If not specified or left empty, the status code determines health.
The response data can only be ASCII.
MaxLength: 1024
Pattern: [\x00-\xFF]+


CommonHealthCheck holds all the fields that are common across all protocol health checks.

Appears in: - GRPCHealthCheck - HTTP2HealthCheck - HTTPHealthCheck - HTTPSHealthCheck - TCPHealthCheck

Field Description Default Validation
portSpecification PortSpecificationType Specifies how port is selected for health checking, can be one of following values:

USE_FIXED_PORT: The port number in port is used for health checking.
USE_NAMED_PORT: The portName is used for health checking.
USE_SERVING_PORT: For NetworkEndpointGroup, the port specified for each network endpoint
is used for health checking. For other backends, the port or named port specified in the
Backend Service is used for health checking.

If not specified, Protocol health check follows behavior specified in port and portName fields.
If neither Port nor PortName is specified, this defaults to USE_SERVING_PORT.
port integer The TCP port number for the health check request. Valid values are 1 through 65535. Maximum: 65535
Minimum: 1
portName string Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name.
If both port and portName are defined, port takes precedence.
MaxLength: 63
Pattern: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?


ConnectionDraining contains configuration for connection draining

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicyConfig

Field Description Default Validation
drainingTimeoutSec integer DrainingTimeoutSec is a BackendService parameter.
It is used during removal of VMs from instance groups. This guarantees that for
the specified time all existing connections to a VM will remain untouched,
but no new connections will be accepted. Set timeout to zero to disable
connection draining. Enable the feature by specifying a timeout of up to
one hour. If the field is omitted, a default value (0s) will be used.
Maximum: 3600
Minimum: 0


GCPBackendPolicy provides a way to apply LoadBalancer policy configuration with the GKE implementation of the Gateway API.

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicyList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPBackendPolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec GCPBackendPolicySpec Spec defines the desired state of GCPBackendPolicy.
status GCPBackendPolicyStatus Status defines the current state of GCPBackendPolicy.


GCPBackendPolicyConfig contains LoadBalancer policy configuration.

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicySpec

Field Description Default Validation
logging LoggingConfig
sessionAffinity SessionAffinityConfig
connectionDraining ConnectionDraining
timeoutSec integer TimeoutSec is a BackendService parameter.
If the field is omitted, a default value (30s) will be used.
Maximum: 2.147483647e+09
Minimum: 1
securityPolicy string SecurityPolicy is a reference to a GCP Cloud Armor SecurityPolicy resource.
iap IdentityAwareProxyConfig IAP contains the configurations for Identity-Aware Proxy.
Identity-Aware Proxy manages access control policies for backend services associated with a HTTPRoute,
so they can be accessed only by authenticated users or applications with correct Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.


GCPBackendPolicyList contains a list of GCPBackendPolicy.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPBackendPolicyList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items GCPBackendPolicy array


GCPBackendPolicySpec defines the desired state of GCPBackendPolicy.

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
targetRef PolicyTargetReference TargetRef identifies an API object to apply policy to.
default GCPBackendPolicyConfig Default defines default policy configuration for the targeted resource.


GCPBackendPolicyStatus defines the observed state of GCPBackendPolicy.

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
conditions Condition array Conditions describe the current conditions of the GCPBackendPolicy. MaxItems: 8


GCPGatewayPolicy provides a way to apply SSL policy and other configuration to the GKE Gateway.

Appears in: - GCPGatewayPolicyList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPGatewayPolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec GCPGatewayPolicySpec Spec defines the desired state of GCPGatewayPolicy.
status GCPGatewayPolicyStatus Status defines the current state of GCPGatewayPolicy.


GCPGatewayPolicyConfig contains gateway policy configuration.

Appears in: - GCPGatewayPolicySpec

Field Description Default Validation
sslPolicy string
allowGlobalAccess boolean
region string Region allows to specify load balancer's region for Multi-cluster Gateway.


GCPGatewayPolicyList contains a list of GCPGatewayPolicies.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPGatewayPolicyList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items GCPGatewayPolicy array


GCPGatewayPolicySpec defines the desired state of GCPGatewayPolicy.

Appears in: - GCPGatewayPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
targetRef PolicyTargetReference TargetRef identifies an API object to apply policy to.
default GCPGatewayPolicyConfig Default defines default gateway policy configuration for the targeted resource.


GCPGatewayPolicyStatus defines the observed state of GCPGatewayPolicy.

Appears in: - GCPGatewayPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
conditions Condition array Conditions describe the current conditions of the GatewayPolicy. MaxItems: 8


GCPSessionAffinityFilter provides a way to configure session affinity for a RouteAction.

Appears in: - GCPSessionAffinityFilterList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPSessionAffinityFilter
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec GCPSessionAffinitySpec Spec defines the desired state of GCPSessionAffinityFilter.
status GCPSessionAffinityFilterStatus Status defines the current state of GCPSessionAffinityFilter.


GCPSessionAffinityFilterList contains a list of GCPSessionAffinityFilter.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPSessionAffinityFilterList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items GCPSessionAffinityFilter array


GCPSessionAffinityFilterStatus defines the observed state of GCPSessionAffinityFilter.

Appears in: - GCPSessionAffinityFilter

Field Description Default Validation
conditions Condition array Conditions describe the current conditions of the GCPSessionAffinityFilter. MaxItems: 8


GCPSessionAffinityPolicy provides a way to apply session affinity policy configuration.

Appears in: - GCPSessionAffinityPolicyList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPSessionAffinityPolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec GCPSessionAffinityPolicySpec Spec defines the desired state of GCPSessionAffinityPolicy.
status GCPSessionAffinityPolicyStatus Status defines the current state of GCPSessionAffinityPolicy.


GCPSessionAffinityPolicyList contains a list of GCPSessionAffinityPolicy.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string GCPSessionAffinityPolicyList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items GCPSessionAffinityPolicy array


GCPSessionAffinityPolicySpec defines the desired state of GCPSessionAffinityPolicy.

Appears in: - GCPSessionAffinityPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
statefulGeneratedCookie StatefulGeneratedCookieConfig
targetRef PolicyTargetReference TargetRef identifies an API object to apply policy to.


GCPSessionAffinityPolicyStatus defines the observed state of GCPSessionAffinityPolicy.

Appears in: - GCPSessionAffinityPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
conditions Condition array Conditions describe the current conditions of the GCPSessionAffinityPolicy. MaxItems: 8


GCPSessionAffinitySpec defines the desired state of GCPSessionAffinityFilter and is shared with GCPSessionAffinityPolicy.

Appears in: - GCPSessionAffinityFilter - GCPSessionAffinityPolicySpec

Field Description Default Validation
statefulGeneratedCookie StatefulGeneratedCookieConfig


GRPCHealthCheck is the health check configuration of type GRPC

Appears in: - HealthCheck

Field Description Default Validation
portSpecification PortSpecificationType Specifies how port is selected for health checking, can be one of following values:

USE_FIXED_PORT: The port number in port is used for health checking.
USE_NAMED_PORT: The portName is used for health checking.
USE_SERVING_PORT: For NetworkEndpointGroup, the port specified for each network endpoint
is used for health checking. For other backends, the port or named port specified in the
Backend Service is used for health checking.

If not specified, Protocol health check follows behavior specified in port and portName fields.
If neither Port nor PortName is specified, this defaults to USE_SERVING_PORT.
port integer The TCP port number for the health check request. Valid values are 1 through 65535. Maximum: 65535
Minimum: 1
portName string Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name.
If both port and portName are defined, port takes precedence.
MaxLength: 63
Pattern: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
grpcServiceName string The gRPC service name for the health check. This field is optional.
The value of grpcServiceName has the following meanings by convention:
- Empty serviceName means the overall status of all services at the backend.
- Non-empty serviceName means the health of that gRPC service, as defined by
the owner of the service.
The grpcServiceName can only be ASCII.
MaxLength: 1024
Pattern: [\x00-\xFF]+


HTTP2HealthCheck is the health check configuration of type HTTP2

Appears in: - HealthCheck

Field Description Default Validation
portSpecification PortSpecificationType Specifies how port is selected for health checking, can be one of following values:

USE_FIXED_PORT: The port number in port is used for health checking.
USE_NAMED_PORT: The portName is used for health checking.
USE_SERVING_PORT: For NetworkEndpointGroup, the port specified for each network endpoint
is used for health checking. For other backends, the port or named port specified in the
Backend Service is used for health checking.

If not specified, Protocol health check follows behavior specified in port and portName fields.
If neither Port nor PortName is specified, this defaults to USE_SERVING_PORT.
port integer The TCP port number for the health check request. Valid values are 1 through 65535. Maximum: 65535
Minimum: 1
portName string Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name.
If both port and portName are defined, port takes precedence.
MaxLength: 63
Pattern: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
host string Host is the value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. This
matches the RFC 1123 definition of a hostname with 1 notable exception that
numeric IP addresses are not allowed.
If not specified or left empty, the IP on behalf of which this health check is
performed will be used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$
requestPath string The request path of the HTTP health check request.
If not specified or left empty, a default value of "/" is used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: \/[A-Za-z0-9\/\-._~%!?$&'()*+,;=:]*$
proxyHeader ProxyHeaderType Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend,
either NONE or PROXY_V1. If not specified, this defaults to NONE.
response string The string to match anywhere in the first 1024 bytes of the response body.
If not specified or left empty, the status code determines health.
The response data can only be ASCII.
MaxLength: 1024
Pattern: [\x00-\xFF]+


HTTPHealthCheck is the health check configuration of type HTTP

Appears in: - HealthCheck

Field Description Default Validation
portSpecification PortSpecificationType Specifies how port is selected for health checking, can be one of following values:

USE_FIXED_PORT: The port number in port is used for health checking.
USE_NAMED_PORT: The portName is used for health checking.
USE_SERVING_PORT: For NetworkEndpointGroup, the port specified for each network endpoint
is used for health checking. For other backends, the port or named port specified in the
Backend Service is used for health checking.

If not specified, Protocol health check follows behavior specified in port and portName fields.
If neither Port nor PortName is specified, this defaults to USE_SERVING_PORT.
port integer The TCP port number for the health check request. Valid values are 1 through 65535. Maximum: 65535
Minimum: 1
portName string Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name.
If both port and portName are defined, port takes precedence.
MaxLength: 63
Pattern: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
host string Host is the value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. This
matches the RFC 1123 definition of a hostname with 1 notable exception that
numeric IP addresses are not allowed.
If not specified or left empty, the IP on behalf of which this health check is
performed will be used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$
requestPath string The request path of the HTTP health check request.
If not specified or left empty, a default value of "/" is used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: \/[A-Za-z0-9\/\-._~%!?$&'()*+,;=:]*$
proxyHeader ProxyHeaderType Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend,
either NONE or PROXY_V1. If not specified, this defaults to NONE.
response string The string to match anywhere in the first 1024 bytes of the response body.
If not specified or left empty, the status code determines health.
The response data can only be ASCII.
MaxLength: 1024
Pattern: [\x00-\xFF]+


HTTPSHealthCheck is the health check configuration of type HTTPS

Appears in: - HealthCheck

Field Description Default Validation
portSpecification PortSpecificationType Specifies how port is selected for health checking, can be one of following values:

USE_FIXED_PORT: The port number in port is used for health checking.
USE_NAMED_PORT: The portName is used for health checking.
USE_SERVING_PORT: For NetworkEndpointGroup, the port specified for each network endpoint
is used for health checking. For other backends, the port or named port specified in the
Backend Service is used for health checking.

If not specified, Protocol health check follows behavior specified in port and portName fields.
If neither Port nor PortName is specified, this defaults to USE_SERVING_PORT.
port integer The TCP port number for the health check request. Valid values are 1 through 65535. Maximum: 65535
Minimum: 1
portName string Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name.
If both port and portName are defined, port takes precedence.
MaxLength: 63
Pattern: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
host string Host is the value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. This
matches the RFC 1123 definition of a hostname with 1 notable exception that
numeric IP addresses are not allowed.
If not specified or left empty, the IP on behalf of which this health check is
performed will be used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$
requestPath string The request path of the HTTP health check request.
If not specified or left empty, a default value of "/" is used.
MaxLength: 2048
Pattern: \/[A-Za-z0-9\/\-._~%!?$&'()*+,;=:]*$
proxyHeader ProxyHeaderType Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend,
either NONE or PROXY_V1. If not specified, this defaults to NONE.
response string The string to match anywhere in the first 1024 bytes of the response body.
If not specified or left empty, the status code determines health.
The response data can only be ASCII.
MaxLength: 1024
Pattern: [\x00-\xFF]+


HealthCheck is a union struct that contains per protocol (i.e. HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2, TCP, GRPC) configuration.

Validation: - MaxProperties: 2 - MinProperties: 2

Appears in: - HealthCheckPolicyConfig

Field Description Default Validation
type HealthCheckType Specifies the type of the healthCheck, either TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2 or GRPC.
Exactly one of the protocol-specific health check field must be specified,
which must match type field.
tcpHealthCheck TCPHealthCheck TCP is the health check configuration of type TCP.
httpHealthCheck HTTPHealthCheck HTTP is the health check configuration of type HTTP.
httpsHealthCheck HTTPSHealthCheck HTTPS is the health check configuration of type HTTPS.
http2HealthCheck HTTP2HealthCheck HTTP2 is the health check configuration of type HTTP2.
grpcHealthCheck GRPCHealthCheck GRPC is the health check configuration of type GRPC.


HealthCheckPolicy provides a way to create and attach a HealthCheck to a BackendService with the GKE implementation of the Gateway API. This policy can only be attached to a BackendService.

Appears in: - HealthCheckPolicyList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string HealthCheckPolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec HealthCheckPolicySpec Spec defines the desired state of HealthCheckPolicy.
status HealthCheckPolicyStatus Status defines the current state of HealthCheckPolicy.


HealthCheckPolicyConfig contains HealthCheck policy configuration.

Appears in: - HealthCheckPolicySpec

Field Description Default Validation
checkIntervalSec integer How often (in seconds) to send a health check.
If not specified, a default value of 5 seconds will be used.
Maximum: 300
Minimum: 1
timeoutSec integer How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure.
If not specified, a default value of 5 seconds will be used.
It is invalid for timeoutSec to have greater value than checkIntervalSec.
Maximum: 300
Minimum: 1
unhealthyThreshold integer A so-far healthy instance will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures.
If not specified, a default value of 2 will be used.
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
healthyThreshold integer A so-far unhealthy instance will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes.
If not specified, a default value of 2 will be used.
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
config HealthCheck Specifies the type of the healthCheck, either TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2 or GRPC.
Exactly one of the protocol-specific health check field must be specified,
which must match type field.
Config contains per protocol (i.e. HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2, TCP, GRPC) configuration.
If not specified, health check type defaults to HTTP.
MaxProperties: 2
MinProperties: 2
logConfig LogConfig LogConfig configures logging on this health check.


HealthCheckPolicyList contains a list of HealthCheckPolicy.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string HealthCheckPolicyList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items HealthCheckPolicy array


HealthCheckPolicySpec defines the desired state of HealthCheckPolicy.

Appears in: - HealthCheckPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
targetRef PolicyTargetReference TargetRef identifies an API object to apply policy to.
default HealthCheckPolicyConfig Default defines default policy configuration for the targeted resource.


HealthCheckPolicyStatus defines the observed state of HealthCheckPolicy.

Appears in: - HealthCheckPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
conditions Condition array Conditions describe the current conditions of the HealthCheckPolicy. MaxItems: 8


Underlying type: string

HealthCheckType is the HealthCheck protocol type.

Appears in: - HealthCheck


IdentityAwareProxyConfig contains the configurations for Identity-Aware Proxy. Identity-Aware Proxy manages access control policies for backend services associated with a HTTPRoute, so they can be accessed only by authenticated users or applications with correct Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. See

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicyConfig

Field Description Default Validation
enabled boolean Enabled denotes whether the serving infrastructure will authenticate and authorize all incoming requests.
If true, the ClientID and Oauth2ClientSecret fields must be non-empty.
If not specified, this defaults to false, which means Identity-Aware Proxy is disabled by default.
oauth2ClientSecret Oauth2ClientSecret Oauth2ClientSecret contains the OAuth2 client secret to use for the authentication flow.
Oauth2ClientSecret must be set if Enabled is set to true.
clientID string ClientID is the OAuth2 client ID to use for the authentication flow.
See iap.oauth2ClientId in
ClientID must be set if Enabled is set to true.


LogConfig configures logging on this health check.

Appears in: - HealthCheckPolicyConfig

Field Description Default Validation
enabled boolean Enabled indicates whether or not to export health check logs. If not
specified, this defaults to false, which means health check logging will be


LoggingConfig contains configuration for logging.

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicyConfig

Field Description Default Validation
enabled boolean Enabled denotes whether to enable logging for the load balancer traffic
served by this backend service. If not specified, this defaults to false,
which means logging is disabled by default.
sampleRate integer This field can only be specified if logging is enabled for this backend
service. The value of the field must be in range [0, 1e6]. This is
converted to a floating point value in the range [0, 1] by dividing by 1e6
for use with the GCE api and interpreted as the proportion of requests that
will be logged. By default all requests will be logged.
Maximum: 1e+06
Minimum: 0


Oauth2ClientSecret contains the OAuth2 client secret to use for the authentication flow. See

Appears in: - IdentityAwareProxyConfig

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name is the reference to the secret resource.


Underlying type: string

PortSpecificationType is the PortSpecification type.

Appears in: - CommonHealthCheck - GRPCHealthCheck - HTTP2HealthCheck - HTTPHealthCheck - HTTPSHealthCheck - TCPHealthCheck


Underlying type: string

ProxyHeaderType is the ProxyHeader type.

Appears in: - CommonHTTPHealthCheck - HTTP2HealthCheck - HTTPHealthCheck - HTTPSHealthCheck - TCPHealthCheck


SessionAffinityConfig contains configuration for stickiness parameters.

Appears in: - GCPBackendPolicyConfig

Field Description Default Validation
type string Type specifies the type of session affinity to use. If not specified, this
defaults to NONE.
cookieTtlSec integer CookieTTLSec specifies the lifetime of cookies in seconds. This setting
requires GENERATED_COOKIE or HTTP_COOKIE session affinity. If set to 0, the
cookie is non-persistent and lasts only until the end of the browser
session (or equivalent). The maximum allowed value is two weeks
Maximum: 1.2096e+06
Minimum: 0


StatefulGeneratedCookieConfig defines cookie-based stateful session affinity where the date plane supplies a “session cookie” with the name "GSSA" which encodes a specific destination host and each request containing that cookie will be directed to that host as long as the destination host remains up and healthy. GCP will manage the session cookie but the client application code is responsible for copying the cookie from each RPC in the session to the next.

Appears in: - GCPSessionAffinityPolicySpec - GCPSessionAffinitySpec

Field Description Default Validation
cookieTtlSeconds integer The cookie TTL value for the Set-Cookie header generated by the data plane. The lifetime of the
cookie may be set to a value from 1 to 86400 seconds (24 hours) inclusive.


TCPHealthCheck is the health check configuration of type TCP

Appears in: - HealthCheck

Field Description Default Validation
portSpecification PortSpecificationType Specifies how port is selected for health checking, can be one of following values:

USE_FIXED_PORT: The port number in port is used for health checking.
USE_NAMED_PORT: The portName is used for health checking.
USE_SERVING_PORT: For NetworkEndpointGroup, the port specified for each network endpoint
is used for health checking. For other backends, the port or named port specified in the
Backend Service is used for health checking.

If not specified, Protocol health check follows behavior specified in port and portName fields.
If neither Port nor PortName is specified, this defaults to USE_SERVING_PORT.
port integer The TCP port number for the health check request. Valid values are 1 through 65535. Maximum: 65535
Minimum: 1
portName string Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name.
If both port and portName are defined, port takes precedence.
MaxLength: 63
Pattern: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
request string The application data to send once the TCP connection has been established. If not specified,
this defaults to empty. If both request and response are empty, the connection establishment
alone will indicate health. The request data can only be ASCII.
MaxLength: 1024
Pattern: [\x00-\xFF]+
response string The bytes to match against the beginning of the response data.
If not specified or left empty, any response will indicate health.
The response data can only be ASCII.
MaxLength: 1024
Pattern: [\x00-\xFF]+
proxyHeader ProxyHeaderType Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend,
either NONE or PROXY_V1. If not specified, this defaults to NONE.