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E2E GenAI application with Langchain, Ray, Flask API backend, React frontend

In this tutorial you will deploy a end-to-end application that will use GenAI model from Hugging Face on the backend, Ray Serve for inference, Flask API backend, and simple React frontend.

Before you begin

Create or select an existing GCP project and open Cloud Shell. You can use these steps

Infrastructure Installation

  1. If needed, git clone
  2. Create a new GKE cluster and install the kuberay operator
    1. cd gke-platform
    2. Edit with your GCP settings. Make sure you change project_id and cluster_name.
    3. Run terraform init
    4. Run terraform apply
  3. Configure credentials to point to the cluster: gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --location=<region>
  4. Install Ray on GKE
    1. cd ray-on-gke/user
    2. Edit with your GCP settings. Make sure you set: project_id, namespace, service_account.
    3. Note the namespace setting. All microservices in this sample will be deployed to this same namespace for simplicity.
    4. Run terraform init
    5. Run terraform apply
  5. Install Jupyter on GKE. These steps are needed to experimentation (see the section below). You can skip it if you want to go straight to building the application.
    1. cd jupyter-on-gke
    2. Edit with your GCP settings. Make sure that you set project_id, project_number, namespace. Use the same namespace as above.
    3. Configure higher resource limits and guarantees. In jupyter_config/config.yaml change the following: yaml singleuser: cpu: limit: 1 guarantee: .5 memory: limit: 4G guarantee: 1G
    4. Run terraform init
    5. Run terraform apply


Experiment with the model in Jupyter Notebook: 1. Get the address of your Jupyter hub: Jupyter Hub IP kubectl get service proxy-public -n <namespace name> -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' 1. Configure IAP and open Jupyter Hub by following the steps in here. 1. From JupyterHub open this notebook: and run it step by step 1. The first section shows how to run the model directly 1. The second section shows how to do the same using Ray Serve.

Build the end-to-end application

  1. We used Jupyter Notebook to experiment, but now let's build the Flask backend that calls into Ray Serve.

    1. Observe it loads the model and creates Ray.Serve function that uses Langchain library to run two nested prompts.
    2. Observe it uses Flask framework to create API route that calls into Ray.Serve endpoint
    3. Containerize and deploy the backend image to the registry. Do these steps from backend directory: bash PROJECT_ID=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID> # configure GCR gcloud auth configure-docker # build the image docker build -t hf-lc-ray:latest . # tag the image for GCR docker tag hf-lc-ray:latest${PROJECT_ID}/hf-lc-ray:latest # push the image to GCR docker push${PROJECT_ID}/hf-lc-ray:latest
    4. Deploy backend to the cluster. Open src/backend/deploy.yaml and change PROJECT_ID to your project (you can also use sed: sed -i "s/YOUR_PROJECT/${PROJECT_ID}/" src/backend/deploy.yaml ). Then run bash kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml -n <YOUR_NAMESPACE>
    5. Find backend IP on the services page: hf-lc-ray-service: Backend IP kubectl get service hf-lc-ray-service -n <namespace name> -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
    6. To test that backend works you can run: ENDPOINT='http://<IP>/run' curl -XPOST "${ENDPOINT}?text=football" You will get a response similar to: ["a football player is a player who plays for a team","Un joueur de football est un player qui joue pour un \u00e9quipe."]
  2. Finally, let's deploy React frontend. Note that in a production distributed application, you can use K8s Ingress with routes for backend and frontend to avoid taking dependcy on the IP, this approach is provided for simplicity.

    1. Update the API_ENDPOINT in src/frontend/src/index.tsx
    2. Containerize and deploy the frontend image to the registry. Do these steps from src/frontend directory: bash PROJECT_ID=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID> # configure GCR gcloud auth configure-docker # build the image docker build -t hf-lc-ray-fe:latest . # tag the image for GCR docker tag hf-lc-ray-fe:latest${PROJECT_ID}/hf-lc-ray-fe:latest # push the image to GCR docker push${PROJECT_ID}/hf-lc-ray-fe:latest
    3. Deploy frontend to the cluster. Open src/frontend/deploy.yaml and change PROJECT_ID to your project (you can also use sed: sed -i "s/YOUR_PROJECT/${PROJECT_ID}/" src/frontend/deploy.yaml ). Then run bash kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml -n <YOUR_NAMESPACE>
    4. Find frontend IP on the services page: hf-lc-ray-fe-service: Frontend IP
    5. Click to navigate and give it a try! Frontend App