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High Availability architecture for AlloyDB Omni for PostgreSQL

This document describes an architecture that provides high availability (HA) for AlloyDB Omni for PostgreSQL deployments on Google Cloud using Patroni and HAProxy.

This document is intended for database administrators, cloud architects, and DevOps engineers who want to learn how to increase their AlloyDB Omni data-tier reliability by improving overall system uptime.

Depending on the service level objectives (SLOs) of your system, you might require an architecture that provides a high level of availability. HA architectures provide increased protection against data-tier downtime when compared to single node database setups. If your environment tolerates some amount of downtime, an HA architecture might introduce unnecessary cost and complexity.

This document focuses on setting up an HA solution for AlloyDB Omni using the Patroni, etcd and HAProxy open source tools.

HA with Patroni, etcd and HAProxy

Patroni is an open-source cluster management tool for PostgreSQL databases designed to manage and automate high availability (HA) for PostgreSQL clusters. It uses various distributed consensus systems such as etcd, Consul, or Zookeeper to coordinate and manage the cluster state.

Some key features and components of Patroni include HA with automatic failover, leader election, replication and recovery. Patroni is co-located with PostgreSQL server instances as it directly manages and monitors their health and performs necessary operations such as failovers and replication to maintain database cluster high availability and reliability.

Patroni uses a distributed consensus system to store metadata and manage the cluster. In this guide, we use a distributed configuration store (DCS) called etcd. One of the most common uses of etcd is to store and retrieve distributed systems information such as configuration, health, and current status, ensuring consistent configuration across all nodes.

HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) is an open-source software used for load balancing and proxying TCP and HTTP-based applications, widely used to improve the performance and reliability of web applications by distributing incoming requests across multiple servers.

HAProxy offers load balancing by distributing network traffic across multiple servers. It maintains the health state of the backend servers it connects to by performing health checks. If a server fails a health check, HAProxy stops sending traffic to it until it passes the health checks again.


In this guide, we deploy a three-node Patroni cluster with AlloyDB Omni and a three-node cluster etcd as the configuration store. In front of the cluster, we use HAProxy in a managed instance group for the floating IP address so that the failover is transparent to clients.

The initial configuration of the cluster:

view of a HA configuration of three working AlloyDB Omni nodes with a HAProxy
instance in front and three working etcd nodes all spread evenly over three
zones in one region

The configuration after a zone outage and a failover:

view of a HA configuration after a zone outage with two working AlloyDB Omni
nodes out of three, a HAProxy instance in front and two working out of three
etcd nodes


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud, including:

  1. Compute Engine
  2. Cloud Storage

You can clean up the resources that you created so that they stop using quota and incurring charges by using the terraform destroy command.

Before you begin

  1. Create a Google Cloud project.

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. Open Cloud Shell. A Cloud Shell session opens and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Cloud SDK already installed. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  4. In Cloud Shell, clone the source repository and go to the directory for this tutorial:

    git clone

In this tutorial, we use psql to interact with the database cluster. The psql client is already installed on the HAProxy node instance.

One alternative is pgAdmin. pgAdmin is a popular,open-source administration and development platform for PostgreSQL that provides a graphical interface which simplifies the process of managing PostgreSQL databases.

Deploy the solution

In Cloud Shell, go to the terraform directory of this tutorial:

cd cloud-solutions/projects/alloydbomni-ha-patroni-etcd-creation/terraform && \
terraform init

Run the Terraform script to create all resources: The Terraform script creates and configures:

  • three nodes for your etcd cluster
  • three nodes for your Patroni cluster
  • one node for HAProxy

You can set values for your project_id, region, zones, and some settings for your Patroni cluster such as cluster name, Postgres superuser, replication usernames, and passwords. Except for the project_id, all other variables have default values, and the passwords for the Postgres superuser and replication user are randomly generated. You can either change default values in the file or add the variable values in the terraform command line by using the -var option for each variable:

terraform apply \
-var='region=us-central1' \
-var='zones=["us-central1-a","us-central1-b", "us-central1-c"]'

(Optional) Connection Pooling with PGBouncer

If the number of clients that connect to the database becomes an issue and you have performance issues due to the high number of simultaneous database connections, you might add an additional connection pooling component such as PgBouncer.

PgBouncer is a lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL databases. It allows multiple client connections to share a smaller number of PostgreSQL connections. This helps reduce overhead and improve the performance of the database by limiting the number of active database connections.

You can optionally create one more compute engine instance and install PgBouncer on it. It stays between the clients and the HAProxy node. For guidance on how to install PgBouncer, see PgBouncer Installation, Configuration and Use Cases for Better Performance.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous replication

In a Patroni-managed PostgreSQL cluster, replication can be configured in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. By default, Patroni uses asynchronous streaming replication. Although each replication type offers distinct advantages and trade-offs, some business use cases might require synchronous replication.

Asynchronous replication allows transactions to be committed on the primary without waiting for acknowledgments from standbys. The primary sends write-ahead log (WAL) records to standbys, which apply them asynchronously.

This approach reduces write latency and improves performance but comes with the risk of data loss if the primary fails before the standby has caught up. Standbys might be behind the primary, leading to potential inconsistencies during failover.

Synchronous replication in PostgreSQL ensures data consistency by waiting for transactions to be written to both the primary and at least one synchronous standby before committing. This guarantees that data is not lost in the event of a primary failure, providing strong data durability and consistency.

The primary waits for acknowledgments from the synchronous standby, which can lead to higher latency and potentially lower throughput due to the added round-trip time. This can reduce overall system throughput, especially under high load.

The choice between synchronous and asynchronous replication in a Patroni cluster depends on the specific requirements for data durability, consistency, and performance. Synchronous replication is preferable in scenarios where data integrity and minimal data loss are critical, while asynchronous replication suits environments where performance and lower latency are prioritized.

You can configure a mixed solution that involves having a three node cluster with a synchronous standby in the same region but a different nearby zone or datacenter, and a second asynchronous standby in a different region or a more distant datacenter to protect against potential regional outages.

To make Patroni use only synchronous replication in your three nodes cluster, add configuration items such as synchronous_mode, synchronous_node_count, synchronous_commit and synchronous_standby_names in the bootstrap section in your Patroni configuration files. Go to the bootstrap section of the patroni_startup.tftpl file. It should look like this:

        # Follow the rule loop_wait + 2 * retry_timeout <= ttl
        ttl: 30
        loop_wait: 10
        retry_timeout: 10
        # The maximum bytes a follower may lag to be valid for failover.
        # Influences the RPO. 1MB by default.
        maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576
          use_pg_rewind: true
          use_slots: true
            hot_standby: "on"
            wal_keep_segments: 20
            max_wal_senders: 8
            max_replication_slots: 8

Perform the following changes to enable synchronous replication and define the number of syncrhonously replicated nodes in the cluster:

        # Follow the rule loop_wait + 2 * retry_timeout <= ttl
        ttl: 30
        loop_wait: 10
        retry_timeout: 10
        # The maximum bytes a follower may lag to be valid for failover.
        # Influences the RPO. 1MB by default.
        maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576
        # Turns on synchronous replication
        synchronous_mode: true
        # Defines how many nodes in the cluster use syncrhonous replication.
        synchronous_node_count: 2
          use_pg_rewind: true
          use_slots: true
            hot_standby: "on"
            wal_keep_segments: 20
            max_wal_senders: 8
            max_replication_slots: 8
            # Can also be on, remote_write or local. Influences the RPO.
            synchronous_commit: remote_apply
            synchronous_standby_names: '*'

When synchronous_mode is turned on, Patroni will use synchronous replication between its primary and the other replicas. The parameter synchronous_node_count is used by Patroni to manage the number of synchronous standby databases. Patroni manages a precise number of synchronous standby databases based on the synchronous_node_count parameter and adjusts the state in the configuration store and in the synchronous_standby_names as members join and leave.

For more information about synchronous replication, see the Replication modes section in Patroni's documentation.

Test your HA setup

Ensuring the reliability and robustness of your HA Patroni setup is crucial for maintaining continuous database operations and minimizing downtime. This section provides a comprehensive guide to testing your Patroni cluster, covering various failure scenarios, replication consistency, and failover mechanisms.

Follow the steps outlined below to validate the integrity and performance of your HA Patroni configuration.

Test your Patroni setup

Connect to any of your patroni instances (patroni1, patroni2 or patroni3) and navigate to the AlloyDB Omni patroni folder:

cd /alloydb/

Run the docker compose logs command to inspect the patroni logs:

docker compose logs alloydbomni-patroni

Notice the last entries, they should reflect information about the patroni node. You should see something similar to:

alloydb-patroni        | 2024-06-12 15:10:29,020 INFO: no action. I am (patroni1), the leader with the lock
alloydb-patroni        | 2024-06-12 15:10:39,010 INFO: no action. I am (patroni1), the leader with the lock
alloydb-patroni        | 2024-06-12 15:10:49,007 INFO: no action. I am (patroni1), the leader with the lock

Connect to any instance of the patroni cluster or to your HAProxy node and run:

curl -s http://alloydb-patroni1:8008/patroni | jq .

This command will give you information about the alloydb-patroni1 instance. You should see something similar to what is displayed below, assuming that alloydb-patroni1 is the leader of the cluster:

  "state": "running",
  "postmaster_start_time": "2024-05-16 14:12:30.031673+00:00",
  "role": "master",
  "server_version": 150005,
  "xlog": {
    "location": 83886408
  "timeline": 1,
  "replication": [
      "usename": "alloydbreplica",
      "application_name": "patroni2",
      "client_addr": "",
      "state": "streaming",
      "sync_state": "async",
      "sync_priority": 0
      "usename": "alloydbreplica",
      "application_name": "patroni3",
      "client_addr": "",
      "state": "streaming",
      "sync_state": "async",
      "sync_priority": 0
  "dcs_last_seen": 1715870011,
  "database_system_identifier": "7369600155531440151",
  "patroni": {
    "version": "3.3.0",
    "scope": "my-patroni-cluster",
    "name": "patroni1"

Note: You might need to install the jq tool by running: sudo apt-get install jq -y

Calling the Patroni HTTP API endpoint on a Patroni node exposes various details about the state and configuration of that particular PostgreSQL instance managed by Patroni, including cluster state information, timeline and WAL information, and health checks indicating whether the nodes and cluster are up and running correctly.

Test your HAProxy setup

Connect to the HAProxy node and run the following command:

sudo watch 'echo "show stat" | socat unix-connect:/var/run/haproxy/admin.sock stdio | cut -d "," -f 1,2,6-10,18,50,56,37 | column -s, -t'

You should see something resembling the below table:

pxname svname smax slim stot bin bout status rate_max check_status cli_abrt lastsess
stats FRONTEND 4 100 6 16618 1178088 OPEN 2
stats BACKEND 0 10 0 16618 1178088 UP 0 0 7753
postgres_primary FRONTEND 4 100 5 842 0 OPEN 3
postgres_primary patroni1 2 100 4 589 0 UP 3 L7OK 0 9771
postgres_primary patroni2 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L7STS 0 -1
postgres_primary patroni3 1 100 1 253 0 DOWN 1 L7STS 0 9979
postgres_primary BACKEND 2 10 5 842 0 UP 3 0 9771
postgres_replicas FRONTEND 0 100 0 0 0 OPEN 0
postgres_replicas patroni1 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L7STS 0 -1
postgres_replicas patroni2 0 100 0 0 0 UP 0 L7OK 0 -1
postgres_replicas patroni3 0 100 0 0 0 UP 0 L7OK 0 -1
postgres_replicas BACKEND 0 10 0 0 0 UP 0 0 -1

Alternatively, on any machine with a working browser and network connectivity to your HAProxy node, go to the following address using the browser:


You should see something resembling the below screenshot:

view of a HAProxy dashboard showing one primary AlloyDB Omni node and two AlloyDB Omni standby nodes

The HAProxy dashboard provides real-time information about load balancing and server status. For example, the LastChk column shows the result of the most recent health check for each server (e.g., L7OK/200, L7STS/503).

The postgres_primary section lists different possible AlloyDB Omni primary servers (patroni1, patroni2, patroni3). The table in this section has columns showing the queue, session rate, bytes in/out, denied requests, errors, warnings, and server status. The only primary server UP (green) is patroni1.

Similar to the postgres_primary section, the postgres_replicas table lists all the potential replica servers (patroni1, patroni2, patroni3) with their respective stats. Notice how patroni1 is down in this section as it's a primary server, indicated by a red background, while patroni2 and patroni3 are UP because they are replica servers.

Go to your HAProxy node and use the psql client to connect to your cluster:

psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U postgres

Provide the password for the postgres super user. If it was self-generated, you can find it in the patroni.yml config file, located on any Patroni node in the /alloydb/config/patroni.yml file.

Optionally, you can connect to the HAProxy server from a pgAdmin client and perform some queries to check the replication stats in your cluster. From the pgAdmin client, connect to your HAProxy node.

Use the hostname of your HAProxy node and 5000 for the port.

Run the following query in psql or pgAdmin:

    pid, usename, application_name, client_addr, state, sync_state

You should see something similar:

pid usename application_name client_addr state sync_state
188 alloydbreplica patroni2 streaming sync
684 alloydbreplica patroni3 streaming sync

The results show that patroni2 and patroni3 nodes are replicating syncrhonously from patroni1.

Test the automatic failover operation

In your three-node cluster, simulate an outage on the primary node. You can either stop the Patroni service on the primary node to simulate an outage or enforce some firewall rules to stop communication to that node. In this guide, we will simulate an outage by stopping the attached-running Patroni container.

Navigate to the alloydb folder on your primary node:

cd /alloydb/

Stop the container:

sudo docker compose down

You should see something similar to this:

root@patroni1:/alloydbomni-patroni# docker compose down
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Container alloydb-patroni            Removed
 ✔ Network alloydbomni-patroni_default  Removed

Notice how failover takes place:

pxname svname smax slim stot bin bout status rate_max check_status cli_abrt lastsess
stats FRONTEND 4 100 6 16618 1178088 OPEN 2
stats BACKEND 0 10 0 16618 1178088 UP 0 0 8058
postgres_primary FRONTEND 4 100 5 842 0 OPEN 3
postgres_primary patroni1 2 100 4 589 0 DOWN 3 L4CON 0 10076
postgres_primary patroni2 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L7STS 0 -1
postgres_primary patroni3 1 100 1 253 0 UP 1 L7OK 0 10284
postgres_primary BACKEND 2 10 5 842 0 UP 3 0 10076
postgres_replicas FRONTEND 0 100 0 0 0 OPEN 0
postgres_replicas patroni1 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L4CON 0 -1
postgres_replicas patroni2 0 100 0 0 0 UP 0 L7OK 0 -1
postgres_replicas patroni3 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L7STS 0 -1
postgres_replicas BACKEND 0 10 0 0 0 UP 0 0 -1

Alternatively, refresh the HAProxy dashboard in the browser:

view of a HAProxy dashboard after an outage and failover, showing one primary AlloyDB Omni node and only one AlloyDB Omni standby node

Notice how the patroni3 instance in the postgres_primary is now UP because it became the new primary and patroni2 is the only remaining replica from the postgres_replicas section. The previous primary, patroni1, is down in both sections and as expected, the health checks for it are failing.

Patroni performs and manages the failover through a combination of monitoring, consensus, and automated orchestration. As soon as the primary node fails to renew its lease within a specified timeout, or if it reports a failure, the other nodes in the cluster recognize this condition through the consensus system.

The remaining nodes coordinate to select the most suitable replica to promote as the new primary. Once a candidate replica is selected, Patroni promotes this node to primary by applying the necessary changes, such as updating the PostgreSQL configuration and replaying any outstanding WAL records.

Then, the new primary node updates the consensus system with its status and the other replicas reconfigure themselves to follow the new primary, including switching their replication source and potentially catching up with any new transactions. HAProxy detects the new primary and redirects client connections accordingly, ensuring minimal disruption.

Run the following query in the psql client on the HAProxy node to check the replication stats in your cluster after failover:

    pid, usename, application_name, client_addr, state, sync_state

You should see something similar:

pid usename application_name client_addr state sync_state
234 alloydbreplica patroni2 streaming sync

Notice how patroni2 is now the only replica remaining, following the new primary patroni3.

Your three node cluster can survive one more outage. If you stop the current primary node (patroni3), another failover will take place:

pxname svname smax slim stot bin bout status rate_max check_status cli_abrt lastsess
stats FRONTEND 4 100 8 21610 1533915 OPEN 2
stats BACKEND 0 10 0 21610 1533915 UP 0 0 5
postgres_primary FRONTEND 4 100 5 842 0 OPEN 3
postgres_primary patroni1 2 100 4 589 0 DOWN 3 L4CON 0 10243
postgres_primary patroni2 0 100 0 0 0 UP 0 L7OK 0 -1
postgres_primary patroni3 1 100 1 253 0 DOWN 1 L4CON 0 10451
postgres_primary BACKEND 2 10 5 842 0 UP 3 0 10243
postgres_replicas FRONTEND 0 100 0 0 0 OPEN 0
postgres_replicas patroni1 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L4CON 0 -1
postgres_replicas patroni2 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L7STS 0 -1
postgres_replicas patroni3 0 100 0 0 0 DOWN 0 L4CON 0 -1
postgres_replicas BACKEND 0 10 0 0 0 DOWN 0 0 -1

Alternatively, refresh the HAProxy dashboard in the browser:

View of a HAProxy dashboard after another outage and failover, showing only one primary AlloyDB Omni node

Notice how the patroni2 instance in the postgres_primary is now UP as it became the only primary server. In the postgres_replicas section, all nodes are down and all the health checks for them are failing, showing that the current primary in the cluster has no replicas.

Fallback considerations

Fallback is the process to reinstate the former source node after a failover has occurred. Automatic fallback is generally not recommended in a HA database cluster due to several critical concerns. For example: incomplete recovery, risk of split-brain scenarios, and replication lag.

In your Patroni cluster, if you bring up the two nodes for which you simulated an outage, they will rejoin the cluster as standby replicas:

cd /alloydb/
sudo docker compose up -d

view of a HAProxy dashboard showing the one remaining primary AlloyDB Omni node and two recovered AlloyDB Omni standby nodes

Notice how now patroni1 and patroni3 are replicating from the current primary patroni2.

pid usename application_name client_addr state sync_state
268 alloydbreplica patroni1 streaming sync
279 alloydbreplica patroni3 streaming sync

If you want to manually fall back to your initial primary patroni1 from the current patroni2 leader, you can do that by using the Patroni REST API. To fall back to patroni1, you perform a switchover request from any machine that has network connectivity to the cluster to the current leader (patroni2):

curl -s http://alloydb-patroni2:8008/switchover -XPOST -d '{"leader":"patroni2", "candidate":"patroni1"}'

You should see the confirmation message:

Successfully switched over to "patroni1"

By opting for manual fallback, you can ensure a more reliable, consistent, and thoroughly verified recovery process, maintaining the integrity and availability of your database systems.