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Build the controller manager container image

This document explains how to build the controller manager container image.

  1. Install the following tools:

  2. Clone the Git repository and navigate to the directory projects/k8s-hybrid-neg-controller.

The base image is defined by the fromImage field in the Skaffold configuration file in the project base directory: ../skaffold.yaml.

Local container image storage

Build the container image and load it into your local Docker daemon or Podman container storage:

skaffold build --cache-artifacts=false --push=false

The default destination is /var/run/docker.sock, but you can override the destination using the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.

Remote container image repository

Build the container image and push it to your container image repository:

skaffold build --cache-artifacts=false --push --default-repo [your container image repository]

You can specify the container image repository using either the default-repo flag, or the SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO environment variable.

See below for instructions specific to cloud provider container image registries.

Google Cloud's Artifact Registry

Build the container image and push it to a container image repository in Artifact Registry:

skaffold build --cache-artifacts=false --push --default-repo $$PROJECT_ID/$AR_REPOSITORY

In the command above, replace the following:

Amazon Elastic Container Registry

Build the container image and push it to an Amazon ECR repository:

AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=[your AWS account ID]
ECR_REGION=[the region of your ECR private repository, e.g., us-east-1]

aws ecr create-repository --region $ECR_REGION --repository-name $ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME

skaffold build --cache-artifacts=false --push --default-repo $ECR_REGISTRY

Azure Container Registry

Build the container image and push it to a private registry in Azure Container Registry:

ACR_NAME=<the name if your private registry in Azure Container Registry>
ACR_RESOURCE_GROUP=<the Azure resource group that contains your registry>

ACR_LOGIN_SERVER=$(az acr show \
  --name $ACR_NAME \
  --expose-token \
  --resource-group $ACR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --output tsv \
  --query loginServer)

skaffold build --cache-artifacts=false --push --default-repo $ACR_LOGIN_SERVER

Building with ko

You can use the ko command-line tool to build the container image, instead of Skaffold's ko builder.

  1. Download the ko binary for your platform.

  2. Define the base image you want to use in the .ko.yaml config file:

    cat << EOF > .ko.yaml

    You can specify the base image using the KO_DEFAULTBASEIMAGE environment variable, instead of creating the .ko.yaml config file.

    For additional configuration options, see the documentation on ko configuration.

  3. Specify the container image repository where ko should push the container image using the KO_DOCKER_REPO environment variable:

    export KO_DOCKER_REPO=[your container image repository]
  4. Build the container image and push it to the repository:

    ko build .