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Configuration: Template Parameters

Pipeline Flags

The Dataflow pipeline requires or accepts the following flags:

Flag Required Default Value Description Example
input_file_format Yes N/A Format of the files to load. Supported: avro and csv. --input_file_format=csv
input_file_pattern Yes N/A File pattern to the file(s). The path can contain glob characters (*, ?, and [...] sets). --input_file_pattern=gs://my-bucket/data/*.csv
input_schema Yes N/A The input schema using dtype strings. The format for each field is field_name:dtype. Example: name:string. The fields must follow the order of the file when in csv format. Each field must be separated with ;. Example: name:string;phone:number. --input_schema=id:int64;first_name:string;last_name:string;salary:float
input_csv_file_delimiter No , The column delimiter for the input CSV file(s). Only used for CSV files. --input_csv_file_delimiter=";"
input_file_contains_headers No 1 Whether the input CSV files contain a header record. Use 1 for true and 0 for false. Only used for CSV files. --input_file_contains_headers=1
alloydb_ip Yes N/A The IP (or hostname) of the AlloyDB (or PostgreSQL) database. The database must be accessible by the pipeline runner. --alloydb_ip=
alloydb_port No 5432 Port of the AlloyDB instance. --alloydb_port=5432
alloydb_database No postgres Name of the AlloyDB database to which data will be written. --alloydb_database=dbname
alloydb_user No postgres User to login to Postgres database on AlloyDB. --alloydb_user=myuser
alloydb_password Yes N/A Password to login to Postgres database on AlloyDB using the provided user. --alloydb_password=mySafePassword123!
alloydb_table Yes N/A Name of the table within the Postgres database on AlloyDB to which data will be written. --alloydb_table=customers

DataFlow Template Flags

Dataflow requires some additional parameter to deploy the pipeline as a Dataflow job. For information about pipeline options that are directly required and supported by Flex Templates, see Pipeline options.

Flag Required Description Example
region Yes The region where you want to deploy the Dataflow job. --region=asia-southeast-1
project Yes The project id where you want to deploy the Dataflow job. --project=my-gcp-project
job_name Yes Name of the Dataflow job name. --job_name=gcs_to_alloydb
temp_location Yes Cloud Storage path for Dataflow to stage temporary job files created during the execution of the pipeline. --temp_location=gs://bucket/path/dataflow/temp/
staging_location Yes Cloud Storage path for Dataflow to stage staging job files created during the execution of the pipeline. --staging_location=gs://bucket/path/dataflow/staging/