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Build and Run Dataflow Template


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud, including the following:

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created.

Build and Run the Dataflow Flex Template

Prepare your project

  1. Create a Google Cloud project with billing enabled.

  2. Open the Cloud Console.

  3. Activate Cloud Shell. At the bottom of the Cloud Console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Cloud SDK already installed, including the gcloud command-line tool, and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

Prepare your environment

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Access this project folder:

    cd cloud-solutions/projects/dataflow-gcs-to-alloydb/
  3. Set up the project variables.


    The variables mean the following:

    • PROJECT_ID is the project id where the Artifact Registry repository was created and where the Dataflow job will run.

    • REGION is the region where the resources will run.

    • REPOSITORY_NAME is in the Artifact Repository repository name where the image will be created.

    • BUCKET_NAME is the name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket that will be used to store the data files and temporary Dataflow data.

    • DATAFLOW_JOB_NAME is a custom job name to identify the template run.

    • ALLOYDB_CLUSTER_NAME is the name of the AlloyDB cluster that will be created and to which data will be uploaded.

    • ALLOYDB_INSTANCE_NAME is the name of the (primary) instance within the AlloyDB cluster. Leave the variable as is to name it the same as the cluster name with -instance added after it.

    • ALLOYDB_PASSWORD is password for the AlloyDB instance.

  4. Set the project id.

    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
  5. Enable the required Google Cloud services.

    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

Create an AlloyDB cluster, instance, database and table

  1. Create an AlloyDB cluster.

    gcloud alloydb clusters create $ALLOYDB_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --region=$REGION \
  2. Create an AlloyDB instance.

    gcloud alloydb instances create $ALLOYDB_INSTANCE_NAME \
      --cluster=$ALLOYDB_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --region=$REGION \
      --instance-type=PRIMARY \
      --cpu-count=2 \
      --availability-type=ZONAL \

    Note: By default, AlloyDB creates a default user and database named "postgres". For the purpose of this guide, this default database and user will be used.

    Note: For the purpose of this guide, we are allowing unencrypted connections to the database to ease the process of connecting and configure it the database via command line. For production environments, this might not be the recommended set up.

  3. Get the internal AlloyDB instance IP.

    gcloud alloydb instances describe $ALLOYDB_INSTANCE_NAME \
      --cluster=$ALLOYDB_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --region=$REGION \
      --view=BASIC \
    | grep "ipAddress"
  4. Store the internal IP into a variable.

      gcloud alloydb instances describe $ALLOYDB_INSTANCE_NAME \
        --cluster=$ALLOYDB_CLUSTER_NAME \
        --region=$REGION \
        --view=BASIC \
      | grep "ipAddress" \
      | sed "s/ipAddress: //"
  5. Connect to the database.

    psql -h $ALLOYDB_IP -d postgres -U postgres
  6. Write the AlloyDB password when prompted.

  7. Create a new table by pasting the contents of the src/testdata/test1/schema.sql file.

  8. Confirm the table was created.

    \dt public.*

    You should see the following:

              List of relations
    Schema |   Name    | Type  |  Owner
    public | employees | table | postgres
    (1 row)
  9. Exit psql by typing exit.

Create a GCS bucket and upload data files

  1. Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://$BUCKET_NAME --location=$REGION
  2. Upload a data file to the bucket. In this case, a CSV file will be used.

    gsutil cp src/testdata/test1/data.csv gs://$BUCKET_NAME/dataflow-template/data.csv

Create an Artifact Registry repository

  1. Create a new Artifact Registry repository.

    gcloud artifacts repositories create $REPOSITORY_NAME \
      --repository-format=docker \

Build the Flex Template

  1. Name your container and store it into a variable.

    TEMPLATE_IMAGE="$$PROJECT_ID/$REPOSITORY_NAME/dataflow-template-gcs-to-alloydb-$(date +%s):latest"
  2. Build the Dataflow Flex template using the custom image.

    gcloud builds submit \

    Before deploying the Dataflow Flex template, tests are run to ensure the pipeline code is working as intended.

At this point the custom image for the Dataflow Flex template has been created in the Artifact Repository. The template metadata has been written to the bucket as a JSON file (dataflow_gcs_to_alloydb_template.json).

Once the template is built, it can be run as many times as desired, and configured by changing the parameters.

Run the Flex Template

  1. Run a Dataflow job that uses the Flex Template created in the previous steps.

    gcloud dataflow flex-template run dataflow-template-run-test-gcs-alloydb \
      --template-file-gcs-location gs://$BUCKET_NAME/dataflow-template/dataflow_gcs_to_alloydb_template.json \
      --region $REGION \
      --parameters "input_file_format=csv" \
      --parameters "input_file_pattern=gs://$BUCKET_NAME/dataflow-template/data.csv" \
      --parameters 'input_schema=id:int64;first_name:string;last_name:string;deparment:string;salary:float;hire_date:string' \
      --parameters "alloydb_ip=$ALLOYDB_IP" \
      --parameters "alloydb_password=$ALLOYDB_PASSWORD" \
      --parameters "alloydb_table=employees" \
      --parameters "region=$REGION" \
      --parameters "project=$PROJECT_ID" \
      --parameters "job_name=$DATAFLOW_JOB_NAME" \
      --parameters "temp_location=gs://$BUCKET_NAME/dataflow-template/temp" \
      --parameters "staging_location=gs://$BUCKET_NAME/dataflow-template/staging"

    To learn how to customize these flags, read the Configuration section.