# Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Author(s) | Lei Pan |
Last updated | 8/16/2024 |
Previous updated | 11/08/2023 |
Talk to Codebase via Codey, Matching Engine and RAG¶
Codey models are text-to-code models from Google AI, trained on a massive code related dataset. You can generate code related responses for different scenarios such as writing functions, unit tests, debugging, explaining code etc. Here is the overview of all the Codey APIs.
In this notebook, we will show you how to chat with your codebase through RAG (Codey is generator and codebase embeddings in Vertex matching engine is retriever)
If you are not familiar with RAG, you can read this paper
- Step 1: Create matching engine index and endpoint for codebase retrieval
- Step 2: Add codebase embeddings to matching engine - vector store
- Step 3: Retrieval based question/answering chain setup
Prep Work¶
Install Vertex AI SDK, other packages and their dependencies¶
Install the following packages required to execute this notebook.
*To use the newly installed packages in this Jupyter runtime, you must restart the runtime. You can do this by running the cell below, which will restart the current kernel.
# Install Vertex AI LLM SDK
! pip install --user --upgrade google-cloud-aiplatform==1.47.0 langchain==0.1.14 langchain-google-vertexai==0.1.3
# Dependencies required
! sudo apt -y -qq install tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev
! sudo apt-get -y -qq install poppler-utils
! pip install --user unstructured==0.7.5 pdf2image==1.16.3 pytesseract==0.3.10 pdfminer.six==20221105
# For Matching Engine integration dependencies (default embeddings)
! pip install --user tensorflow_hub==0.13.0 tensorflow_text==2.12.1
! pip install unstructured
Authenticating your notebook environment¶
If you are using Colab, you will need to authenticate yourself first. The next cell will check if you are currently using Colab, and will start the authentication process.
import sys
if "google.colab" in sys.modules:
from google.colab import auth as google_auth
Download custom Python modules and utilities¶
The cell below will download some helper functions needed for using Vertex AI Matching Engine in this notebook. These helper functions were created to keep this notebook more tidy and concise, and you can also view them directly on Github.
import os
import urllib.request
if not os.path.exists("utils"):
url_prefix = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/generative-ai/main/language/use-cases/document-qa/utils"
files = ["__init__.py", "matching_engine.py", "matching_engine_utils.py"]
for fname in files:
urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{url_prefix}/{fname}", filename=f"utils/{fname}")
Import libraries¶
import json
import textwrap
# Utils
import time
import uuid
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import vertexai
# Vertex AI
from google.cloud import aiplatform
print(f"Vertex AI SDK version: {aiplatform.__version__}")
# LangChain
import langchain
print(f"LangChain version: {langchain.__version__}")
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain.document_loaders import GCSDirectoryLoader
from langchain.embeddings import VertexAIEmbeddings
from langchain.llms import VertexAI
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from pydantic import BaseModel
# Import custom Matching Engine packages
from utils.matching_engine import MatchingEngine
from utils.matching_engine_utils import MatchingEngineUtils
Please set PROJECT_ID and REGION below with your project id and location for Vertex AI. This should be the project in which you enabled Vertex AI
PROJECT_ID = "your project id" #replace with your project id
REGION = "region name" #replace with your region name
# Initialize Vertex AI SDK
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location=REGION)
Next you will define some utility functions that you will use for the Vertex AI Embeddings API
# Utility functions for Embeddings API with rate limiting
def rate_limit(max_per_minute):
period = 60 / max_per_minute
while True:
before = time.time()
after = time.time()
elapsed = after - before
sleep_time = max(0, period - elapsed)
if sleep_time > 0:
print(".", end="")
Initialize LangChain Models¶
You initialize LangChain Models with the pre-trained text, chat and embeddings generation model called code generation model
# Text model instance integrated with langChain
llm = VertexAI(
# Embeddings API integrated with LangChain
embeddings = VertexAIEmbeddings(model_name="textembedding-gecko@003")
Step 1: Create Matching Engine Index and Endpoint for Codebase Retrieval¶
- Configure parameters to create Matching Engine index
: Region where Matching Engine Index and Index Endpoint are deployedME_INDEX_NAME
: Matching Engine index display nameME_EMBEDDING_DIR
: Cloud Storage path to allow inserting, updating or deleting the contents of the IndexME_DIMENSIONS
: The number of dimensions of the input vectors. Vertex AI Embedding API generates 768 dimensional vector embeddings.
ME_REGION = "region name" #replace with your region name
ME_INDEX_NAME = f"{PROJECT_ID}-me-index"
ME_DIMENSIONS = 768 # when using Vertex PaLM Embedding
Make a Google Cloud Storage bucket for your Matching Engine index
! set -x && gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -l us-central1 gs://$ME_EMBEDDING_DIR
- Create a dummy embeddings file to initialize when creating the index
# dummy embedding
init_embedding = {"id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "embedding": list(np.zeros(ME_DIMENSIONS))}
# dump embedding to a local file
with open("embeddings_0.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(init_embedding, f)
# write embedding to Cloud Storage
! set -x && gsutil cp embeddings_0.json gs://{ME_EMBEDDING_DIR}/init_index/embeddings_0.json
Create Index¶
mengine = MatchingEngineUtils(PROJECT_ID, ME_REGION, ME_INDEX_NAME)
index = mengine.create_index(
if index:
Deploy Index to Endpoint¶
index_endpoint = mengine.deploy_index()
if index_endpoint:
print(f"Index endpoint resource name: {index_endpoint.name}")
f"Index endpoint public domain name: {index_endpoint.public_endpoint_domain_name}"
print("Deployed indexes on the index endpoint:")
for d in index_endpoint.deployed_indexes:
print(f" {d.id}")
Step 2: Add Codebase Embeddings to Matching Engine - Vector Store¶
This step ingests and parse codebase, split them, generate embeddings and add the embeddings to the vector store. The codebase corpus used as dataset is a sample of Google published research papers across different domains - large models, traffic simulation, productivity etc.
Load codebase and add codebase metadata such as file name, to be retrieved later when citing the references.
- You need to upload the codebase to the GCS bucket you created above. You can follow the instruction below.
- You can download and unzip this zip file - bank_of_anthos_codebase.zip from github to get the sample codebase we use in this notebook. Then upload it to the GCS bucket.
from typing import Callable, List, Optional
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
from langchain.document_loaders.gcs_file import GCSFileLoader
from langchain.utilities.vertexai import get_client_info
class GCSDirectoryLoaderNew(BaseLoader):
"""Load from GCS directory."""
def __init__(
project_name: str,
bucket: str,
prefix: str = "",
loader_func: Optional[Callable[[str], BaseLoader]] = None,
"""Initialize with bucket and key name.
project_name: The ID of the project for the GCS bucket.
bucket: The name of the GCS bucket.
prefix: The prefix of the GCS bucket.
loader_func: A loader function that instantiates a loader based on a
file_path argument. If nothing is provided, the GCSFileLoader
would use its default loader.
self.project_name = project_name
self.bucket = bucket
self.prefix = prefix
self._loader_func = loader_func
def load(self) -> List[Document]:
"""Load documents."""
from google.cloud import storage
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import google-cloud-storage python package. "
"Please install it with `pip install google-cloud-storage`."
client = storage.Client(
docs = []
for blob in client.list_blobs(self.bucket, prefix=self.prefix):
# we shall just skip directories since GCSFileLoader creates
# intermediate directories on the fly
if blob.name.endswith("/"):
loader = GCSFileLoader(
self.project_name, self.bucket, blob.name, loader_func=self._loader_func
print(f"Loading {blob.name}")
return docs
You should set GCS_BUCKET_DOCS with the folder name in the GCS bucket. This is the folder where you store codebase
GCS_BUCKET_DOCS = "code-base-chat"
print(f"Processing codebase from {GCS_BUCKET_DOCS}")
loader = GCSDirectoryLoaderNew(
project_name=PROJECT_ID, bucket=GCS_BUCKET_DOCS,
documents = loader.load()
# Add document name and source to the metadata
for document in documents:
doc_md = document.metadata
document_name = doc_md["source"].split("/")[-1]
# derive doc source from Document loader
doc_source_prefix = "/".join(GCS_BUCKET_DOCS.split("/")[:3])
doc_source_suffix = "/".join(doc_md["source"].split("/")[4:-1])
source = f"{doc_source_prefix}/{doc_source_suffix}"
document.metadata = {"source": source, "document_name": document_name}
print(f"{document_name}: {source}")
print(f"# of documents loaded (pre-chunking) = {len(documents)}")
Verify document metadata
Chunk code repo¶
Split the code to smaller chunks. When splitting the document, ensure a few chunks can fit within the context length of LLM.
# split the documents into chunks
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
chunk_size=2000, #1000
chunk_overlap=200 #50
) # separators=["\n\n", "\n", ".", "!", "?", ",", " ", ""],
doc_splits = text_splitter.split_documents(documents)
# Add chunk number to metadata
for idx, split in enumerate(doc_splits):
split.metadata["chunk"] = idx
print(f"# of documents = {len(doc_splits)}")
doc_splits[10].metadata #a sanity check
Configure Matching Engine as Vector Store¶
Get Matching Engine Index id and Endpoint id
ME_INDEX_ID, ME_INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID = mengine.get_index_and_endpoint()
Initialize Matching Engine vector store with text embeddings model
# initialize vector store
me = MatchingEngine.from_components(
# Store docs as embeddings in Matching Engine index
# It may take a while since API is rate limited
texts = [doc.page_content for doc in doc_splits]
metadatas = [
{"namespace": "source", "allow_list": [doc.metadata["source"]]},
{"namespace": "document_name", "allow_list": [doc.metadata["document_name"]]},
{"namespace": "chunk", "allow_list": [str(doc.metadata["chunk"])]},
for doc in doc_splits
doc_ids = me.add_texts(texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas)
# Test whether search from vector store is working
me.similarity_search("what does LICENSE file say?", k=2)
me.similarity_search("What is NFC?", k=2, search_distance=0.4)
Step 3: Retrieval based Question/Answering Chain¶
Configure Question/Answering Chain with Vector Store using Text¶
Define Matching Engine Vector Store as retriever that takes in a query and returns a list of relevant documents. The retriever implementation supports configuring number of documents to fetch and filtering by search distance as a threshold value parameter.
# Create chain to answer questions
# Expose index to the retriever
retriever = me.as_retriever(
Customize the default retrieval prompt template
template = """SYSTEM: You are an intelligent assistant helping the users with their questions and you will use the provided context to answer user questions with detailed explanations.
Question: {question}
Strictly Use ONLY the following pieces of context to answer the question at the end. Think step-by-step and then answer.
Do not try to make up an answer:
Question: {question}
Helpful Answer:"""
Configure RetrievalQA chain
# Uses LLM to synthesize results from the search index.
# Use Vertex PaLM Text API for LLM
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(
"prompt": PromptTemplate(
input_variables=["context", "question"],
Enable verbose logging for debugging and troubleshooting the chains which includes the complete prompt to the LLM
# Enable for troubleshooting
qa.combine_documents_chain.verbose = True
qa.combine_documents_chain.llm_chain.verbose = True
qa.combine_documents_chain.llm_chain.llm.verbose = True
Utility function to format the result
def formatter(result):
print(f"Query: {result['query']}")
print("." * 80)
if "source_documents" in result.keys():
for idx, ref in enumerate(result["source_documents"]):
print("-" * 80)
print(f"REFERENCE #{idx}")
print("-" * 80)
if "score" in ref.metadata:
print(f"Matching Score: {ref.metadata['score']}")
if "source" in ref.metadata:
print(f"Document Source: {ref.metadata['source']}")
if "document_name" in ref.metadata:
print(f"Document Name: {ref.metadata['document_name']}")
print("." * 80)
print(f"Content: \n{wrap(ref.page_content)}")
print("." * 80)
print(f"Response: {wrap(result['result'])}")
print("." * 80)
def wrap(s):
return "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(s, width=120, break_long_words=False))
def ask(query, qa=qa, k=NUMBER_OF_RESULTS, search_distance=SEARCH_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD):
qa.retriever.search_kwargs["search_distance"] = search_distance
qa.retriever.search_kwargs["k"] = k
result = qa({"query": query})
return formatter(result)
Run QA chain on sample questions¶
ask("what does LICENSE file say?")
ask("what are the pom dependencies in this project?")
ask("how does CI/CD pipeline that powers Bank of Anthos work?")
Clean Up¶
Please delete Matching Index and Index Endpoint after running your experiments to avoid incurring additional charges. Please note that you will be charged as long as the endpoint is running.
ME_INDEX_ID, ME_INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID = mengine.get_index_and_endpoint()
- Undeploy indexes and Delete index endpoint
if CLEANUP_RESOURCES and "mengine" in globals():
f"Undeploying all indexes and deleting the index endpoint {ME_INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID}"
- Delete index
if CLEANUP_RESOURCES and "mengine" in globals():
print(f"Deleting the index {ME_INDEX_ID}")
- Delete contents from the Cloud Storage bucket
print(f"Deleting contents from the Cloud Storage bucket {ME_EMBEDDING_DIR}")
ME_EMBEDDING_BUCKET = "/".join(ME_EMBEDDING_DIR.split("/")[:3])
shell_output = ! gsutil du -ash gs://$ME_EMBEDDING_BUCKET
f"Size of the bucket {ME_EMBEDDING_BUCKET} before deleting = {' '.join(shell_output[0].split()[:2])}"
# uncomment below line to delete contents of the bucket
# ! gsutil -m rm -r gs://$ME_EMBEDDING_BUCKET